Deduction of Charges for alloted Houses (Uploaded on 26/03/2025)
Proposal for Allotment of House Type- VB/02, 12 and 19 (Uploaded on 18/03/2025)
Proposal for Allotment of House Type- III (Uploaded on 18/03/2025)
Proposal for Allotment of House Type- 2A (Uploaded on 18/03/2025)
Seniority List of Accounts Cader (Uploaded on 05/03/2025)
Provisional Seniority List for House Allotment for the calendar Year 2025 (Uploaded on 03/02/2025)
RESULT: House changed based on seniority (Uploaded on 28/01/2025)
RESULT: House changed based on seniority (Uploaded on 06/01/2025)
RESULT: House changed based on seniority with respect to order no: PGI/ESTATE/H-540/529/24 dated 14/10/2024(Uploaded on 29/11/2024)
RESULT: House changed based on seniority with respect to order no: PGI/ESTATE/H-540/508/2024 dated 14/10/2024(Uploaded on 02/11/2024)
PROMOTION Account Cader vide Office Memorandum No PGI/ESTT/File RSD 2619/11 Vol-VI/ 762/2024 Dated 16/10/24: (Uploaded on 21/10/2024)
PROMOTION Account Cader vide Office Memorandum No PGI/ESTT/File RSD 2619/11 Vol-VI/ 761/2024 Dated 16/10/24: (Uploaded on 21/10/2024)
PROMOTION Account Cader vide Office Memorandum No PGI/ESTT/File RSD 2619/11 Vol-VI/ 760/2024 Dated 16/10/24: (Uploaded on 21/10/2024)
PROMOTION Account Cader vide Office Memorandum No PGI/ESTT/File RSD 2619/11 Vol-VI/ 759/2024 Dated 16/10/24: (Uploaded on 21/10/2024)
PROMOTION Account Cader vide Office Memorandum No PGI/ESTT/File RSD 2619/11 Vol-VI/ 758/2024 Dated 16/10/24: (Uploaded on 21/10/2024)
PROMOTION Account Cader vide Office Memorandum No PGI/ESTT/File RSD 2619/11 Vol-VI/ 757/2024 Dated 16/10/24: (Uploaded on 21/10/2024)
PROMOTION Account Cader vide Office Memorandum No PGI/ESTT/File RSD 2619/11 Vol-VI/ 756/2024 Dated 16/10/24: (Uploaded on 21/10/2024)
RESULT: Allotment of Type-III Houses against Office Order No PGI/Estate/H-548/486/2024 Dated 27/09/2024(Uploaded on 14/10/2024)
Prepration of Seniority for House Allotment(Uploaded on 14/10/2024)
Old Old pension Scheme applicant : Request to Update your application (Uploaded on 30/09/2024)
Final seniority List for the allottment of Type-III Houses (Uploaded on 30/09/2024)
Proposal for allotment of Type -III Houses(Uploaded on 30/09/2024)
Proposal of allottment of Type 2A houses (Uploaded on 25/09/2024)
RESULT of allotment of Type-IV houses besed on seniority against Office Order no:PGI/ESTATE/H-540/464/24 dated 17/09/2024 (Uploaded on 19/09/2024)
MediTech CoE 6th open Challenge Program to be launch tentatively in October 2024(Uploaded on 10/09/2024)
RESULT: Allotment of Houses based on Seniority against offier letter No. PGI/Estate/H-539/433/2024 dt: 22/08/24(Uploaded on 05/09/2024)
Mr. SK Srivastava Promotion order (Uploaded on 03/09/2024)
Mr. PC Khanna Promotion Order (Uploaded on 03/09/2024)
RESULT: Allotment of Type-I, Type-II, Type-IV Houses change based on Seniority (Uploaded on 23/08/2024)
Proposal for allotment of vacant Type-II2A House (Uploaded on 23/08/2024)
RESULT of allotment of Type-II houses besed on seniority (Uploaded on 08/08/2024)
Promotion order (Uploaded on 31/07/2024)
Circular regarding Seniority List(Correction) of Staff under Establishment of Med. Superindent (Uploaded on 23/08/2024)
Seniority List(Provisional) of Staff under Establishment of Med. Superindent (Uploaded on 31/07/2024)
OT/ICU Allowance for Nursing Staff(Uploaded on 27/07/2024)
Request for Proposal for vacant Type-II/A(Uploaded on 24/07/2024)
Result Type-II/A(Based on Seniority)(Uploaded on 24/07/2024)
आवंटित आवासों के आवास का सिविल/विद्युत अनुरक्षण कार्य शीर्ष प्राथमिकता पर करते हुये आवंटियों को आवंटित आवास का कब्जा देकर सूचना दिये जाने के संबंध में। (Uploaded on 12/07/2024)
Result Type-II/A(Based on Seniority)(Uploaded on 08/07/2024)
Application Formats related to Vehicle Section(Uploaded on 08/07/2024)
Result Type-II/A(change in same category)(Uploaded on 25/06/2024)
Deduction of various charges from allottees (Uploaded on 25/06/2024)
Proposal for vacant Type-II/A(Uploaded on 25/06/2024)
Paper allowance (Uploaded on 12/06/2024)
Seniority list(Provisional) of Employees working under MS Establishment(Uploaded on 05/06/2024)
Promotion order (Administration) (Uploaded on 03/06/2024)
Seniority list- Accounts Cadre(Uploaded on 25/05/2024)
Allotment of Houses - Types-II/A(Uploaded on 26/05/2024)
Proposal for Vacant House Type-IIA (Uploaded on 08/05/2024)
Revised seniority list- Accounts Cadre(Uploaded on 23/04/2024)
Allotment of Houses - Types-III(Uploaded on 04/04/2024)
Promotion order (Joint director Administration Office)(Uploaded on 02/04/2024)
Detail of Employees who applied for change of house in same category (Uploaded on 27/03/2024)
Non-Functional Scale granted to PS cadre after screening committee recommendations, constituted for MACPS (Uploaded on 23/03/2024)
Proposal for allotment of Vacant Type-2A Houses (Uploaded on 22/03/2024)
MACPS granted to BC,D group of Employees (Uploaded on 14/03/2024) || Corrected Verson (Uploaded on 18/03/2024)
House allotment based on Seniority (Uploaded on 13/03/2024)
Seniority List: Vehicle Cadre (Uploaded on 07/03/2024)
Seniority List: Attendant Gr-2 (Uploaded on 07/03/2024)
Seniority List: Computer cadre System Manager Manager, Programmer (Uploaded on 07/03/2024)
Seniority List: Computer cadre DEO (Uploaded on 07/03/2024)
Seniority List: Attendant Gr-1 (Uploaded on 07/03/2024)
Seniority List: Senior office Attendant(Uploaded on 07/03/2024)
Seniority List: Horticulture Cadre(Uploaded on 07/03/2024)
Seniority List: Nursery school cadre_070324(Uploaded on 07/03/2024)
Seniority List: Secreterial Cadre(Uploaded on 07/03/2024)
Promotion Order: DPC held on 27/02/2024(Uploaded on 02/03/2024)
Promotion Order: DPC held on 27/02/2024(Uploaded on 01/03/2024)
Proposal for Type-III Vacant Houses(Uploaded on 27/02/2024)
Invitation to Launch of open challenge Progrsam 5.0 by MediTech COE in SGPGIMS(Invitation & Program Schedule) (Uploaded on 26/02/2024)
Result : House Change on seniority basis(Uploaded on 22/02/2024)
Seniority Present position of employees of Engineering cadre dated 20 2 2024 (Uploaded on 21/02/2024)
महासचिव राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग नई दिल्ली के पत्र के अनुक्रम में संकाय सदस्यों/अधिकारियों/कर्मचारियों से अपेक्षा की जाती है कि मानसिक स्वास्थ्य परामर्शदाता का अनुपालन सुनिश्चित करें(Uploaded on 20/02/2024)
Result - Type-III Houses on the basis of 2023 seniority(Uploaded on 07/02/2024)
Result - Type-III Nurses Flats (New Campus) Only for Nursing Cadre(Uploaded on 07/02/2024)
Result of House change in same category (Uploaded on 03/02/2024)
Seniority List(Corrected & Updated Seniority List earliear published on 3rd Jan 2024): Junior Administrative Officer (Uploaded on 01/02/2024)
Final Call from Hospital Attendants (Any grade) to submit application for Promotion (Uploaded on 31/01/2024)
Provisional Seniority List for House Allotment for the calendar year 2024 (Uploaded on 18/01/2024)
HIGH ALERT: 15th January to 15th February (Uploaded on 15/01/2024)
Seniority List: Chief Administrative Officer, Sr. Administrative Officer, Administrative Officer (Uploaded on 04/01/2024)
Seniority List: Assistant Administrative Officer (Uploaded on 04/01/2024)
Seniority List: Junior Administrative Officer(Uploaded on 04/01/2024)
Seniority List: Senior Administrative Assistant (Uploaded on 04/01/2024)
Seniority List(Central Library Cadre): Librarian Grade-I,Grade-II,Grade-III (Uploaded on 04/01/2024)
Seniority List(Central workshop cadre): STO, TO,Workshp Technician Grade-I & II,workshop assistant, Liftman (Uploaded on 04/01/2024)
RESULT: House allottment of Type-II/A (Uploaded on 03/01/2024)
Details of Employees applied for change house in same category (Uploaded on 03/01/2024)
Guidelines for the promotion of Hospital Attendant/Sanitary Attendant (Uploaded on 02/01/2024) || clarification/correction of date of GB (Uploaded on 06/01/2024)
Conducting an interactive awareness Session about mediTech CoE in SGPGIMS
Promotion assesment of Faculties related circular(Uploaded on 26/12/2023)
RESULT: Type-VB based on seniority 2023(Uploaded on 23/12/2023)
RESULT: Type-IIA/IV/VB/IIB/I(Uploaded on 13/12/2023)
Proposal for Vacant Type-3(Uploaded on 13/12/2023)
Proposal for Vacant Type-2A(Uploaded on 13/12/2023)
SGPGI Recruitment: Results of faculty selections on contract basis held 2nd November, 2023 at SGPGIMS, Lucknow (Advt. No. l-25/ ER/ACAD/2023-24)
RESULT:Type-III Nurses Flats (New campus) (uploaded on 26/10/2023)
RESULT:Type IV / Old Campus (uploaded on 25/10/2023)
RESULT:Regarding result of type-IIA houses (uploaded on 19/10/2023)
Prepration of Seniority List for House Allotment (Uploaded on 10/10/2023)
International Day of Non-violence will be observeil on 2"d October. 2023 at l2:00PM(Uploaded on 30/09/2023)
Cleanliness drive to be held as a part of Swachhata PakhwadaSwachhata Hi Seva (SHS) pm 1't October, 2023(Uploaded on 30/09/2023)
MACPS Order (Combined): Administraton Cader (Uploaded on 08/98/2023)
MACPS Order : Secretarial Cader (Uploaded on 08/98/2023)
MACPS Order(Single) : Administraton Cader (Uploaded on 08/98/2023)
Promotion Order : Administration Cader (Uploaded on 08/98/2023)
Promotion Order : Personal Assistant(Uploaded on 06/98/2023)
Promotion Order : Workshop Assistant(Uploaded on 06/98/2023)
Limited Departmental Competitive Exam for Senior administrative Assistant Post : office memorandum(Uploaded on 29/8/2023)
Type II/A House Allotment List (Uploaded on 25/8/2023)
Seniority List : Workshop Technician Gr-I , Workshop Technician Gr-II And Workshop Assistant(Uploaded on 12/8/2023)
आज़ादी के अमृत महोत्सव योजना के अंतर्गत उत्तर प्रदेश में मेरी माटी मेरा देश कार्यक्रमों के आयोजन की कार्य योजना की सूचना (Uploaded on 8/8/2023)
[Estate Office] House Allotmentbasd on seniority year 2023. (Uploaded on 24/07/2023)
[Estate Office] House Allotment in same category(Type-IV) year 2023. (Uploaded on 24/07/2023)
[Estate Office] House Allotment of Type-IIA year 2023. (Uploaded on 12/07/2023)
[Estate Office] House Allotment in same category year 2023. (Uploaded on 30/06/2023)
[Estate Office] House Allotment List for the year 2023. (Uploaded on 15/06/2023)
[Dean Office] 21st June 2023: Yog Divas (Uploaded on 13/06/2023)
[JDA Office] Promotion of Employees (Uploaded on 05/06/2023)
[JDA Office] Promotion of Employees (Uploaded on 03/06/2023)
[Director Office] E-Office : New files to created only via E-office (Uploaded on 10/05/2023)
[Director Office] E-Office RSD ID for director's Office (except e-files) (Uploaded on 26/04/2023)
[Estate] Provisional Seniority List for house allotment for the calender year 2023. (Uploaded on 06/04/2023)
[Director Office] Workshop on "Feed Back System-Need for growth of the Institute"
[CMS] Office Memorandum regarding MACPS of employees (Ref. No: 933/PGI/CMS/Estt/2023 dated 13/03/2023)
[CMS] Office Memorandum regardin Promotion of employees(Ref. No: 932/PGI/CMS/Estt/2023 dated 13/03/2023)
[CMS] Office Memorandum regardin Promotion of employees (Ref. No: 931/PGI/CMS/Estt/2023 dated 13/03/2023)
[CMS]Office Memorandum regardin Promotion of employees (Ref. No: 930/PGI/CMS/Estt/2023 dated 13/03/2023)
[CMS] Promotion of OT Addendents as per 94th GB Desicion
[JDA Camp] List of B,C,D Employees awarded ACPS/MACPS (Office Memorandum No:PGI/DIR/DC/RSD No:6323/15/27/2023 Dt: 06/01/2023)
[JDA Camp] List of Employees promoted via DPC held on 21/12/2022
[Estate] Preparation of Seniority List for House Allotment for ALLOTMENT YEAR 2023
[Circular] Office Memorandum: Complinance of Covid-19 guidelines
[College of Nursing] Office Memorandum: Change of nomenclature of teaching posts of college of nursing, sanctioning of Administrative posts, & removal of re-evaluation in new semester system
[College of Nursing] Office Memorandum: Adoption of Semester System for B.Sc. Nursing Course & change in non-nursing subjets
[College of Nursing] Office Memorandum: Manpower requirement for increasing B.Sc. Nursing Seats & to start M.Sc. nursing
[Esate]Proposal for House Allotment of House Type- VA/12 (Uploaded on 30/11/2022)
[Esate]Type-II A House Allotement Based on seniority 2022
Extension LTC for NER,J&K, Ladakh and A&N (01/11/2022)
Estate Departent: Final Seniority List 2022: House Allotment
Essay & Slogen writing competition to commemorate the 75th year of independence under the flagship program of "Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav"
Related to publication of Seniority List( Post wise) and present status - 2018 of Technician Cader
Medi Tech CoE planning to launch 3rd open challange program by 1st Week of June 2022
Exemption in minimum requirement to appear in the final examination for DM/MCh Super specialty 219-20 batch(issued by NMC)
Promotion of Employees (PGI/ESTT/File RSD No. 2619/11 Vol-II/314/2022
[JDA Office]Seniority list(30/3/22)::||CAO, SAO & AO || Computer || Vehicle Cell || Secretarial || Nursery School || Library || Material Management || Horticulture || Engineering || Attaindent Gr-II || Attaindent Gr-I ||
[JDA Office]Seniority list(4/4/22):: Administration-List-2 || Engineering-List-2 || Sr. Attendant ||
[JDA Office]Seniority list(4/4/22)::||Finance || Correction in Seniority List (Uploaded on 30/06/2022)||
[Director's Camp]MedTech CoE is organizing a session on 9th July 2O22 for SGPGI faculty members/students/entrepreneurs
[Venues Committee]Charges List of Venues (Convention Centre, Hobby Centre, Shruti Auditorium, Swimming Pool)
[Estate Office]House Change in same category for Type-IV/83
[JDA Office]Seniority list of Chief AO, Senior AO & AO (Uploaded on 29/03/22)
[Director's Office]Annual Flower & Vegetable show at Rajbhavan
[Director's Office]Condolence meeting and pay tribute to Bharat Ratna Late Lata Mangeshkar Ji on 7/2/22 at 12 Noon
[Director's Office] Promotion: Mr. arjun Prasad & Becha Lal-II (RSD-2619/II Vol-II/79/2022 dt:01/02/22)
[Director's Office] Republic Day Celebrations: Schedule and Protocol
[BHI Office] E-Office: transfer of receipts(letters) and files
[JDA Office] Executive Registrar Appointment: Office Memorandum(PGI/Recruit/RSD 1603/21/Vol-II//2021/1833 Dt:24/12/21
[JDA Office] MACPS of Group B,C,D Employees (PGI/DIR/DC/RSD no. 6323/15/631/2021 Dt:20/12/2021)
[CMS Office] Seniority List of Hospital Attendent (Provisional) uploaded on 16.12.21
[Director's Office] Promotion of Officers/Employees (PGI/ESTT/RSD 2619/II Vol-II/619/2021) dated 14/12/21
[Director's Office] Format for getting new RSD No for Urgent/Confidential Matter E-Office
[Director's Office] Guidelines regarding EL Application & Files movements via E-Office Application
[CMS Office] Guidelines regarding imparting timely emergency medical care to the employees & their dependents
[Director Office] E-Office: DAK movement procedurs
[Hospital Administration] Merit List of Selcted Candidates for contractual engagement Under SOTTO-UP
[MS Office] Bonus payment for the year 2020-21
[CMS Office] Seniority Postition & Present Status of Technical Officers in Laboratory Technician Cader (Uploaded on 28/09/2020)
SGPGI Prepares for effective management of Dengu & other viral fever Patients
Circular regarding Department wise roster for effective Management of Dengu Patients
[CMS Office]Regarding OT/ICU allowance for Nursing staff working in respective area
[CMS Office]Regarding Holiday on 23rd August 2021
[Director Office]Advisory Issued by Hon'ble National Human Right Commission regarding MedTec Centre of Excellence
[CMS Office] Cader Revision post of Technicians/Employees working in Pool
[Estate Dept] House Allotment against Office Order No:PGI/Estate/H-368/162/21 dt:30/3/21
[CMS Office] Cadre Restructring of non-faculty Employee: Office Order || [CMS Office] Format to submit details (Excel file heaving 2 worksheets)
[Estate Dept] Final Seniority list for House allotment for the calender year 2021
[Estate Dept] Provisional Senioritylist for House allotment for the calender year 2021
[Estate Dept] House Allotment of Type IV and Type IIA based on seniority 2020
[Estate Office] Circular Regarding preparation of Seniority list for House Allotment & Apppcation Form
[CMS Office] Circular Regarding start OPD(both e-OPD & Physical OPD) and SOP of running both OPD
[JDA Camp] Cader Structure (Non-Teaching) Establishment-JDA Office(Uploaded on 21/9/20)
[CMS Camp] Cader Structure (Non-Teaching) Establishent-CMS Office(Uploaded on 21/9/20)
[Director's office] ACPS/MACPS list of group B,C,D Employees(PGI/DIR/DC/RSD No. 6323/15/396/20 dt:16/9/20) Uploaded on 17/9/20
[CMS Office] Seniority list of Employees working under Medical Superindent office(Establishment)uploaded on 22/6/20
[Estate Dept] House Allotment of Type IV based on seniority 2020
[Estate Dept] House Allotment of Type V/19 & VB/03 based on seniority 2020
[CMS Office] Seniority & Present Status of Technician Cader (Uploaded on 21/05/2020)
[Estate Office] Final Seniority list for House allotment for the calender year 2020(Uploaded on 16/04/2020)
[Estate Office] Provisional Seniority list for House allotment for the calender year 2020(Uploaded on 17/02/2020)
[CMS Office] Restructuring/Merger of Institute's Radiology/Radiotherapy Technician Cader(Uploaded on 14/02/2020)
[Estate Dept] House Allotment for the year 2010(Uploaded on 01/11/19)
[CMS Camp] Implementation of Cader Structure (Lab & Technician)(Non-Teaching) Estabpshment-CMS Office(Uploaded on 24/9/19)
[JDA Camp] Draft Cader Structure(Non-Teaching) Estabpshment-CMS Office(Uploaded on 14/8/19)
[JDA Camp] Draft Cader Structure(Non-Teaching) Estabpshment-JDA(Uploaded on 14/8/19)
[JDMM Office] Pre-bid meeting circular 2019-20(Uploaded on 26/7/19)
[CMS Office] Seniority list of Technician Cadre (Uploaded on 8/7/19)
[Finance] Circular regarding Form16 for the year 2018-19
[JDA Camp] Circular regarding list of employees Retiring in the year 2019(Uploaded on 27/4/2019)
[Director Camp] Institute Circular regarding AYUSHMAN BHARAT PRADHAN MANTRI JAN AROGYA YOJNA(Uploaded on 18/3/2019)
[ER Office] Provisional Inter-se-Seniority list of Professors(Uploaded on 23/4/2019)
[HOD Anaesthesiology] Swiming Pool Activation Circular April 2019(Uploaded on 2/4/2019)
[Estate Department] Final Seniority list for House Allotment-year 2019 (Uploaded on 19/3/2019)
[JDA Camp] Institute office Order regarding allownaces as per 7th pay commsiision(Uploaded on 20/2/2019)
[JDA Camp] Circular regarding Restructuring of cader review meeting (Uploaded on 20/2/2019)
[JDA Camp] Estate Department: Seniority list for House Allotment-year 2019 (Uploaded on 29/1/2019)
[JDA Camp] Estabpshment 2(CMS):Cader Structure Review Report (Uploaded on 15/01/19)
[JDA Camp] Estabpshment 1(JDA):Cader Structure Review Report (Uploaded on 15/01/19)
[Estate Dept] Extension of Seniority pst submission request for House Allotment for the year 2019 (Uploaded on 08/12/18)
[JDA Camp] Provisional Cader Structure Review Report-Admistration(Uploaded on 04/10/18)
[JDA Camp] Provisional Cader Structure Review Report-CMS Office (Uploaded on 04/10/18)
[CMS Camp]Seniority pst of Technician Cader including STO, TO, Technician Gr-I & Technician Gr-II(Uploaded on 07/08/18)
[JDA Camp] pst of Epgible candidates for departmntal Competition for the post of office superindent (Uploaded on 06/07/18)
[JDA Camp] Proceedings of DPC meeting held on 17/05/2018(Uploaded on 04/06/18)
[JDA Camp] Provisional (New) Cader Structure Review Report(Uploaded on 31/05/18)
[CMS Camp] Provisional (New) Cader Structure Review Report(Uploaded on 31/05/18)
[JDA Camp] Doucuments Related to GB 08.1.1988 & Followed representations (Directives of Cheief Secretary on the Recommandations of Prof. UK Mishra) (Uploaded on 11/05/18)
Summary for Arrear Calculation of Estabpshment 1(JDA Office):
Cader Review Report - Ist Revision (Uploaded on 11/04/18:
Notice regarding Cader Review Report - Ist Revision (Uploaded on 13/04/18
[JDA Camp] Brief Description & Doucuments Related to GB 08.1.1988 (Directives of Cheief Secretary on the Recommandations of Prof. UK Mishra) (Uploaded on 05/04/18)
[JDA Camp] Minutes: Committee Constituted to examine Financial & Promotional anomapes after GB 08.1.1988 (Uploaded on 20/01/18)
[JDA Camp] Time pne of disscussion/decision takeing schedule representations received against cader review report(Uploaded on 05/01/18)
[Legal Cell] Draft Recommendation in respect of Pay scale issue of Technician Grade-2(Uploaded on 01/01/18)
[Estate Dept] Seniority pst for House Allotment for the year 2018 (Uploaded on 04/12/17)
[JDA Camp] Provisional Cader Structure Review Report- pst6(Uploaded on 31/01/18)
[JDA Camp] Provisional Cader Structure Review Report- pst5(Uploaded on 20/01/18)
[JDA Camp] Provisional Cader Structure Review Report- pst4(Uploaded on 07/12/17)
[JDA Camp] Provisional Cader Structure Review Report- pst3(Uploaded on 07/12/17)
[JDA Camp] Provisional Cader Structure Review Report- pst2(Uploaded on 11/11/17)
[JDA Camp] Provisional Cader Structure Review Report- pst1(Uploaded on 13/10/17)
[JDA Camp] Fixation Memo of employees affected by abopshing reservation in promotion (uploaded on 21/10/17)
[CMS Office] Seniority list of Sister Gr-II recruited by Direct Recruitment (Uploaded on 26/04/17)
[Estate Dept] Provisional Seniority pst 2017 for Type IV Residence (Uploaded on 20/04/17)
[Estate Dept] Seniority list for House Allotment for the Year 2017 (Uploaded on 12/12/16)
[JDA Camp] Cadre Structur(Comparison as per AIIMS, New Delhi)(Uploaded on 27/07/16)
[Estate Dept] Rules & Process to use Community Centre Area for outside companies(Uploaded on 15/07/16)
[JDA Camp] Cadre Review Report Approved by 43rd GB dated 03/01/1997(Uploaded on 11/06/16)
[JDA Camp] Cadre Review Report approved by 52nd GB (Uploaded on 11/06/16)
[JDA Camp]Notice for Selection of Office Superindent through Departmental competition(PGI/Estt/585/16
[JDA Camp]Seniority & Present Position of the employee after Dissolving reservation in promotion(PGI/dir/rsd11392/12/426,428,425,427,429,424,/16 Dt 25/05/16) Upload Dt: 27/05/16
[CMS Office]Seniority & Present Position of the employee after Dissolving reservation in promotion(PGI/MS/Estt/2485/2016 Dt 28/04/16) Upload Dt: 02/05/16
[JDA Camp]Notice for Service Book Verification(PGI/Estt/347/2016 Dt 22/04/16) Upload Dt: 23/04/16
[JDA Camp]Seniority & Present Position of the employee after Dissolving reservation in promotion(PGI/Dir/File RSD-11392/12/336&337&338&339&340&341/2016) Upload Dt: 19/03/16
[Estate Dept]Senioritylist for House Allotment (PGI/Estate/H-162/103/2016) Upload Dt: 18/03/16
[Estate Dept] House Allotement Rules in SGPGIMS(last updated on 12/11/2015)
[Estabpshment Admn] Groupwise Post Detail