The Institute has independent Student Council (SC) for the College of Nursing (CON) and the College of Medical Technology (CMT) respectively. The MD/DM/MCh/MS students are resident doctors. They have a student welfare body by the name of the Resident Doctors Association (RDA) [i.e. Student Council for the resident doctors and Doctors in training]. RDA is a national nomenclature adopted by trainee doctors across the country and is made of the resident doctors, and for the residents to meet their specific requirements. Through these student councils/ RDA, the Institute wishes to ensure that they empower the students.
Constituents of Student Council:
The members of each of these bodies are in principle either elected/ nominated. SC consists of the following:
Role of Student Council:
Functioning of StudentCouncil:
ensure the satisfaction and safety of all the students. All student/ resident related grievances reach SC, who in turn facilitates course correcting remedial measures by the authorities.
Downstream effects of SC:
management and leadership skills.
redressal mechanisms.
To conclude, the Student Council works towards safe and smooth environment for all the students at
SGPGIMS. In case of any dispute/ conflict the Council tries to resolves issues. Thus, student councils play an important role in the Institute for the overall growth of the students and the Institute.