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SGPGIMS | Lucknow

Student council

The Institute has independent Student Council (SC) for the College of Nursing (CON) and the College of Medical Technology (CMT) respectively. The MD/DM/MCh/MS students are resident doctors. They have a student welfare body by the name of the Resident Doctors Association (RDA) [i.e. Student Council for the resident doctors and Doctors in training]. RDA is a national nomenclature adopted by trainee doctors across the country and is made of the resident doctors, and for the residents to meet their specific requirements. Through these student councils/ RDA, the Institute wishes to ensure that they empower the students.


Constituents of Student Council:

The members of each of these bodies are in principle either elected/ nominated. SC consists of the following:

  • Chairman,
  • Members including a female and a male representative.
  • Member Secretary
  • A faculty member is earmarked for an advisory role. The Council members work on issues, under the under the guidance and supervision of the warden/ provost and CMT/CON faculty respectively.


Role of Student Council:

  • The Council plays an active role in all student welfare activities,
  • Conduct and coordinate extra-curricular activities Participation in overall Institute growth activities.
  • Spread awareness regarding student safety including anti-ragging and gender discrimination activities
  • Dissemination of student pertinent information to all
  • Participate in the awareness programs that are routinely organized such as ill effects of tobacco, hand hygiene, cancer awareness etc.
  • SCs plan to act as a bridge between the Alumni association to include each year's outgoing
  • students.


Functioning of StudentCouncil:

  • The council members meet regularly with the aim of improving the working environment, to

ensure the satisfaction and safety of all the students. All student/ resident related grievances reach SC, who in turn facilitates course correcting remedial measures by the authorities.

  • Council members ensure maintenance of discipline on campus.
  • Council members act as a bridge between the students and administrators for all the issues related to students during their course period.
  • The members routinely look into the living conditions in the hostel, mess and canteen especially with respect to maintenance of hygiene and safety standards.
  • SCs routinely urges students/ residents to form clubs/ society, and actively participate, especially on the earmarked days of importance, celebrated within the Institute, such as Independence Day,
  • Republic Day and International Yoga Day, World Cancer Day, International Women’s Day,
  • World TB Day etc.


Downstream effects of SC:

  • During the course of their tenure as Student council member, they learn to work together as a team, for the benefit of the community of students.
  • The council members also acquire a strong bond, team spirit, communication skills, resource

management and leadership skills.

  • SC members begin to understand the administrative pattern within the Institute, and existing

redressal mechanisms.


To conclude, the Student Council works towards safe and smooth environment for all the students at

SGPGIMS. In case of any dispute/ conflict the Council tries to resolves issues. Thus, student councils play an important role in the Institute for the overall growth of the students and the Institute.


View student Council cell activities