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Download Office Orders
PGI CMS ESTT 461 2025
Public Holiday on 13/022025 (Uploaded on 04/02/2025)
Wearing Uniform is mandatory during duty hours (Uploaded on 04/02/2025)
Availability of Medical Facility and Medical Equipments in SGPGIMS during arrival of King of Bhutan in Lucknow & MAHA KUMBH Mela (Uploaded on 03/02/2025)
Availability of Medical Facility and Medical Equipments in SGPGIMS during arrival of Hon'ble chief Minister of Tripura & MAHA KUMBH Mela (Uploaded on 03/02/2025)
Office order regarding Republic day celebrations (Uploaded on 20/01/2025)
Proposal for Change of House in Same category (Uploaded on 17/01/2025)
Availability of Medical Facility and Medical Equipments in SGPGIMS during MAHA KUMBH Mela (Uploaded on 15/01/2025)
IT Savings Submission(Uploaded on 13/01/2025)
Promotion after DPC held on 1/7/2024(Uploaded on 06/01/2025)
Winter vacation2024 intemation of Dr. Amitabh Arya, Professor, Dept. of Nuclear Medicine(Uploaded on 30/12/2024)
Winter vacation2024 intemation of Dr. Amitabh Arya, Professor, Dept. of Nuclear Medicine(Uploaded on 30/12/2024)
Proposal for vacant Type-2A Houses(Uploaded on 26/12/2024)
Patient care to be given prefrance instead of other arrangement during visiting of Hon'ble Chief Minister(Uploaded on 26/12/2024)
Office order in view of order issued by Hon'ble High Court dated 14/07/2023(Uploaded on 18/12/2024)
Office order regarding accounts cader promotion and cancelltion of previousordes(Uploaded on 18/12/2024)
Change of House in same category(Uploaded on 09/12/2024)
Extension of date for submission of names for seniority list for House allotment (Uploaded on 07/12/2024)
Availability of medical services and equipments on emergency basis as per instruction of CMO, Lucknow (Uploaded on 07/12/2024)
Deduction of House Rent & other charges (Uploaded on 26/11/2024)
HOD's are requested to send ACR in proper format(Uploaded on 25/11/2024)
LTC-HTC reimbursement related instruction(Uploaded on 20/11/2024)
Change of House in same category(Uploaded on 18/11/2024)
Additional charge of Estate Officer to Mr. Jaydeep Ghuman, JDA (Uploaded on 04/11/2024)
Bonus for the year 2023-24 (Uploaded on 26/10/2024)
Final Seniority List of Emploees after Considering grievances (Uploaded on 25/10/2024)
Inter office regarding the deduction of Electricity and other charges from allottees (Uploaded on 24/10/2024)
Office order regarding Timely submission of ACRs (Annual Confidential Report) and ACR formats(Uploaded on 24/10/2024)
Change of House in the same catergory (Uploaded on 15/10/2024)
Implementation of Biometric attendance system ||
Application format for Biometric attendance system (Uploaded on 10/10/2024)
Duties of Doctors and availability of Medical Equipment and Medicine during upcomming Festival Season (Uploaded on 04/10/2024)
LTC Extension w.e.f.September 2024 to September 2026 (Uploaded on 04/10/2024)
IO Regarding handing over of Houses after completing Civil/Electrical work (Uploaded on 25/09/2024)
IO Regarding deduction of Rent and other charges (Uploaded on 25/09/2024)
Release of Salary of Faculties selected against Advt. No: I/78/ER/ACAD/2022-23 and I/33/ER/ACAD/2023-24 (Uploaded on 24/09/2024)
Apply for Old Pension Scheme option (Uploaded on 11/09/2024)
Apply for change of House in same category(Uploaded on 11/09/2024)
Pursuant of 100th GB Decision regarding agenda item 100.09 (Uploaded on 09/09/2024)
Pursuant of 100th GB Decision regarding agenda item 100.08 (Uploaded on 09/09/2024)
Pursuant of 100th GB Decision regarding agenda item 100.12 (Uploaded on 09/09/2024)
Pursuant of 100th GB Decision regarding agenda item 100.05 (Uploaded on 09/09/2024)
List of Employees eligible for OT/ICU allowance(Uploaded on 07/09/2024)
NOTICE: List of vehicle Cell staff with their CUG Nos available for allotment of Vehicle and supervise school duty buses(Uploaded on 04/09/2024)
Office Order of Consumer/Medical Negligence Cases Filed Against the institute(Uploaded on 30/08/2024)
आवंटित आवासों का सिविल/विद्युत अनुरक्षण कार्य शीर्ष प्राथमिकता पर करते हुये आवंटियों को आवास का कब्जा दिये जाने के संबंध में(Uploaded on 16/08/2024)
Anti Ragging Committee and Anti Ragging Squad (Uploaded on 16/08/2024)
Change of House in same Category for whome alreadey allotted House (Uploaded on 16/08/2024)
Departme wise duty for Adult and peadiatric Dengue patient management (Uploaded on 14/08/2023)
Dr. Tanmoy Ghatak to be continued as nodal officer for Adult and peadiatric Dengue patient management (Uploaded on 14/08/2023)
Regarding Celebration of Independence Day on the subject of "Har Ghar Tiranga and Kakori Train Action Shatabti Mahotsav" (Uploaded on 12/08/2024)
Increase the limit of gratuity upto Rs 25 Lakh(Uploaded on 05/08/2024)
Notional salary Increment(Uploaded on 05/08/2024)
Hospital patient care allowance for Group A & Group B non-teaching staff(Except Nursing Cader) (Uploaded on 31/07/2024)
Medical facility at SGPGIMS during assembly session from 29/07/2023 to 02/08/2024(Uploaded on 23/07/2024)
Programme Schedule of Independence Day Celebration 15th August 2024(Uploaded on 23/07/2024)
Schedule of duties of Doctors during upcomming Festival Season (from 22/07/24 to 19/08/2024)(Uploaded on 11/07/2024)
Change of House in same category(Uploaded on 15/06/2024)
Emergency duty during EID al-Fitre(Uploaded on 15/06/2024)
Rit/Representation for old Pension Scheme: Advice provided by Dept. of Medical Education of UP(Uploaded on 12/06/2024)
Faculty/Residents nominated for deciding Emergency Situations(Uploaded on 23/03/2024)
Implementing grant of MACPS Scheme and the Superannuation age of Teaching Staff of College of Nursing(Uploaded on 22/03/2024)
Health Care Workers are required to follow preventive measures due to increasing nos of viral infection. (Uploaded on 04/03/2024)
Promotion Office Order : Hospital Attendants promoted to OT Assistants (Uploaded on 20/02/2024)
Office Order regarding Ajay Kumar Sonker writ No 9934 of 2023 dated 22 12 2023 (Uploaded on 27/01/2024)
Office Order regarding Refund of Fees of MD/DM/M.Ch students after Up-gradation. Compliance to 97th GB decision (Uploaded on 25/01/2024)
Office Order regarding increased honorarium for experts for various assignments, in compliance to 99th GB decision (Uploaded on 24/01/2024)
PRAN PRATISHTHA at Ayodhya the following points are required to be adhered by all concerned. (Uploaded on 20/01/2024)
Republic day 26th Jan. 2024: Program Schedule (Uploaded on 19/01/2024)
Pay fixation of Institute employees: Power Delegation by Additional director (Uploaded on 19/01/2024)
ADDENDUM: In continuation of Office order No: PGI/RSD No 0068/Z/MS/Ett./162/2024 Dt:18/01/2024 (Uploaded on 19/01/2024)
भगवान श्री रामचन्द्र जी के मंदिर की प्राण प्रतिष्ठा कार्यक्रम को दृष्टिगत रखते हुए 22 जनवरी 2024 को सार्वजनिक अवकाश रहेगा(Uploaded on 15/01/2024)
भगवान श्री रामचन्द्र जी के मंदिर की प्राण प्रतिष्ठा कार्यक्रम को दृष्टिगत रखते हुए चिकित्सा सुविधा सम्बधि आदेश(Uploaded on 12/01/2024)
Winter Vacation Schedule 2023(Uploaded on 21/12/2023)
Proposal for Allotment of House Type-VB/14 & VB/21(Uploaded on 13/12/2023)
change of House in same category(Uploaded on 13/12/2023)
Downgrading of Faculty Posts as per 99th GB(Uploaded on 07/12/2023)
Office Order regarding Voluntary Retirement of Dr. Bharat Sah, Associate med. Superintendent(Non-Medical)(Uploaded on 01/12/2023)
Welfare cell for Superannuate Employees (Uploaded on 22/11/2023)
House change in same category (Uploaded on 14/10/2023)
Mission Karmyogi
- Mr. Devendra Pandey, AAO nominated as Joint Nodal Officer (Uploaded on 01/11/2023)
Qualitative HCV Core antigen to be red as Quantitative HCV Core antigen (Uploaded on 30/10/2023)
Proposal for allotment of House in same category (Uploaded on 10/10/2023)
Proposal for allotment of House Type-V/09 (Uploaded on 07/10/2023)
Department wise Duty Roster(Modified) of doctors for dengue patients (Uploaded on 04/10/2023)
International Day o1'Non-violence will be observeil on 2"d October. 2023 at l2:00PM(Uploaded on 30/09/2023)
Cleanliness drive to be held as a part of Swachhata PakhwadaSwachhata Hi Seva (SHS) pm 1't October, 2023(Uploaded on 30/09/2023)
Department wise Duty Roster of doctors for dengue patients (Uploaded on 26/09/2023)
Dr. Tanmoy Ghatak to be continued as nodal officer for Adult and peadiatric Dengue patient management (Uploaded on 26/09/2023)
Limited departmental Exam: Extension of Application Submission Date (Uploaded on 08/09/2023)
Guidelines to release Retirement dues (Uploaded on 08/09/2023)
Appointment of dean, SGPGIMS(Uploaded on 05/09/2023)
Appointment of Head, department of Radiotherapy(Uploaded on 05/09/2023)
OT/ICU Allowance for additional areas for nursing employees(Uploaded on 05/09/2023)
Independence day celebration 2023 (Programme & Schedule)(Uploaded on 11/08/2023)
Nomination of Noda Officer(V.C)/ Co-ordinator to Co-ordinate Judicial work through Video Conferencing (Uploaded on 11/08/2023)
Office Order related to Committee recommandations constituted to implement Hon'ble High court decesion dated 18/07/2023(Uploaded on 02/08/2023)
Timely disposing off, Complaints Received via IGRS Portal(Uploaded on 01/08/2023)
Pay Fixation after Promotion/MACPS as per AIIMS, New Dehi (Uploaded on 28/07/2023)
Restructing of committee constituted for Laboratory Technicians adjustment(Uploaded on 21/07/2023)
Mission Karmyogi: Noination of Nodal Officer(Uploaded on 19/07/2023)
Change of House in Same category(Office Order No:PGI/Estate/H-489/1143/2023 dated 10/07/2023)
Change of House in Same category (Office Order No:PGI/Estate/H-489/1092/2023 dated 09/05/2023)
Proposal for Allotment of House Type IIA Houses
Seniority List of Computer cader (Uploaded on 15/06/2023)
21st June 2023 Yog Divas: Schedule of Celebrations (Uploaded on 13/06/2023)
21st June 2023: Yog Divas (Uploaded on 13/06/2023)
Committee for deciding creteria(except direct recruitment) for bifurcation in Technican Cader(Uploaded on 07/06/2023)
All the Establishments directed to send files to the competent authority(Uploaded on 06/06/2023)
Clearance from Autid (Accounts) for Employee Retiring /Promoted (Uploaded on 03/06/2023)
Anti Ragging Squad Committee(Uploaded on 02/06/2023)
Seniority List
of Workshop Technician Gr-I and Gr-II and Workshop Assistant (Uploaded on 02/06/2023)
Seniority List
of Executive engineer,Assistant Engineer and Tradesman-II (Uploaded on 02/06/2023)
Seniority List
of Office Attendant Grade-2 (Uploaded on 02/06/2023)
Seniority List
of Office Attendant Grade-I (Uploaded on 02/06/2023)
Seniority List
of Senior Office Attendant (Uploaded on 02/06/2023)
Seniority List
of Senior Administrative assistant (Uploaded on 02/06/2023)
Seniority List
of Junior Administrative Officer(Uploaded on 02/06/2023)
Seniority List
of Chief Administrative Officer, Sr. Administrative Officer and Administrative Officer(Uploaded on 02/06/2023)
Seniority List
of Assistant Administrative Officer(Uploaded on 02/06/2023)
Weeding and recording of Official document (Uploaded on 02/06/2023)
Change of House in Same Category (Uploaded on 02/06/2023)
Pursuant to order passed by Hon'ble High Court on 13/04/2023 (Uploaded on 22/05/2023)
Summer Vacation 2023:
Revised Schedule of Some Faculty Members (Uploaded on 18/05/2023)
Re-employent of Employees:
Cancellation of Office Order related to Medical Examination of Employees willing for re-employent (Uploaded on 12/05/2023)
Re-employent of Employees:
SOP for the Medical Examination of Employees willing for re-employent (Uploaded on 10/05/2023)
Re-employent of Employees:
SOP for the re-employent of Employees(Uploaded on 02/05/2023)
Re-employent of Employees:
SOP & Format for Re-employment of Institute Emplyee after retirement (Format Enclosed)
Holiday on 4th May 2023: (Uploaded on 02/05/2023)
Guidelines for E-Office communication (Uploaded on 24/04/2023)
Office Order regarding Dress allowance (Uploaded on 202/4/23)
Guidelines for E-Office communication
Holiday Notice on 14th April 2023: Dr. Bheem Rao Ambedkar Jayanti
COVID-19 :
Instructions to Employees (Uploaded on 11/04/2023)
Office order regarding increasing cases of H3N2 Influenza.(Uploaded on 23/03/2023)
MedTech CoE has launched three open challenge programs (OCP1.0, OCP2.0 and OCP3.0)
related office memorandum (PGI/ESTT/File RSD NO. 2619/11 Vol-II/211/2023 Dated 02/03/2023)
related office memorandum (PGI/DIR/DC/RSD NO 2623/15/VOL-III/212/2023 Dated 02/03/2023)
Probation after pomotion related rule for Employees(PGI/ESTT/RSD685 part 3/Z/2023 dt 01/2/2023)
Partial modification in Officer Order PGI/CMS/3597/2022 dt 16/11/22.(Hospital Attandant Gr-III revised as Hospital Attandant Gr-II)
Merger of post from Jr. Programmer-cum data Processor to Programmer
Merger of post from Office Superintendent to Assistant Administrative Officer
Order Canceled by Director
Guidelines to Employees (Faculty, Nursing, paramedical and other employees) during organizational activity like meetings, elections etc.
Guidelines to Employees (Faculty, Nursing, paramedical and other employees) during organizational activity like meetings, elections etc.
Merger of Non-Teaching Post:
Jr. Programmer cum data processor to Programmer
Merger of Non-Teaching Post:
Office superintendent to Assistant Administrative Officer
Creation of Posts(non-teaching):
Creation of Posts under Govt. order no 150/2022/1/250055/2022 File No-71-2001-1-2021 dated 19/12/2022
Republic Day 26th January 2023:
Program Schedule
Behavioural guidelines during treatment, investigation and communicating with patients
Seniority list:
List of Assistant Administrative Officers
License fee Revision:
Revised License Fee of Campus Houses of SGPGIMS
Fee Structure of B.Sc/M.Sc. and BPT courses:
Rationalization of fee structure of various courses at SGPGIMS
Winter Vacation:
List of faculty members whome winter vacation sanctioned for the year 2022
COVID-19 behaviour Guideline. (Uploaded on 23/12/2022)
Behavioural Guideline for paramedical staff of SGPGIMS to the Patients(Uploaded on 23/12/2022)
96th GB decision compliance
Implementation of New Guide lines of utilization of
to faculty members (Uploaded on 09/12/2022)
96th GB decision compliance
Changing the benchmark for all posts from "Good" to "Very good" for MACPS(Uploaded on 06/12/2022)
96th GB decision compliance
Office order regarding increasing the age criteria of recruiting SR(Uploaded on 06/12/2022)
96th GB decision compliance
Office order regarding changing the nomenclature of various post of College of Nursing(Uploaded on 06/12/2022)
96th GB decision compliance
Office order regarding starting of New courses in Pathology & Critical Medicine(Uploaded on 06/12/2022)
96th GB decision compliance
Office order regarding waiving off fees for final year students of B.SC./M.Sc. & BPT (Uploaded on 06/12/2022)
1) Office order regarding Revised Pay Scale of PA/PS (Uploaded on 17/11/2022)
2) (Joint Director Administration): 96th GB decision: Nomenclature of Various Post(16/11/2022)
3) (CMS Office) : 96th GB decision: Nomenclature of Various Post(16/11/2022)
4) 96th GB decision regarding fresh recruitment for EMRTC(16/11/2022)
5) 96th GB Decision: Conversion of Post of Orthopedic surgon to Physician for General Hospital(16/11/2022)
6) Format to provide Dengue Patient's data on daily basis. (10/11/2022)
7) LTC /HTC Office Order related to NER, J&K and A & N (uploaded on 12/11/22)
8) Office Order (Amended Office order: PGI/CMS/3193/2022 dt:8/10/2022) to depute faculty & Residents for coverage of dengue patients(7/11/2022)
9) Office Order regarding Nodal Officer for management of Dengue Patients(9/11/2022)
10) Department wise Roster for dengue patients 2022
11) Formation of Committee for newly built Cricket stadium (01/11/2022)
12) Office Order regarding Bonus for the year 2021-2022
13) Praposal for allotment of Type-VB/6 and Type-VB/10 (11/10/22)
14) SOP for Reemployment of Institute Emplyee after retirement
15) Mr. KK Shrivastava, AAO, nominated as Public information officer(Hospital)
16) Sri Puran Singh Rawat, AAO(Establishment), Nominated as PIO(Administraton)
17) Circular regarding police verification of the servants and their dependents working in Institute Campus
18) Professor SP Ambesh, HOD, Anesthesia, is hereby appointed as a Dean of the Institute with effect from 13.08.2022
Most Urgent:
In pursuant to G.O. no 05/2022/464/19-2-2022-1061/85 dated 06.08.2022,all Departments/Offices of the Institute will remained open on 15th August 2022 for celebration 76th Independence day
20) 76 Independence day celeberation on 15th August, 2022
21) Programme Schedule: Independence Day Celebrations on 15th August, 2022
22) Prof. Narayan Prasad, HOD Nephrology, is entrusted an additional responsibility as ACMS of EMRTC
23) Office Order regarding Grant of Summer Vacation-2022 to the faculty members of the Institute
24) Instruction to Residents and shopkeeprs, business installations in campus related to restrictions to use Plastics
25) Office Order regarding payment of OT/ICU allowance to Nursing Staff (PGI/RSD 1792/V/CMS/1819/2022 Dt: 8/6/22)
26) Office Order regarding giving additional charge to Mr. KK Srivastava, AAO as PIO(Hospital)
27) कपितय दलालो/धोखेबाज़ों द्वारा संस्थान के कर्मचारी बन कर मरीज के तीमारदारों से जांज व ऑपरेशन के लिए पैसा फ़ोन द्वारा अपने निजी खाते में पैसा ट्रांसफर करने का फर्जीवाड़ा किया जा रहा है| रोगियों व तीमारदारों को आगाह किया जाता है की पैसा किसी के भी निजी खातों में ट्रांसफर न करें
28) Office Order regarding Summer Vacation of Institute Faculties for the Year 2022
29) Office Order regarding COVID19 Preparedness
30) Inter Complaint Committee for redressal of the complaints related to sexual harassment of women at work place
31) Grant of Summer Vacation 2022 to the Faculty Members at SGPGIMS, Lucknow
32) New reponsibility entrusted to Prof. Subhash Yadav, Dept. of Endocrinology
33) Closure of Holding area and RTPCR/Trunat testing before admission done away
34) Guidelines for Patients & staff during entering Hospital/OPD buildings/Areas
35) Nomination of Prof. Prabhat Tiwari as Vigilance Officer
36) Covid19 Guidelines in Hospital for Patients and Staff (25/03/2022)
37) Declaration of GH on 19/3/22
38) OPDs SOP: Restriction(Nos) on Follow up and New Patients waved off (24/02/22)
39) Nomination of Committee/Board of studies of college of nursing, SGPGIMS, Lucknow
40) OPDs of the Institute on election day i.e on 23/2/22 remain closed
41) Restructions imposed on sanctioning elective leaves withdrawn
42) Reactivation of Apex Trauma Centre from 14/02/22
Republic Day Celebrations
Revised Schedule & Protocol
COVID-19 (3d wave)
outbreak: Access to patients/relatives in OPD/lPD area with valid RTPCR/TRUNAT report
COVID-19 (3d wave)
outbreak: Policy for re-testing and joining back duties for COVID positive Health Care workers.
COVID-19 (3d wave)
outbreak: lmplementation of guidelines for Management of Healthcare Worker Exposure to SARS-CoV-2.
COVID-19 (3d wave)
outbreak: Swimming Pool & Gym being closed
COVID-19 (3d wave)
outbreak: All Heads of the Departments to ensure compliance to CAB and COVID Protocols
COVID-19 (3d wave)
outbreak: Restriction on elective leaves of faculty members, Resident, Doctors, Officers, Research Scholars, para-medical & non-teaching staff
50) Celebration of
Republic day
on 26th January 2022 following
COVID Protocols
COVID Protocols
Reactivation of Departmental Health Care Worker Surveillance Team for clinical & Non-Clinical areas
COVID Protocols:
Measures to be taken to minimize chances of infection in the OPD/IPD areas of SGPGIMS
COVID Protocols
:Strict Access Control of Hospital & Institute buildings
54) Office order regarding Winter Vacation 2021 for Faculty Members
55) Office order regarding Earned Leave application process for Officers & staff
56) Office order regarding Transfer of Employees(Nursing,Technicians,Attendent etc.) working in Hospital
57) Office order regarding
Protocols/Arrangements for Dengu Management
58) Office order regarding
Criteria for prepration of seniority list of faculty members
59) Proposal for the allotment of house Type Type VB/7 & Type VB/16
60) Office order regarding
No Dues submitted by HODs
61) Office order to celebrate
Independence Day
on 15th August 2021
62) Office order to celebrate
Independence Day
on 15th August 2021
63) Grant of Vacation 2021 to the faculty Members of SGPGIMS. (Uploaded on 8/7/21)
64) Guidelines for Quarantine period of faculty & Staff
65) Guidelines for Sanctioning leave of faculty & Staff
66) Amended Office Order for Pay Scale of Promoted Assistant Professor.
67) World Disability Day 3rd Dec 2021:G.O. for Nomination
68) Amended Pay Level for Promoted Faculty (Associate, Additional, Professor) Members
69) E-OPD and Physical OPD both will function from 7th June 2021
70) Share the burden of COVID care to the best of their capabilities
71) Calcellation of Summer Vacation for 2021
72) Procedure to Issue & Return of Pulse Oximeter to HCW
73) Constitution of Departmental Health Care Workers Surveillance Team
74) Establishing Several Department HCW Surveillance Teams & Central HCW Wellness Team
75) 14th April declared as Public Holiday being the Birthday of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar(Ambedkar Jayanti).
76) In view of increasing COVID-19 cases, office order for all types of leaves
77) Reactivation of HCW isolation ward
78) SOP/Guidelines for functioning of Holding area/NON COVID area
79) Guidelines for OPD,IPD Services in view of rising COVID-19 cases
80) Office order for Employees(Faculty,Residents,Research, Para Medical & others) before proceeding on leave
81) Nomination of Nodal Officer(V.C.)/Co-ordinator to acoordinate judicial work through Vedio Conferencing
82) Office order to Extend LTC Scheme for Visiting NER,A&N, Leh Laddakh, J&K
83) Office order to lift restriction on Taking leaves (Any Type)
84) Office order to celebrate Republic day 26th Jan 2021
85) Office Order to increase Patients/Time in OPD and appointment for follow-up patients
86) Office Order regarding revision of Pay-Scale(Level-9)
87) Office Order regarding cancellation of Winter Vacation for 2020.
88) Office Order regarding Constitution of committee for vaccination of Health Care Workers
89) Office Order regarding rates of COVID19 test as per Compliance of Govt. Order
90) Library Membership Form
91) Office Order regarding Nominating Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Singh(JDA) as Nodal Officer to persue Institute's Legal Issue
92) Office Order regarding quarantine leave for Faculty/Residents/Staff
93) Office Order regarding Participation & Safety of women and girls during upcoming festival season(Public awareness programme)
94) Office Order regarding Participation & Safety of women and girls during upcoming festival season(Public awareness programme)
95) Office Order regarding CMT students residing in the hostel
96) Office Order regarding Independence Day 2020 celebration
97) Formation of Containment Committee for Health care workers of SGPGIMS.(PGI/DIR/459/2020 dt.07.07.2020)
98) MCI Notification for minimum qualification for teachers in Medical Institution(MCI-12(1) 2017-Med.Misc./115698 dated 5/6/17)
99) Revised Guidelines of NON-COVID/Holding Area
100) Re-constitution of Committee for running the OT Complex during the COVID-19 crisis
101) UP Govt. Directives about Active/Passive/Home Quarantine for staff working in COVID-19 Hospitals
102) Formation of Grievance Committee to go in details of grivances/complaints of SGPGI employees/officers
103) UP Govt. Directives for the management of COVID Hospitals
104) Committees for preparedness & running OT Complex during COVID-19 crisis
105) Office Order regarding Functioning of NON-COVID/Holding Area
106) Office Order regarding Initiation of eOPD Services in SGPGI
107) Office Order regarding Cancellation of Summer Vacation for 2020
108) Change of House in same category (Uploaded on 14/5/20)
109) House Allotment Proposal for Type-2A (Uploaded on 14/5/20)
110) House Allotment Proposal for Type-III (Uploaded on 14/5/20)
111) Office Order regarding Micro-management/Implementation of Protocol for NON-COVID/Holding Areas
112) Guidelines for Functioning of OPDs in the wake of COVID-19
113) Protocol for NON-COVID areas
114) Circular regarding Delayed Submission of LRA related to purchase before 31/3/20 has been considered
115) Office Order regarding Media Intraction related to covid-19
116) Office Order regarding Holiday on 14th April 2020
117) Office Order regarding Duty, Responisbilities,Leaves for alll the employees of Institute in wake of COVID-19 outbreak
118) Office Order regarding Revised pay scale for Faculty Members of SGPGIMS, Lucknow (Uploaded on 28/2/20)
119) Office Order regarding Republic Day celebration on 26/01/20
120) Office Order regarding booking of Air Tickets from Authorized Travel Agents
121) Office Order regarding re-constitution of Campus development committee
122) Office Order regarding appointing Dr. Uttam Singh as Nodal Officer for pursuing cases in Hon'ble High Court
123) Office Order regarding relieving of Mr. RA Yadav(Uploaded on 21/08/19)
124) Office Order regarding Restructuring of Technician cader (Uploaded on 08/08/19)
125) Office Order regarding Power & Duties of Medical Superintendent(In compliance of order passed by Hon'ble Visitor SGPGIMS)
126) Institute Office order against dileep Singh, Asstt. Accounatant, representation
127) Excutive Registrar: Faculty Summer Vacation List 2019(Uploaded on 17/05/19)
128) FOMATS||Briefcase||
Children Education
News Paper
129) Office Order - Revised Pension for retired employees (Uploaded on 27/04/19)
130) Office Order - Revised charges for animal house services(Uploaded on 16/04/19)
131) Office Order for the grant of Allowances to Residents(SR/JR/Sr. Demo)as per 7th Pay Commission(Uploaded on 29/03/19)
132) Committee to deal complaints regarding "Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace"(Uploaded on 28/03/19)
133) Appointment of Prof.Amit Agarwal as Chief Medical Superintendent(CMS)
134) Office Order of Classification of residences & entitlement of accomodation as per House Allotment Rules2014
135) IO about Services covered under JANHIT GAURNTEE ADHINIYAM, UP Govt. in PGI
136) Office Order about Payscale & Allowances as per AIIMS New Delhi(dated 14/02/2019)
137) Office Order by Executive Registrar for Faculty Members Winter Vacation 2018
138) Office Order by Director regarding release of salary of re-employed faculty/officers/employees
139) Office Order by Director regarding Allowance of OT/ICU Nursing Staff
140) Office Order Issued by Additional Director regarding timely submission of ACRs of Employees
141) Office Order regarding creation of various Posts for SGPGI Trauma Centre (Uploaded on 30/12/17)
142) Nomination Declaration form for Family Pension etc. for Institute Employee(Uploaded on 06/02/18)
143) Leave format|| EL/CL & others||
Format for LTC
144) Compliance of IT Act-2000 and Adhar Act-2016 related (Uploaded on 05/06/17)
145) Office order regarding Assets Declaration for the year 2017 (uploaded on 08/05/17)
146) Assets Declaration form issued in the year 2017
147) Office Order for submitting Option form for 7th Pay Commission
148) Office Order for Settlement of Indore Patient A/c with Negative Balance
149) Proforma for waive off the charges in case of death & absconded cases
150) User ID(HIS & Email) Application Form for Institute Employee & Students
151) WI-FI application forms for Faculty
152) WI-FI Application Form for Residents/PhD Students
153) Institute Condemnation Policy||
154) Office Memorandum for Unions, Associations,forums etc working in the Institute (PGI/JDA camp/273/2016)
155) Rules of Central Library for users
156) Rules of Central Library for procurement of books & journals
157) GI Scheme for PGI Employees joined on or after 01/04/2013
158) The Seniority List for Type-IV Houses(Only essential category)
159) Groupwise Categorization of Post
160) House Allotement Rules in SGPGIMS(last updated on 12/11/2015)
161) Seniority List for House Allotement(Office order No:PGI\Estate\92\2015 dt: 30/03/2015
162) Office Order about Electric Charges in Institute's Residential Area (Office Order No: PGI/DIR/Ele.Engg./291/2015)
163) Format for Consideration of Promotion in Group"C' from Group 'D' Employee
164) IO to Upload ACR Proforma
165) Form for Annual Confidential Report (Class-I)
166) Form for Annual Confidental Report (Class II & III)
Form for Annual Confidential Report ( Class -IV Employee)
169) SCHEDULE OF CHARGES(Event Wise) 2011-12 FOR Sports Complex,Hobby Centre/Faculty Club