Hon'ble Governor of UP Visitor, SGPGIMS
Chief Secretary, Govt. of U.P. & President, SGPGIMS
Director SGPGIMS
Med tech-STPI website|
SGPGI News Letter|
Patient Care Data(5Years) |
SGPGI COVID 19 Website |
NIRF 2023: SGPGIMS got 7th Rank |
Week-Hansa survey:SGPGI ranked 7th (Private & Govt.) & 3rd in government hospitals in India |
World's top 2% scientists (Year: 2023): 14 professors of SGPGI are in the list(Released on 17/09/2024) |
संजय गाँधी पोस्टग्रेजुएट इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ मेडिकल साइंसेज, लखनऊ, दिनांक २ अक्टूबर २०२४
Celebrating the Birth Anniversaries of two revered leaders, Mahatma Gandhi and Lal Bahadur Shastri &
Swachh Bharat Diwas, 10th anniversary of the Swachh Bharat Mission which was launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi
Applications are Invited: Rolling Advertisement(Information Brochure & Seat Matrix) for Short Term Senior Resident (HS)/JR(Non-Academic), etc. for all departments(Uploaded on 16/01/2025)
Notice and List of candidates who have been called for the Skill Test (Phase-III) for the post of stenographer(I-48/Rectt/1 to 18/2023-24) (Uploaded on 07/02/2025)
Download Notice(Uploaded on 07/02/2025) List of Candidates(Uploaded on 07/02/2025)
List of Candidates(Uploaded on 07/02/2025)
RESULT: Selection List of various Posts (10 Positions) Published against Advertisement No I/48/01-18/Rectt./2023-24) (Uploaded on 25/01/2025))
Instructions(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Perfusionist(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Jr. Physiotherapist(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Medical lab technologist(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Sanitary Inspector Grade-1(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Receptionist(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technician (Dialysis)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Senior Administrative Assistant(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technical Assistant (Neuro-Otology)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technician (Radiotherapy)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technician (Radiology)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025)
Selection List : Perfusionist(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Jr. Physiotherapist(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Medical lab technologist(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Sanitary Inspector Grade-1(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Receptionist(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technician (Dialysis)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Senior Administrative Assistant(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technical Assistant (Neuro-Otology)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technician (Radiotherapy)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technician (Radiology)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025)
Selection List : Jr. Physiotherapist(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Medical lab technologist(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Sanitary Inspector Grade-1(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Receptionist(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technician (Dialysis)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Senior Administrative Assistant(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technical Assistant (Neuro-Otology)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technician (Radiotherapy)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technician (Radiology)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025)
Selection List : Medical lab technologist(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Sanitary Inspector Grade-1(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Receptionist(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technician (Dialysis)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Senior Administrative Assistant(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technical Assistant (Neuro-Otology)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technician (Radiotherapy)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technician (Radiology)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025)
Selection List : Sanitary Inspector Grade-1(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Receptionist(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technician (Dialysis)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Senior Administrative Assistant(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technical Assistant (Neuro-Otology)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technician (Radiotherapy)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technician (Radiology)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025)
Selection List : Receptionist(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technician (Dialysis)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Senior Administrative Assistant(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technical Assistant (Neuro-Otology)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technician (Radiotherapy)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technician (Radiology)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025)
Selection List : Technician (Dialysis)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Senior Administrative Assistant(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technical Assistant (Neuro-Otology)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technician (Radiotherapy)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technician (Radiology)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025)
Selection List : Senior Administrative Assistant(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technical Assistant (Neuro-Otology)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technician (Radiotherapy)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technician (Radiology)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025)
Selection List : Technical Assistant (Neuro-Otology)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technician (Radiotherapy)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technician (Radiology)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025)
Selection List : Technician (Radiotherapy)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Selection List : Technician (Radiology)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025)
Selection List : Technician (Radiology)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025)
RESULT: Final Results for the post of Pharmacist Grade-2 (Advt. No: I/28/03/Rectt/2023-24) (Uploaded on 25/01/2025))
Download Result(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Instructions(Uploaded on 25/01/2025)
Instructions(Uploaded on 25/01/2025)
Recruitment NOTICE:Applicatans are invited for faculty positions in SGPGIMS, Lucknow(UP)(Advt. No:I-24/ER/ACAD/2024-2025)(Uploaded on 23/12/2024) (Updated on 01/01/2025)
Corrigendum (Advt. No:I-24/ER/ACAD/2024-2025)(Uploaded on 01/01/2025)
Addendum (Advt. No:I-24/ER/ACAD/2024-2025)(Uploaded on 25/01/2025)
Addendum(Uploaded on 25/01/2025) Download Advertisement(Uploaded on 23/12/2024 & please also see corrigendum dated 01/01/2025) Corrigendum(Uploaded on 01/01/2025)
Download Advertisement(Uploaded on 23/12/2024 & please also see corrigendum dated 01/01/2025) Corrigendum(Uploaded on 01/01/2025)
Corrigendum(Uploaded on 01/01/2025)
Recruitment NOTICE: Detailed Advertisement for the post of Lecturer & Tutor under backlog vacancy(Ad. No: I-20/Rectt/2024-25) (Uploaded on 05/12/2024)
Download Notice(Uploaded on 12/11/2024)
Interview Notice for the post of Executive Registrar (Uploaded on 13/12/2024)
NOTICE: Douments Pertaining to Advt. No. _15/ER/ACAD/2024-25 & corrigendum No:I-16/ER/ACAD/2024-25 for the post of Executive Registrar Post (Uploaded on 18/11/2024)
NOTICE: Screening Report of candiates applied for Recruitment of Executive Registrar Post (Uploaded on 30/10/2024)
Download Interiew Notice(Uploaded on 13/12/2024) Download Douments(Uploaded on 18/11/2024) Download Screening Report(Uploaded on 30/10/2024)
Download Douments(Uploaded on 18/11/2024) Download Screening Report(Uploaded on 30/10/2024)
Download Screening Report(Uploaded on 30/10/2024)
Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences has been established under the State Legislature Act in 1983 and is named after Sanjay Gandhi.It was created by the state of Uttar Pradesh as a centre of excellence for providing medical care, education and research of the highest order. The institute is situated in a 550 acres (2.2 square kilometres) campus at Raebareli Road, 15 km from the main city. Lucknow is located about 500km east of New Delhi and is the capital of Uttar Pradesh. Lucknow is famous for its Nawabi culture, Mughlai cuisine and intricate chikan work, a form of fine embroidery.
The Institute provides postgraduate training to medical and nonmedical professionals. The training programmes lead to D.M., M.Ch., M.D., Ph.D., postdoctoral fellowships, postdoctoral certificate Programmes in various disciplines. In addition, it offers senior residency training programmes. B.Sc. Nursing course and BSc / MSc paramedical technology Programmes in allied sciences are offered by the College of Medical Technology.The Institute is an autonomous body and awards degrees which are recognised by the Medical Council of India. The Institute functions as a State University and is member of the Association of Indian Universities and is recognised by University Grants Commission.
Medical Doctor Faculty
Medical Superspeciality
550 acres Green Campus
SGPGIMS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Room No. 9, Ground Floor, Dep't of Endocrinology, C-Block SGPGIMS ANNUAL ALUMNI REUNION & DINNER 2024, DECEMBER 15th 2024 Reconnect to Refl ect, Transcending Time & Connecting Generations Program Pre -Registration is Complimentary & Online but Essential
Click here for online registration
02/10/2024: श्रद्धेय नेताओं, महात्मा गांधी और लाल बहादुर शास्त्री की जयंती और स्वच्छ भारत मिशन की 10वीं वर्षगांठ के मनायी गई
उत्तर प्रदेश राज्य में स्वच्छ भारत मिशन (एसबीएम) के प्रभाव को बढ़ाने के लिए चल रहे प्रयासों के हिस्से के रूप में माननीय स्वास्थ्य और परिवार कल्याण राज्य मंत्री, श्रीमती अनुप्रिया पटेल ने SGPGIMS, लखनऊ का दौरा किया और स्वच्छ भारत दिवस कार्यक्रम में भाग लिया। उनके साथ माननीय विधायक डाक्टर आर के पटेल भी मौजूद थे।
कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत हुई और संस्थान के निदेशक पद्मश्री प्रोफेसर आर.के. धीमन ने विशिष्ट गणमान्य व्यक्तियों को औपचारिक स्वागत के लिए मंच पर आमंत्रित किया।
Milestone in Transgender care: SGPGI launches first comprehensive multidisciplinary Transgender Clinical Care Unit in North India
Prof. (Dr.)Radha Krishna Dhiman, Director of SGPGIMS, expressed his enthusiasm about the launch, stating, "We are committed to ensuring that every individual receives compassionate and appropriate healthcare. The establishment of this unit underscores our dedication to serving all members of our community with dignity and respect."
26/03/2024: DHEEMAHI MediTech SGPGI Annouces Open Challange Programme (OCP)5.0
Deep Harnessing and Empowerment of women Enterpreneurs for Medical and Health Innovations.
Last Date of Apply : 26th March 2024
Click Here to Apply
Rangoli making has been an essential part of Diwali celebrations in our country. Students of College of Medical Technology, a Rangoli competition was organized on 8th November 2023. Director Dr. R.K. Dhiman graced the occasion and appreciated all the participants.
Link for Registration
CME on Recent Updates in Transplant Pathology Organized by Department of Pathology, SGPGIMS, Lucknow12th December 2023
Program Schedule 14/10/2023: Ist scientific conference under the ages of Awadh Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation organized by the speciality of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation(PMR) at Apex Trauma Centre Prof Raj Kumar insisted on the importance of Rehabilitation which compliments a successful management of a trauma patient. The event also showcased recent advances like role of Artificial intelligence in Rehabilitation, Virtual and Robotic Rehabilitation technology and advances in management of sports injuries. 1st National Conference of Indian Society of Intensive Care & Perioperative Medicine Organizing Chairperson: Prof. SP Ambesh || Organizing Secretary: Dr. Puneet Goyal 06-08th Oct, 2023 https://www.isicpm.com/isicpm2023.html Click Here to BOOK YOUR DATES CME : DECEASED DONOR TRANSPLANTATION PROGRAM On Occasion of Foundation Day 2023 Organizing Chairman: Prof. Narayan Prasad, Head Dept. of Nephrology,SGPGIMS, Lucknow 13-14thMay, 2023 Email: narayan.nephro@gmail.com Phone No. 9415403140 Neonatal Nursing Workshop (Theme: Disinfection and Aseptic practices) Organized by Dept. of Neonatology, SGPGIMS Under the Aegis of Academic of Pediatrics, UP On the Occasion of Foundation Day 2023 14th May 2023 Contact: Dr. Abhijeet Roy 9415944133 For Registration click Here Ist DHR ICMR Workshop on Neonatal Nutrition: Bench to Bedside Organized by Department of Neonatology, SGPGIMS, Lucknow15-16 April, 2023 (Saturday-Sunday) Email: neonatologysgpgi@gmail.com Phone No. 0522-2495750; 9415944133 For Registration click Here SGPGI Pediatric Gastro Clinics-2023 & foundation Day Celebration Dept. of Pediatric Gastroenterology Theme "Common Gastrointestinal Disorders in Daily Practice" 25th - 26 March 2023 Email:pedgastroclinics@gmail.com; Phone:05222494436 "CPLD 2023" 2nd Foundation DayDepartment of Hepatology Organized "Current Perspectives in Liver Diseases" 25th - 26 Feb 2023 Abstract Submission & Poster Presentation are open Visit https://www.cpld2023.com "Society of Midwifes India" 16th National Conference17-19th March 2023, Lucknow Hosted by Uttar Pradesh SOMI Chapter and College of Nursing SGPGIMS "Awareness Meet" Breast & Cervical Cancer awareness and detection Programme (SGPGI BCCAED)21st Jan 2023 Time: 2:30PM to 3:30PM For More information contact +91 800 4904522 amritgupta042020@gmail.com "POSTER COMPETITION"(On the Occasion of Cervical Cancer awareness Month) 21st January Time: 12 PM to 02 PM for Age Group 14 to 25 Years For More information contact +91 800 4904522 amritgupta042020@gmail.com "MPAICON 2023" 10th Annual Conference on Molecular Pathology Association of India organized by Department of Hematology, SGPGIMS, Lucknow 18th -19th February 2023Pre Conference workshop on 17th Feb 2023 Hands-on workshop on"Molecular Genetic Technique" organized by Central Research Facility, SGPGIMS, Lucknow 17th -19th November 2022 Stem cell and cellular therapies are transforming regenerative medicines that drive us into a new era, where functional cures for incurable degenerative diseases and cancers are possible. The main goal of the one-day SCCT-2022 symposium is to provide a platform for scientists and clinicians to discuss recent advances in stem cell and immune cell-based therapies in our country.18 November 2022 The proposed conference with experts from various countries will provide an opportunity to brainstorm on data storage and its public use with due consideration to autonomy and privacy globally and in India. We anticipate that several collaborations will emerge from this meeting.09th - 10th December 2022 View More
14/10/2023: Ist scientific conference under the ages of Awadh Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation organized by the speciality of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation(PMR) at Apex Trauma Centre Prof Raj Kumar insisted on the importance of Rehabilitation which compliments a successful management of a trauma patient. The event also showcased recent advances like role of Artificial intelligence in Rehabilitation, Virtual and Robotic Rehabilitation technology and advances in management of sports injuries.
Prof Raj Kumar insisted on the importance of Rehabilitation which compliments a successful management of a trauma patient. The event also showcased recent advances like role of Artificial intelligence in Rehabilitation, Virtual and Robotic Rehabilitation technology and advances in management of sports injuries.
Notice: Availability of CROWDFUNDING PORTAL FOR RARE DISEASES at https://rarediseases.mohfw.gov.in SGPGIMS, Lucknow is a Center of Excellence for Rare Diseases
Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojna is Avaiable at SGPGIMS
Patient Portal
Kamdhenu Ati Nirdhan Chikitsa Sahayata
SGPGIMS News Letter Click to view
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