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Research Day

Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, celebrated 5th Research Day of the Institute. It was started for the first time in SGPGI in 2020 led by the present Director Prof. R K Dhiman. Research helps in bringing quality healthcare to the patients adapted as per local needs in affordable cost. It also helps in innovation and application to fulfilthe vision of the nation to make things in India.

During the 5th research day, approximately 300 posters (200 Plus of students and 100 of faculty members) were submitted for presentation, which were evaluated by senior faculty members of other Institutes such as KGMU, RML, KSSCI, CSIR, CDRI, and IITR. 19 Awards were given to the Faculty Members and 24 awards presented under the student category.

The key note address was delivered by Dr.KetanRajawat, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT, Kanpurwhich focused on AI in healthcare.

Director, Prof R K Dhiman who initiated this tradition of celebrating Research Day in SGPGI in 2020 expressed happiness that ithad increased the awareness and enthusiasm among researchers as number of poster presentations had significantly increased in comparison of previous years. This had also increased the intramural and extra mural grant in SGPGI.

The 4th research day was successfully organized on 13th December 2023 under the leadership of Dr R. K Dhiman, Director SGPGIMS, Faculty In-charge,Research and Dr C. P Chaturvedi, Assistant faculty, In Charge Research. Around 350 research papers were presented by members of SGPGI family. Three orators motivated the faculty members and students of the Institute by their high level speeches.

The 3rdresearch day was successfully organized on 13th December 2022 under the leadership of Dr R. K Dhiman, Director SGPGIMS, Prof. U C Ghoshal, Faculty In-charge,Research and Dr C. P Chaturvedi, Assistant faculty, In Charge Research. Around 250 research papers were presented by members of SGPGI family. Three orators motivated the faculty members and students of the Institute by their high level speeches.

Dr. Soniya Nityanand, Director Dr RMLIMS, Lucknow told that stem cell research has potential application in clinical management of patients both currently and in future. Currently their applications are primarily in the management of disease of blood and in bone marrow failure and application of stem cells in other disease are currently in experimental stage.

Dr. S C Parija,the former Director of JIPMER, Pondicherry and currently Vice Chancellor Shri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Pondicherry, said that every medicalInstitutionshould have innovation ecosystem so that cost effective diagnostic and therapeutic application can be brought into care for patients and to fulfill countries make in India initiative.

Dr. Rajan Singh, an alumnus of SGPGI who did his Ph.D. from Department of Gastroenterology at SGPGIMS under mentorship of Prof. U. C Ghoshal is currently Assistant Professor at the university of Nevada in America. He did high quality research, brought NIH grant and showed how diseases outside the Gut such as brain, heart, diabetes may originate from Gut problem. This may bring new technologies to prevent and treat these diseases.

The Resesrch Cell of SGPGI under the leadership of Prof R K Dhiman, Director of the institute and the Dean, Professor Aneesh Srivastava today held its second research day. This time the response from the faculty and students was overwhelming. Around 240 papers were presented today, of these close to 100 were from faculty members of the institute and rest were from students. 22 awards will be given tomorrow., 12 to the faculty and 10 to the students.

External oration was given by Prof Ananya Das, Professor of Medicine, Creighton University. USA. He passed DM, Gastroenterology in 1993 from SGPGI. He gave his presentation on how to sustain Research quality and tempo. He said that India is doing good in clinical research, but still is lagging behind from USA and China. One of the reason behind this the lack of motivation among faculty and researchers. India has to look into its policy. There is no lack of aptitude for research among Indian researchers.

Prof Sudipto Mukhopadhyaya, from IIT, Kharagpur elaborated on India needs Hybrid Research i e. Medical research and Engineering research. He said that India needs to produce devices and get this indigenous devices patent. Then only India can stop importing these devices and let these indigenous devices come in the market which is affordable.

This was followed by a talk by Dr Gaurav Agarwal, Professor, Endocrine and Breast surgery on " less is more" evolution of frugal sentinel lymphnode biopsy for breast cancer".He was awarded with Prof S R Naik in the year 2020 for his research.

Then Dr Sangam Rajak, S S Agarwal awardee of the year 2020 elaborated on his basic sciences lab work.

The program concluded with Vote of thanks proposed by Dr C P Chaturvedi, Assistant Faculty Incharge, ReseaResearch cell.

Welcome note by Prof. UC Ghoshal
Encourged by Prof. R.K. Dhiman, Director, SGPGIMS
Speech by Prof. Anees Srivastava,Dean
Dr.Ananya Das
Dr.Sudipta Mukhopadhyay, IIT, Kharagpur
Prof. SR Naik Award
Prof. SS Agarwal Award

Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, since its inception, has given due importance to research activities and has achieved significant progress in front-line research. It has been recognized as one of the leading and outstanding medical institutes for conducting exceptional research. Scientists have brought laurels to the institute through their publications nationally and internationally. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has further proven how important medical research is in improving our knowledge of various aspects of a disease in order to enhance patient outcomes. As we navigate through and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to recognize and address all possible opportunities and strategies for research, whether clinical or basic. Under the leadership of the present Director, Prof. R. K. Dhiman, and with the untiring efforts of Dean, Prof. S. K. Mishra and Faculty Incharge Research, Prof. Uday C. Ghoshal, 1st Research Day was celebrated this year, and a tradition started for future years, to acknowledge the work done by the faculty members of SGPGI. Eighty faculty members presented their research works done in the last 3 years. Ateam of peer reviewers from SGPGI, KGMU and RMLIMS selected 11 papers as the best papers in various categories. Thereafter, Director, Professor R K Dhiman, interacted with the faculty and stressed the need to promote clinical and basic research. Keynote lectures were delivered by Professor S K Sarin, Director, ILBS, New Delhi, who elaborated on: "India Needs Hybrid Clinicians", followed by another lecture by Dr. Arunaloke Chakrabarti, PGIMER, Chandigarh who in a very interesting manner explained the need for research by faculty members. Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sinha, Vice Chancellor and Director, Dr. S P Mukherjee International Institute of Information Technology, Naya Raipur (IIITNR), Chhattisgarh expressed his views on "Why st 21 Century Engineers and Doctors need to Collaborate for Future Healthcare". The distinguished speakers delivered their lectures virtually. This lecture session was followed by an open house discussion. Prof. S. K. Mishra, Dean, SGPGI, proposed the vote of thanks.

Keynote lectures delivered by Professor S K Sarin, Director, ILBS, New Delhi
lecture by Dr. Arunaloke Chakrabarti, PGIMER, Chandigarh
lecture by Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sinha, Vice Chancellor and Director, Dr. S P Mukherjee International Institute of Information Technology, Naya Raipur (IIITNR), Chhattisgarh