3.1.3 Average Percentage of teachers awarded national/ international fellowship / Financial support for advanced studies/collaborative research / conference participation in Indian and Overseas Institutions during the last five years
List of teachers and their national/international fellowship details certified by Registrar for the year 2018-23.
3.1.4 Number of JRFs, SRFs, Post Doctoral Fellows, Research Associates and other research fellows in the university enrolled during the last five years
3.1.5 University has the following
1. Central Research Laboratory /
Central Research Facility
2. Animal House/ Medicinal
plant garden / Museum
3. Media laboratory/Business
Lab/e-resource Studios
4. Research/Statistical
Databases/Health Informatics
5. Clinical Trial Centre
3.1.6. Percentage of departments with
recognition by ICMR-CAR, DSTFIST, DBT, MCI, DCI, PCI,
NIH etc. and other similar
recognitions by national and
international agencies,
(excluding mandatory
recognitions by Regulatory
Councils for UG /PG
3.2.1. Grants for research projects /clinical trials sponsored by non-government sources such as industry, corporate houses, international bodies, endowments, professional associations, endowment-Chairs etc., in the Institution during the last five years
3.3.3. Number of awards / recognitions received for innovation / discoveries by the Institution/teachers/research scholars/students from recognized bodies during the last five years
3.4.1 TheInstitution has a stated Code of Ethics for research, the implementation of which is ensured by the following: Option
1. Research methodology with course on research ethics
2. Ethics committee
3. Plagiarism check
4. Committee on Publication guidelines
3.4.2 The Institution provides incentives for teachers who receive state,national or internationalrecognitions/awards : Option
1. Career Advancement
2. Salary increment
3. Recognition by Institutional website notification
4.Commendation certificate with cash awar
3.4.4 Average number of Ph.D/ DM/ MCh/PG Degree in the respective disciplines awarded per recognized PG teacher* of the Institution during the last five year
3.6.1 Extension* and outreach activities* such as community Health Education, Community health camps, Tele-conferences,Tele-Medicine consultancy etc.,
are conducted in collaboration with industry,Government and non- GovernmentOrganisations engagingNSS/NCC/Red cross/YRC, Institutional clubs etc., during the last five years
Provide Photographs or any supporting documents in relevance
3.7.2 Presence of functional MoUs with Institutions/ industries in India and abroad for academic, clinical training / internship, on the-job training, project work,
student / faculty exchange, collaborative research programmes etc., during the last five years