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serve humanity with the same ethics as it always DOT (Directly observed treatment)center are
has. Prof. Aneesh Shrivastava, Head of the housed here under the aegis of NTCP (National
Department of Urology has recently been TB Control Program). Administration of Polio
appointed as the Dean of the institute. The vaccination under Pulse Polio Program, Family
faculty has been instrumental in strengthening Planning and Contraceptive advice are carried
the urology research laboratory by adding out routinely. The specialists have keen interest
different instruments and tools in the lab. in academics and research and they have been
awarded 2 extramural grants this year and are
COVID related highlights: The department
residents and faculty have been participating in recipients of several swards and achievements.
the COVID management of the patients admitted Dr. Prerna Kapoor and her team is actively
in RCH involved in the taking out the quarterly SGPGI
newsletter .
Vision for next 5 years: The department of
Urology is actively involved translational COVID related highlights: Dr. Piyali
research and is working towards establishing an Bhattacharya was appointed as Task Force
animal cell culture lab and Drosophila (alternate Member on School Reopening and Remote
to animal model) for research involving Learning in and after COVID 19 by the Indian
urological tissues, with the aim of establishing Academy of Pediatrics.
the branch of regenerative urology at the Vision for next 5 years: Create a department of
institute; plan to set up a dedicated Uro-oncology Family Medicine to augment the primary health
unit; up-gradation of state-of-the-art lab facilities care in a structured manner; develop a wound
in clinical as well as basic research. care centre.
The General Hospital at SGPGI is the The Hospital Revolving Fund (HRF) was
Speciality wing of SGPGI which caters to established in the year 1997 with the approval of
Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, Gynaecology and Institute Governing Body as a self-sustaining
Obstetrics and Dermatology patients. Since its supply chain system with the motto “Mission:
inception, the General Hospital has Supply All”, the Hospital Revolving Fund
complemented the Tertiary care Institute by (HRF) has fulfilled its objective by ensuring
serving as the first and second level care center round the clock availability of drugs and
for the Institute. The General Hospital is a 30 bed consumablesin all inpatient areas, OTs and ICUs,
hospital with fully equipped OPDs, OTs, Delivery General Hospital as well as in the RCH of SGPGI
Room and other ancillary services. It was created Hospital. HRF ensures bedside delivery of quality
with the aim of serving the staff members and items (drugs, surgical items, consumables) at
their families and bridge the gap between rates well below the market prices, procured by
primary and tertiary level health care available at national open tender. These services are also
the Super specialty teaching Hospital. There is a available for outdoor patients and at diagnostic/
team of specialist doctors comprising of a intervention centers in various areas from 9.30
Surgeon, Physician, Pediatrician, Gynecologists, A.M. to 7.00 P.M. Dispensing of drugs and
and a Dermatologist. In the last few years it was surgical items etc. is online, with full
made open to the public and thereafter it has been transparency and accountability. Cost
serving the people of Uttar Pradesh and realization from the patients is at a level that just
neighboring states. Employees' dependents also ensures economic viability of the system and
continue to be catered for. Apart from taking care makes it self-sustainable. The HRF has a robust
of variety of ailments which require specialty care system of checks and countechecks round the
they routinely carry out the childhood, adult and year, audited by a Chartered Accountant and AG
travel immunizations. TB Microscopy lab and audit.

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