Page 46 - Report
P. 46
State Govt. This is the 11th batch that has been
admitted in the 2020 session. 40 new students are
enrolled for the course each year. Additionally,
College of Nursing (CON) now admits up to 3
students under Prime Minister Special
Scholarship Scheme for J&K state subjects. The
pass out graduates from this college has been
placed in organizations of repute. In fact, it is a
proud moment for us that prestigious Homi
Bhaba Cancer Institute held placement
interviews on- Campus for our final year students
this year. Others too have joined hospitals or
Director at inauguration of RFID in Central Library Nursing College, and some are aspiring to join
positions in National Health Mission. .
COVID related highlights: CON faculty
formally trained themselves and their students
for COVID related nursing care to contribute to
the system.
Vision for next 5 years: CON plans for further
expansion in terms of manpower, hostels and
starting of new courses such as M.Sc. Nursing,
Ph.D. nursing and other specialty diploma
The College of Medical Technology was
started in July 2018 with currently twelve
courses, nine Undergraduate (OT technology,
Renal dialysis technology, Anesthesia
technology, Radio diagnosis and imaging,
Radiotherapy technology, respirator care
technology, Physiotherapy Medical laboratory
technology and Perfusion technology) and three
postgraduate courses(Medical Virology,
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Transfusion medicine, Hematology). The aim of
the College of Medical Technology and Allied
budget has been increased to meet the demands of Health Sciences has been to create Paramedical
digital resources and escalation of prices on and Allied Health Sciences manpower in the state
yearly basis. The library website is being of Uttar Pradesh as well as for the country. It is
improved to make all necessary information the only paramedical institute in the state which
about the resources available. It will be user runs such undergraduate and postgraduate
friendly and can be accessed from anywhere in courses. It is managed by a managing committee
the world. and each course is headed and conducted by an
The College of Nursing is successfully running institute faculty member, who functions as a
the 4 years B. Sc. Nursing degree courses, which course coordinator. The Institute has sanctioned
is duly recognized by Indian Nursing Council seats of 125 students and at present total 139
New Delhi, U.P. State Nursing Council and U.P students are pursuing different courses. It is five
admitted in the 2020 session. 40 new students are
enrolled for the course each year. Additionally,
College of Nursing (CON) now admits up to 3
students under Prime Minister Special
Scholarship Scheme for J&K state subjects. The
pass out graduates from this college has been
placed in organizations of repute. In fact, it is a
proud moment for us that prestigious Homi
Bhaba Cancer Institute held placement
interviews on- Campus for our final year students
this year. Others too have joined hospitals or
Director at inauguration of RFID in Central Library Nursing College, and some are aspiring to join
positions in National Health Mission. .
COVID related highlights: CON faculty
formally trained themselves and their students
for COVID related nursing care to contribute to
the system.
Vision for next 5 years: CON plans for further
expansion in terms of manpower, hostels and
starting of new courses such as M.Sc. Nursing,
Ph.D. nursing and other specialty diploma
The College of Medical Technology was
started in July 2018 with currently twelve
courses, nine Undergraduate (OT technology,
Renal dialysis technology, Anesthesia
technology, Radio diagnosis and imaging,
Radiotherapy technology, respirator care
technology, Physiotherapy Medical laboratory
technology and Perfusion technology) and three
postgraduate courses(Medical Virology,
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Transfusion medicine, Hematology). The aim of
the College of Medical Technology and Allied
budget has been increased to meet the demands of Health Sciences has been to create Paramedical
digital resources and escalation of prices on and Allied Health Sciences manpower in the state
yearly basis. The library website is being of Uttar Pradesh as well as for the country. It is
improved to make all necessary information the only paramedical institute in the state which
about the resources available. It will be user runs such undergraduate and postgraduate
friendly and can be accessed from anywhere in courses. It is managed by a managing committee
the world. and each course is headed and conducted by an
The College of Nursing is successfully running institute faculty member, who functions as a
the 4 years B. Sc. Nursing degree courses, which course coordinator. The Institute has sanctioned
is duly recognized by Indian Nursing Council seats of 125 students and at present total 139
New Delhi, U.P. State Nursing Council and U.P students are pursuing different courses. It is five