Page 41 - Report
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The Department of Radiotherapy is a COVID related highlights: Since it is a cancer
comprehensive Tertiary Cancer Care Centre that care facility, the department continued to provide
provides holistic care in terms of state-of-the-art cancer treatment in terms of chemotherapy and
Radiotherapy facilities, solid tumor radiotherapy to the cancer patients, although in
chemotherapy and palliative care services for reduced numbers especially during the initial
cancer patients. Today the department stands lockdown phase. The department faculty,
tall after acquiring a new high end Linear residents and staff has been performing their
Accelerator and Radiotherapy network system duties in RCH. Additionally, eCCS and eOPD
from the grant in aid TCCC scheme of Ministry of services are being provided. Dr. Neeraj Rastogi
Health and Family Welfare and UP State and Dr. Shalini Singh and teams were involved in
Government. With the current infrastructure the quarantine and wellness teams during first
and technology, the department is practicing and second wave.
techniques such as IGRT, IMRT and SBRT. The Vision for next 5 years: The department would
department is committed towards palliative/ like to replace the aging Linear Accelerators (one
supportive cancer care, for the advanced cancer bunker lies vacant) and the planning CT scanner
patients who are beyond cure. The department for better throughput of cancer patients; to
and therefore faculty have taken public strengthen advanced techniques for high end
awareness lectures. The department is actively radiation treatments by procuring ring-based
involved in the Hospital Based Cancer Registry accelerator with integrated MR guidance;

Develop a “Radiation Oncology Information
Systems: ROIS” software module with the aim to
have a paperless development and archiving of
the existing radiotherapy data; to augment
holistic palliative care services in the state of UP
to bring it to the door step of the terminally ill
cancer patients.

The Department of Surgical Gastroenterology
has a full- fledged comprehensive laparoscopic
surgery program that includes surgeries for
colorectal and esophageal disorders. Centre of
Hepato-biliary Diseases and Transplantation
Linear Accelerator for cancer patient treatment (CHBDT), a part of the Department of Surgical
Gastroenterology, has started its clinical
(HBCR) program, approved by NCRP of ICMR
under extramural financial assistance. On services. In fact Liver transplant program has
academic front, the BSc (Radiotherapy been rejuvenated and a fresh start has been
achieved by identifying a Liver transplant team,
technologist) program has been started with the
help of College of Medical Technology.On the including experts from surgical as well as non-
research front; Prof. Sushma Agrawal has been surgical departments. These surgical and non-
awarded the International Innovation Award by surgical experts have had a refresher training at
ILBS, New Delhi, after an MOU was signed
Americal Society of Clinical Oncology, 2021,
worth 20000 USD. between the two institutions. To provide
recipient support and post-transplant care a new
Dr. Shagun Misra was awarded the Best paper Department of Hepatology was inaugurated in
award (Assistant Professor Medical Category) on February 2021, and two assistant Professors
the first SGPGI Research Day held in December, have been appointed in the new department. The
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