Page 39 - Report
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Airway Disorders, Sleep Medicine. And the
department has 5 intramural funded research
project as and 5 extramural grants in the areas
mentioned above.

COVID related highlights: During COVID
epidemic, the department provided active
support by posting residents and faculty by
rotation in COVID ICUs. Dr. Alok Nath is
currently co-nodal officer along with Prof R. K.
Singh (Nodal Officer). He also played an
instrumental role in designing a protocol for the
treatment of COVID 19 patients at SGPGI and
daily virtual rounds. Major brunt of Post-COVID
care is borne by the department of Pulmonary
Medicine. Patients are shifted to the Department
after they test negative to COVID 19. The
department has started various projects in the
post COVID care.

Vision for next 5 years: For sustained
development and achievement of the goals, the
department aims to start following services in
coming five years: Increase the capacity of indoor
beds; upgrade the services of ICU; create a facility
with modular OT enabled Pulmonary
Intervention unit; HFOV (High Frequency
Oscillatory Ventilation); Extracorporeal
front a PDCC in Intervention Pulmonology is in membrane oxygenation (ECMO); Independent
full swing. The department has got approval from Facility for Renal Replacement Therapy; Initiate
MCI for starting DM course in Pulmonary the Lung transplantation program; create state
Medicine with annual intake of 4 seats. The of the art pulmonary rehabilitation facility; add
department is coordinating the BSc course in Confocal laser scanning bronchoscope and
Respiratory Technology along with College of autofluorescence bronchoscopy to the
Medical Technology. On research front, the focus armamentarium; and lastly, plan for an
area is Tuberculosis. Interstitial Lung Diseases, Advanced Lung centre.

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