Page 43 - Report
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Despite more than 75 % of the department faculty addition to this there has been no dearth in the
and residents falling prey to COVID at some point quality and frequency of academic seminars,
of time or the other in the previous year, the journal clubs and case presentations being
department has ensured that it not only conducted in the department on a weekly basis.
participated in various zonal, national and We have also been honoured with the
International conferences but also won laurels responsibility of making protocols and guidelines
by winning the national and International for urological surgical procedures during COVID
paediatric urology competition organised by USI times and our faculty member Dr Sureka have
in November 2020 and May 2021, best video and been felicitated for the same by Uttar Pradesh
poster presentation prizes at North Zone Urological Society. Each and every faculty and
USICON 2020, best poster presentation at resident has gone beyond his call of duty to
UAUCON 2021 and second prize in quizzes held provide the best urological care for our patients
at UAUCON 2021 and NZUSICON 2020. In during these testing times and will continue to

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