Page 40 - Report
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The Department of Radio-diagnosis Capacity building courses were conducted for
continues to offer interventional treatment in technicians to train them to function in RCH. The
Neurological diseases, Gastro-related diseases department created an additional CT facility for
and vascular diseases, besides MRI, CT, Covid 19 patients in PMSSY Block. The same
Mammography, and Sonography services. A new facility has also been used for patients with
CT test “Low Dose Whole body CT screening” has Mucormycosis for CT. The faculty, residents,
been started for Multiple Myeloma. Nursing and Technical staff have been providing
Academically, the MD Radiodiagnosis, and Post Clinical, Radiography, Sonography, CT and
Second Radiology Facility In PMSSY Block For RCH-2 And Mucormycosis Patients
Doctoral certificate courses in Neuroradiology, Interventional services in RCH 1 and 2 facilities.
Gastro radiology and Vascular Radiology run in Two courses were conducted for technicians
full swing. BSc. Medical Technology related to COVID 19 in August and October 2020.
(Radiodiagnosis and Imaging) training is Despite COVID, 13354 CT scans, 4998 MRI scans
ongoing. On the research front, the department and 19055 ultrasounds were carried out within
has recently been granted two Clinical Trials the department, PMSSY block and RCH.
funded from extramural agencies i.e. ICMR and Vision for next 5 years: The primary thrust of
Guerbet. the department is replacing the aging equipment
COVID related highlights: The department with state of the art equipment to aid Clinical,
has been providing Clinical, Radiography, Research and Training services. The department
Sonography, CT and Interventional services in is making efforts to start DM course in
RCH. In addition, COVID related issues are Neuroradiology.
handled through eCCS and e OPD services.
continues to offer interventional treatment in technicians to train them to function in RCH. The
Neurological diseases, Gastro-related diseases department created an additional CT facility for
and vascular diseases, besides MRI, CT, Covid 19 patients in PMSSY Block. The same
Mammography, and Sonography services. A new facility has also been used for patients with
CT test “Low Dose Whole body CT screening” has Mucormycosis for CT. The faculty, residents,
been started for Multiple Myeloma. Nursing and Technical staff have been providing
Academically, the MD Radiodiagnosis, and Post Clinical, Radiography, Sonography, CT and
Second Radiology Facility In PMSSY Block For RCH-2 And Mucormycosis Patients
Doctoral certificate courses in Neuroradiology, Interventional services in RCH 1 and 2 facilities.
Gastro radiology and Vascular Radiology run in Two courses were conducted for technicians
full swing. BSc. Medical Technology related to COVID 19 in August and October 2020.
(Radiodiagnosis and Imaging) training is Despite COVID, 13354 CT scans, 4998 MRI scans
ongoing. On the research front, the department and 19055 ultrasounds were carried out within
has recently been granted two Clinical Trials the department, PMSSY block and RCH.
funded from extramural agencies i.e. ICMR and Vision for next 5 years: The primary thrust of
Guerbet. the department is replacing the aging equipment
COVID related highlights: The department with state of the art equipment to aid Clinical,
has been providing Clinical, Radiography, Research and Training services. The department
Sonography, CT and Interventional services in is making efforts to start DM course in
RCH. In addition, COVID related issues are Neuroradiology.
handled through eCCS and e OPD services.