Page 45 - Report
P. 45
In the Academic year 2020-21HRF has initiated made functional in the year December 2015. The
the following prominent activities: services of 24 hours Lab have also been extended
HRF has finalized the Rate Contract for Cath
l to the Apex Trauma Centre which is functional
Lab Consumables/Pacemaker and for from 30 July 2018. Recently, with the outbreak
Interventional Radiological Consumables. of Covid-19 in the month of March 2020, the
extended 24hrs lab at Apex Trauma Centre is
Tendering process through GeM portal has
l successfully carrying out all the routine
been adopted for procurement of Stationery investigations of Covid-19 patients admitted at
item and Laser Printer Cartridges etc. Apex Trauma Centre which was converted and
Ophthalmology OT HRF Unit Store started
l renamed as RCH 1”. Similarly, 24hrs lab (Main
successfully for patients coming for Eye OPD) is also carrying out all the routine
Surgery. investigations of Covid-19 patient admitted in a
newly created RCH 2, situated at main Hospital
HRF has started drug distribution through
Hospital Information System (HIS) at HRF building (old main OPD Complex). Further, 24
peripheral stores i.e. General Hospital (for hrs lab committee constituted by the Director has
staff & dependent) and OPD Pharmacy Store finalized the terms & conditions, specifications
(for OPD patients), vide which staff and OPD etc of new tender, which is awaiting legal vetting
patients get benefited by a message of their and expected to be floated in couple of week. IRF
billing amount on their registered mobile is catering the need of all the kits, reagents & lab
number. consumables to the entire investigation
department and their labs, on the basis of Rate
During second wave of COVID-19 pandemic
l Contract finalized on 31 December 2018 and
HRF has distributed COVID medicines kit to onwards against e-tender for supply of diagnostic
COVID-19 positive staff andtheir dependents kits, reagents, chemicals & consumables”. New e-
including out sourced manpower through a tender for kits, reagents and lab consumables was
newly created dedicated counter for COVID- floated in the month of March 2021 and Technical
19 patients at the OPD Pharmacy area. evaluation process of the same is under final stage
In the near future HRF is fully ready to start
l and would be expedited after due processing, in
their peripheral stores in 558 bedded ward couple of months.
area and 10 Operation Theatres in upcoming The Central Library of SGPGIMS has 23323
building of Emergency Medicine and Renal textbooks and 37867 bound journals. It is
Transplant Centre. equipped with internet facility for its users. From
Investigation Revolving Fund (IRF) was January 2021, the library has started digital
established in the year 2003 and making strong smart card that is enabled with RFID
and outstanding contribution in improvement of (Radiofrequency identification) security
Laboratory services of the Institute since its features. The members, with the help of this card
inception by providing uninterrupted supplies of can self check-in and check-out the books and
all lab consumables on the “Principle of Self- journals though the kiosk installed at the central
sustainability”. It has changed the views and counter. A new facility of drop box has also been
opinions of all the stakeholders over a period of made available from this year. The library is
time. IRF had finalized a contract towards the being updated with various digital resources (i.e.
creation and establishment of 24 hrs laboratory ERMed, Clinical key, Up-to date, Ovid, Discovery
in Main OPD area of the Institute for routine and Complete BMJ resources). All these digital
tests and investigations throughout the year resources of the central library can now be
irrespective of weekends & holidays. This lab was accessed through Myloft using Institute's library
website. From the current year, the library
the following prominent activities: services of 24 hours Lab have also been extended
HRF has finalized the Rate Contract for Cath
l to the Apex Trauma Centre which is functional
Lab Consumables/Pacemaker and for from 30 July 2018. Recently, with the outbreak
Interventional Radiological Consumables. of Covid-19 in the month of March 2020, the
extended 24hrs lab at Apex Trauma Centre is
Tendering process through GeM portal has
l successfully carrying out all the routine
been adopted for procurement of Stationery investigations of Covid-19 patients admitted at
item and Laser Printer Cartridges etc. Apex Trauma Centre which was converted and
Ophthalmology OT HRF Unit Store started
l renamed as RCH 1”. Similarly, 24hrs lab (Main
successfully for patients coming for Eye OPD) is also carrying out all the routine
Surgery. investigations of Covid-19 patient admitted in a
newly created RCH 2, situated at main Hospital
HRF has started drug distribution through
Hospital Information System (HIS) at HRF building (old main OPD Complex). Further, 24
peripheral stores i.e. General Hospital (for hrs lab committee constituted by the Director has
staff & dependent) and OPD Pharmacy Store finalized the terms & conditions, specifications
(for OPD patients), vide which staff and OPD etc of new tender, which is awaiting legal vetting
patients get benefited by a message of their and expected to be floated in couple of week. IRF
billing amount on their registered mobile is catering the need of all the kits, reagents & lab
number. consumables to the entire investigation
department and their labs, on the basis of Rate
During second wave of COVID-19 pandemic
l Contract finalized on 31 December 2018 and
HRF has distributed COVID medicines kit to onwards against e-tender for supply of diagnostic
COVID-19 positive staff andtheir dependents kits, reagents, chemicals & consumables”. New e-
including out sourced manpower through a tender for kits, reagents and lab consumables was
newly created dedicated counter for COVID- floated in the month of March 2021 and Technical
19 patients at the OPD Pharmacy area. evaluation process of the same is under final stage
In the near future HRF is fully ready to start
l and would be expedited after due processing, in
their peripheral stores in 558 bedded ward couple of months.
area and 10 Operation Theatres in upcoming The Central Library of SGPGIMS has 23323
building of Emergency Medicine and Renal textbooks and 37867 bound journals. It is
Transplant Centre. equipped with internet facility for its users. From
Investigation Revolving Fund (IRF) was January 2021, the library has started digital
established in the year 2003 and making strong smart card that is enabled with RFID
and outstanding contribution in improvement of (Radiofrequency identification) security
Laboratory services of the Institute since its features. The members, with the help of this card
inception by providing uninterrupted supplies of can self check-in and check-out the books and
all lab consumables on the “Principle of Self- journals though the kiosk installed at the central
sustainability”. It has changed the views and counter. A new facility of drop box has also been
opinions of all the stakeholders over a period of made available from this year. The library is
time. IRF had finalized a contract towards the being updated with various digital resources (i.e.
creation and establishment of 24 hrs laboratory ERMed, Clinical key, Up-to date, Ovid, Discovery
in Main OPD area of the Institute for routine and Complete BMJ resources). All these digital
tests and investigations throughout the year resources of the central library can now be
irrespective of weekends & holidays. This lab was accessed through Myloft using Institute's library
website. From the current year, the library