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IIT Kanpur SGPGI MOU Signing Ceremony on 29.6.2021
Understanding (MoU) to set up a Centre of institutes, including Prof. R.K. Dhiman,
Excellence (CoE) in Telemedicine and Director, SGPGIMS and Prof. Abhay
healthcare robotics to nurture smart Karandikar, Director, IIT Kanpur. A team
healthcare with an overarching objective of from Telemedicine, SGPGI have visited the
strengthening healthcare system. The MoU IIT, Kanpur and in process of project
signing ceremony, held on 29th June, was execution.
attended by key members from both the
Understanding (MoU) to set up a Centre of institutes, including Prof. R.K. Dhiman,
Excellence (CoE) in Telemedicine and Director, SGPGIMS and Prof. Abhay
healthcare robotics to nurture smart Karandikar, Director, IIT Kanpur. A team
healthcare with an overarching objective of from Telemedicine, SGPGI have visited the
strengthening healthcare system. The MoU IIT, Kanpur and in process of project
signing ceremony, held on 29th June, was execution.
attended by key members from both the