Page 47 - Report
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floor building with well equipped Class Rooms, 79,985 participants benefitted till July 2021.
Labs and Hostel Facility. In this academic year ?
Online Examination of MD D.M. M.Ch.&
2020-21, 49 students enrolled in different PDCC students: All the exit examination of
program. MD/D.M, M.Ch. and PDCC program running
Vision for next 5 years: Two new courses one in at different departments is being conducted
MSc Radio-Pharmacy & Molecular Imaging and using Telemedicine infrastructure in
one year Diploma courses in Tele Medicine are compliance with guidelines of MCI, Govt. of
approved by respective board of studies as well as India. External expert as approved by the
academic board and will be start soon. competent authority of Institute taking viva
The School of Telemedicine and Biomedical interview through cloud enabled VC solution.
informatics SGPGI on the capacity of National Archival of the whole proceedings are being
Resource Center (NRC) has been assisting done at STBMI-server.
Telemedicine and eHealth Division, Ministry of New Projects:
Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India to ?ishment of Telemedicine Hub
implement various telehealth projects like under Smart City Lucknow Limited,
National Medical College Network (NMCN), Govt. of U.P.
Collab DDS Online Radiological Services (CORS)
on pan India basis. Lucknow Smart City Limited (LSCL)
intended to develop smart healthcare delivery
COVID realted highlights:
infrastructure at the perimeter of Lucknow
Electronic Covid Care System (eCCS):
? city to give access to the smart health facilities
eCCS network has been started at Sanjay in terms of health check-ups, diagnostics and
Gandhi PGI, Lucknow on 1st May 2020 with doctors consultation availability at nearby
the aim to provide decentralized care of location of each citizen of the Lucknow. More
patients suffering from COVID-19 / non- than one hundred Smart Health ATM center
COVID-19 disease throughout the state of is to be opened across the city of Lucknow
Uttar Pradesh. Since Auguest 2020, eCCS under Smart City. School of Telemedicine &
system has been shifted to their respective Biomedical Informatics (STBMI), SGPGI,
departments. Telephonic calls being received Lucknow have been identified as HUB for
at centralized location at Telemedicine dept. supporting this initiative in terms of technical
and operators siting at Telemedicine consultancy and facilitating doctors
transferred the calls to concern department. consultation (General & Specialist) along
Total number of patients benefited to this with overall managing and supervising the
system is 4720 till July 2021. project operation on behalf of Smart City. An
eLearning / Online Teaching Support: All
? agreement between SGPGIMS and Lucknow
the departments of SGPGI initiated their Smart City Limited, Lucknow, Govt. of U.P.
classes and eLearning activities using havebeen signed and project execution is in
Telemedicine infrastructure. User access to advance stage.
each students of College of Nursing and ?
IIT-Kanpur and SGPGI Lucknow have
College of Medical Technology given and joined hand to set up healthcare
teachers sitting at STBMI complex imparted robotics Centre of Excellence (CoE)
the course material to the student. Senior Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, (IIT-
Resident (SR) teaching / case discussion also K) has and Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate
imparted through online using Telemedicine Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGIMS),
infrastructure. A total of 1,833 sessions and
Lucknow, have signed a Memorandum of

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