Page 42 - Report
P. 42
Department of SGE and CHBDT has been fully (Transfusion Medicine) as a part of College of
engaged with teaching, training and research Medical Technology, SGPGI. Two extramural
activities through the year 2020, despite Covid, grants from NHM completed in the year 2020.
and within the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 related highlights: Department
pandemic. Professor VK Kapoor took voluntary established Convalescent Plasma Program which
retirement after 30 years of service in the included screening of COVID patients and donors
institute. Dr. Rajneesh K Singh was given an for anti-IgG antibody and plasmapheresis. The
additional responsibility of functioning as a Joint department also established an algorithm for
Director (Administration) for the Institute. ensuring judicious use of convalescent plasma. Of

COVID related highlights: Department the total COVID positive patients admitted at
faculty had a major role in laying down guidelines SGPGI, approximately 20% have been supported
for surgical service during the current pandemic. with packed red cells, apheresis / random donor
This included safety practices for the patients as platelets, cryoprecipitate and plasma.
well as the surgical team. Faculty members Department is also involved in managing COVID
performed eCCS duties in telemedicine providing patients by providing diagnostic support in the
consultations. Faculty members and residents form of screening for heparin induced
carried out the eOPD daily during this period. thrombocytopenia and TEG for patients with
The department faculty has been actively coagulopathy. The faculty and residents have
involved during the COVID pandemic in the been actively involved in the routine
protection of HCWs. Active support has been management of COVID patients at various nodal
provided for prevention, quarantining and points – screening area, triage and High
treatment of COVID infection in HCWs of dependency units at RCH.
SGPGI. Emergency cancer surgeries, complex Vision for next 5 years: The department
hepatobiliary reconstructions and major liver envisages to create and establish an Advanced
resections continued to be performed with Blood centre in the upcoming Emergency and
excellent results -during the COVID times Renal transplant block, being set up in SGPGI.
including during the Lockdown phase.
This will serve as apical center for development of
Vision for next 5 years: Establishment of a full- guidelines, training, referral services and
fledged Liver Transplant program at SGPGIMS; transfusion support to centers in the state of UP.
Subspecialty development in CHBDT; expansion The department is in the process of starting new
in terms of generating trained manpower i.e. DM facilities such Post donation clinic, Post
(Hepatology) and MCh (HPB and Liver transfusion clinic, Platelet serology, Patient
transplantation); expand the horizons of robotic blood management program.
and laproscopic HPB surgeries; emphasis on The Department of Urology & Renal
deceased organ donation once the Trauma related Transplantation, and Robotic Surgery has
management resumes at Apex Trauma Centre; successfully been at the fore front of healthcare
augment the infrastructure of the department. services even at the peak of COVID pandemic by
Robotic and laproscopic HPB surgery to be performing more than 50 cutting edge robotic
initiated at a larger scale. Encourage structured surgeries during the past year. It has added
research activities in future. another feather to its cap by performing the first-
The Department of Transfusion Medicine ever robotic renal transplantation in Uttar
has been providing complete blood transfusion Pradesh during this pandemic. Keeping all odds
services to the COVID patients at the RCH, all aside, it has competently performed more than
throughout the Pandemic. 1000 urological surgeries including more than 40

The department has recently started M.Sc MLT live related renal transplantin the previous year.
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