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cases of advanced tumor including: liver, kidney
and adrenal gland in the past 1 year. On academic
front - Following the MCI approval for 2 seats for
M.Ch. Pediatric Surgery from 2020 session, the
first batch has been inducted in Dececmber-2020.
Necessary approvals from statuary bodies for
PDF courses in Pediatric Oncosurgery and
Minimally Invasive Surgery are underway.
COVID related highlights: Whole department
including faculty, paramedical staffs and
technicians actively participated in the Microsurgery in progress
institute`s fight against COVID-19 and staff and safai workers have been posted for
performing their best during their COVID- COVID hospital duties in the Isolation
Vision in the next 5 years: In the coming 5 Vision for next 5 years: To plan for creation of a
years the department wishes to expand referral center for management of Peripheral
holistically taking all the pediatric subspecialties Nerve and Brachial Plexus Injury; To activate
forward including - Pediatric Gastro-intestinal HDU for Burn injuries along with skin bank; To
Surgery, Pediatric Urology, Pediatric Onco- expand further and acquire a hyperbaric oxygen
surgery, Pediatric Thoracic Surgery, Pediatric (HBO) chamber for HBO therapy after cosmetic
Neurosurgery, Neonatal Surgeries, Pediatric surgery for shorter recuperation period and
Minimally invasive surgery, etc; Initiate reduce scarring.
Pediatric Robotic Surgery programme in
department. Develop an apex Pediatric centre The Department of Pulmonary Medicine
along with inclusion of all medical and surgical came into being under PMSSY in July 2009 with
pediatric subspecialties. Apart from an indoor an objective of providing quality care to patients
facility the department has an independent attending this hospital and giving state of the art
Neonatal and Pediatric Surgical ICU equipped to medical facilities which are not available in
provide level 3 care to critically sick pediatric surrounding regions of Uttar Pradesh. Also, it
surgical patients. Their outpatient services aims at establishing new paradigms in areas of
include chemotherapy administration for research. Apart from routine pulmonary clinical
Pediatric solid tumors, Pediatric stoma care activities, the department runs special
clinics and Urodynamic Lab. laboratory/clinical services such as -
Bronchoscopy laboratory with rigid
The Department of Plastic Surgery is bronchoscopy Complete Spirometry and Body
providing comprehensive state of the art services Plethysmography laboratory , Sleep Laboratory,
in all the subspecialties of plastic surgery. The ILD clinic and Interventional Pulmonology Unit.
department has started doing combined surgical New facilities have been created: Endobronchial
and radiologic procedures for treating complex ultrasound (EBUS); For mediastinal lesion
vascular malformations. In addition, the sampling and evaluation; CRYOPROBE lung
department is doing full range of cosmetic biopsies, Endobronchial CRYOBIOPSIES;
surgery procedures including laser surgery and Endobronchial LASER and APC; Virtual
facial rejuvenation.
Bronchoscopic Navigation for sampling of
COVID related highlights: The department peripheral pulmonary lesions; Bronchial
has participated in all the common activities such Thermoplasty for management of Severe
as electronic OPD etc. Faculty, residents, nursing Therapy Resistant Asthma. On the academic
and adrenal gland in the past 1 year. On academic
front - Following the MCI approval for 2 seats for
M.Ch. Pediatric Surgery from 2020 session, the
first batch has been inducted in Dececmber-2020.
Necessary approvals from statuary bodies for
PDF courses in Pediatric Oncosurgery and
Minimally Invasive Surgery are underway.
COVID related highlights: Whole department
including faculty, paramedical staffs and
technicians actively participated in the Microsurgery in progress
institute`s fight against COVID-19 and staff and safai workers have been posted for
performing their best during their COVID- COVID hospital duties in the Isolation
Vision in the next 5 years: In the coming 5 Vision for next 5 years: To plan for creation of a
years the department wishes to expand referral center for management of Peripheral
holistically taking all the pediatric subspecialties Nerve and Brachial Plexus Injury; To activate
forward including - Pediatric Gastro-intestinal HDU for Burn injuries along with skin bank; To
Surgery, Pediatric Urology, Pediatric Onco- expand further and acquire a hyperbaric oxygen
surgery, Pediatric Thoracic Surgery, Pediatric (HBO) chamber for HBO therapy after cosmetic
Neurosurgery, Neonatal Surgeries, Pediatric surgery for shorter recuperation period and
Minimally invasive surgery, etc; Initiate reduce scarring.
Pediatric Robotic Surgery programme in
department. Develop an apex Pediatric centre The Department of Pulmonary Medicine
along with inclusion of all medical and surgical came into being under PMSSY in July 2009 with
pediatric subspecialties. Apart from an indoor an objective of providing quality care to patients
facility the department has an independent attending this hospital and giving state of the art
Neonatal and Pediatric Surgical ICU equipped to medical facilities which are not available in
provide level 3 care to critically sick pediatric surrounding regions of Uttar Pradesh. Also, it
surgical patients. Their outpatient services aims at establishing new paradigms in areas of
include chemotherapy administration for research. Apart from routine pulmonary clinical
Pediatric solid tumors, Pediatric stoma care activities, the department runs special
clinics and Urodynamic Lab. laboratory/clinical services such as -
Bronchoscopy laboratory with rigid
The Department of Plastic Surgery is bronchoscopy Complete Spirometry and Body
providing comprehensive state of the art services Plethysmography laboratory , Sleep Laboratory,
in all the subspecialties of plastic surgery. The ILD clinic and Interventional Pulmonology Unit.
department has started doing combined surgical New facilities have been created: Endobronchial
and radiologic procedures for treating complex ultrasound (EBUS); For mediastinal lesion
vascular malformations. In addition, the sampling and evaluation; CRYOPROBE lung
department is doing full range of cosmetic biopsies, Endobronchial CRYOBIOPSIES;
surgery procedures including laser surgery and Endobronchial LASER and APC; Virtual
facial rejuvenation.
Bronchoscopic Navigation for sampling of
COVID related highlights: The department peripheral pulmonary lesions; Bronchial
has participated in all the common activities such Thermoplasty for management of Severe
as electronic OPD etc. Faculty, residents, nursing Therapy Resistant Asthma. On the academic