Page 8 - Report
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Pediatric Capacity Building Program, which is a virtual rounds, during the first and second waves.
unique short-term training program with the The current protocols of ICU management and
motive to train all doctors and nurses of the upkeep issues are deliberated, with the goal of
Institute to be ready to care for children. achieving standard care at all sites.
The Capacity building program has been divided Daily virtual evening clinical round of RCH
into two parts - one for nurses and the other for Relevant cases admitted in RCH are presented in
doctors. The program is currently running full these virtual rounds in the form of an interactive
swing at SGPGIMS with a vision to provide clinical session with the aim of fine-tuning/
comprehensive care to children affected with optimizing the treatment. This was done
COVID-19, and also take care of problems unique religiously during the first and second wave of the
to pediatric population. While it has been a pandemic.
challenge, with only a handful of pediatric
background doctors and nurses, but to look at it HCWs training prior to COVID hospital
from a different perspective, this is also as an duty
opportunity to impart basic knowledge of All faculty, residents, nurses, hospital attendants
pediatric care to HCWs dealing with primarily and sanitary staff underwent mandatory training
adult population, it will go a long way in on Donning and Doffing steps along with
managing children at various departments of the Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) practices
Institute. The training is being carried via Hybrid to be followed at RCH.
Additionally, infrastructure is being created
keeping the pediatric population in mind i.e for
general as well as ICU beds, equipments etc.
Based on the past experience and in anticipation
of the third wave, a 1000 liters capacity Oxygen
PSA Plant (over and above the arrangement
made during the first & second wave) recently Life support device skills training prior to
approved by the Government of India from the RCH duty
Prime Minister's Care Fund is being set up in the
New Emergency Medicine Block. Faculty, residents, and nurses underwent
mandatory training in life support device
Being prepared in advance in the background of training on invasive and non-invasive
increased testing, tracking, treatment and mechanical ventilation, high flow nasal cannula
vaccination, seems to be the only solution to (HFNC), oxygen therapy, vasopressors, etc
tackle future COVID. However, prempting the before starting to work at RCH.
next COVID wave based on mathematical
modelling, genomic sequencing and
serosurveillance will help us further meet the
challenge up front. To quote a quote by Greg
Kincaid- “No matter how much falls on us, we
keep plowing ahead. That's the only way to keep
the roads clear”.
'Virtual-ICU-Case-Based Rounds' with the
ICU teams of 52 medical colleges of UP
Difficult to manage cases admitted in COVID
ICUs in these colleges were discussed in the Capacity Building Program
unique short-term training program with the The current protocols of ICU management and
motive to train all doctors and nurses of the upkeep issues are deliberated, with the goal of
Institute to be ready to care for children. achieving standard care at all sites.
The Capacity building program has been divided Daily virtual evening clinical round of RCH
into two parts - one for nurses and the other for Relevant cases admitted in RCH are presented in
doctors. The program is currently running full these virtual rounds in the form of an interactive
swing at SGPGIMS with a vision to provide clinical session with the aim of fine-tuning/
comprehensive care to children affected with optimizing the treatment. This was done
COVID-19, and also take care of problems unique religiously during the first and second wave of the
to pediatric population. While it has been a pandemic.
challenge, with only a handful of pediatric
background doctors and nurses, but to look at it HCWs training prior to COVID hospital
from a different perspective, this is also as an duty
opportunity to impart basic knowledge of All faculty, residents, nurses, hospital attendants
pediatric care to HCWs dealing with primarily and sanitary staff underwent mandatory training
adult population, it will go a long way in on Donning and Doffing steps along with
managing children at various departments of the Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) practices
Institute. The training is being carried via Hybrid to be followed at RCH.
Additionally, infrastructure is being created
keeping the pediatric population in mind i.e for
general as well as ICU beds, equipments etc.
Based on the past experience and in anticipation
of the third wave, a 1000 liters capacity Oxygen
PSA Plant (over and above the arrangement
made during the first & second wave) recently Life support device skills training prior to
approved by the Government of India from the RCH duty
Prime Minister's Care Fund is being set up in the
New Emergency Medicine Block. Faculty, residents, and nurses underwent
mandatory training in life support device
Being prepared in advance in the background of training on invasive and non-invasive
increased testing, tracking, treatment and mechanical ventilation, high flow nasal cannula
vaccination, seems to be the only solution to (HFNC), oxygen therapy, vasopressors, etc
tackle future COVID. However, prempting the before starting to work at RCH.
next COVID wave based on mathematical
modelling, genomic sequencing and
serosurveillance will help us further meet the
challenge up front. To quote a quote by Greg
Kincaid- “No matter how much falls on us, we
keep plowing ahead. That's the only way to keep
the roads clear”.
'Virtual-ICU-Case-Based Rounds' with the
ICU teams of 52 medical colleges of UP
Difficult to manage cases admitted in COVID
ICUs in these colleges were discussed in the Capacity Building Program