Page 6 - Report
P. 6
transmissibility, severity, admission spectrum,
mortality, duration of illness and the mutant
variants identified.

Covid Associated Mucormycosis (CAM)
SGPGI-RCH working to capacity in second wave
of COVID, started getting Covid Associated
Mucormycosis (CAM) cases from 1 week of May
and the Institute level Multi disciplinary Rapid
Response Team had to be constituted
immediately to take care of this deadly entity. Dr
Amit Keshri from Neuro-otology was appointed
nodal officer for CAM.
With rapid increase in cases, a high-level expert
committee was formed by the State Government
and I was appointed as the Chairman of this
committee. The committee's mandate was to
provide recommendations on CAM to the State

Commissioning of liquid oxygen plant
at RCH 1 on 17-4-2021

tirelessly worked towards the care of patients
admitted in RCH.

A total of 1110 patients were admitted during the
span of four months from March-June 2021. Peak
admission of 660 was observed in the month of
April 2021. More than 600 patients required The cases of Mucormycosis increased
oxygen support, and approximately 300 patients exponentially and soon a Post Covid
required respiratory support and appropriate life Mucormycosis ward was activated in RCH 2.
supportive care in the ICUs. Though males were Uttar Pradesh Government made Mucormycosis
admitted in larger numbers, the proportion of a notifiable disease and to ease the post covid
females (35%) was also significantly higher than financial burden of this disease on families made
during the first wave. Since vaccination had the treatment free of cost to these patients.
already commenced, it was noted that 353
patients despite vaccination (completely or The Mucormyosis Multidisplinary team started
partially) needed admission at RCH. to manage these patients both in RCH 1 AND
Remarkably, both the severity of illness and RCH 2, and till date nearly 131 patients
mortality in vaccinated patients was significantly underwent the treatment of CAM. Overall, 90
lower as compared to unvaccinated population, cases have been operated till date; post-operative
emphasizing the urgent need to vaccinate the mortality was seen in only 5 patients. SGPGI
vulnerable population. Probably, each wave of successfully managed and discharged 91 patients
COVID will be dissimilar to the previous one(s), and presently 10 patients are still undergoing
in many aspects such as affected age group, treatment. We also lost 25 CAM patients during

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