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the second wave. of Microbiology, KGMU, Lucknow; Prof Gaurav
Overall, excellent patient care, team approach Agarwal, Deptt. of Endocrine Surgery & CMS,
and commitment of nurses, residents and faculty SGPGIMS, Lucknow; Prof Amita Aggarwal,
lead to good results in this dreaded disease. HoD, Deptt. of Immunology, SGPGIMS,
Lucknow; Prof Hardeep Singh Malhotra, Deptt.
Covid Advisory Board for Uttar Pradesh of Neurology, KGMU, Lucknow; Dr Himanshu
As per order issued by Medical Education an Reddy, Deptt. of Medicine, Lucknow; Dr
Advisory Board for COVID, under my Prabhakar Mishra, Deptt. of Biostatics,
chairmanship was constituted on the directions SGPGIMS, Lucknow.
of Chief Minister, Shri Yogi Aditya Nathji. The The following advisories have been issued by the
purpose of this advisory board was to give committee thus far: Home Isolation & Care
suggestions to the Uttar Pradesh Govt, regarding Protocol for COVID-19; Discharge Policy for
planning and management of COVID-19 for the COVID-19 during 2 Wave; Data management
state of Uttar Pradesh. for COVID-19; Evaluation & Management of
COVID Associated Mucormycosis; Preparing for
the 3 Wave of COVID-19 in Uttar Pradesh;
Delta-plus variant of COVID-19; Preparation of
pediatric facilities for 3 Wave of COVID-19;
Vaccination in COVID-19;Use of IVIG in MISC;
Predicting the 3 wave of COVID-19; Monoclonal
antibody in treatment of COVID-19; Role of 2 D-
oxy Glucose in treatment of COVID-19; Role of
Director addressing be COVID advisory board virtually Pegylated Interferon in treatment of COVID-19;
The following are the members of this advisory Use of Amphotericin B Lipid Emulsion in COVID
board: Prof Lt Gen Bipin Puri, Vice Chancellor, Associated Mucormycosis; Delta plus knocking
KGMU, Lucknow; Prof AK Singh, Vice the door in UP-Prevention & Management;
Chancellor, Atal Behari Bajpaee Medical COVID Vaccines in Children; 3 Wave COVID-
University, Lucknow; Prof Soniya Nityanand, 19: Role of Herd immunity; School reopening
Director, RMLIMS, Lucknow; Prof Rakesh during COVID-19.
Kapoor, Director, Medanta Hospital, Lucknow; Preparation and training for the
Prof R K Singh, Nodal-COVID-SGPGI, I/C-RCH anticipated third wave
& HoD Emergency Medicine, SGPGIMS,
Lucknow; Prof Alok Nath, Co-Nodal-COVID- The unexpected and untimely second wave of
SGPGI & HoD Pulmonary Medicine, SGPGIMS, COVID-19 has had a tremendous impact on
Lucknow; Prof Ved Prakash, HoD Pulmonary & healthcare care services across the country.
Critical Care Medicine, KGMU, Lucknow; Prof Various experts and prediction models have
Brig. Rakesh Gupta, Director, SSPH, Greater predicted a third wave of the deadly virus, with
Noida; Dr BP Singh, Midland Hospital, Lucknow; speculations that this wave would impact
Prof BR Mittal, Director, IMS, BHU, Varanasi; children more than what we saw previously.
Dr MK Bansal, State president, IMA, Lucknow, Gearing up to provide care for children affected
UP; Dr Vikasendu Aggarwal, State Surveillance with COVID-19 at SGPGI, the entire pediatric
Officer, IDSP, Medical Health, Lucknow, DGHS, faculty, residents and nurses of the Institute have
UP Govt, Lucknow. The Co-Opted Members come together to fight the deadly disease. The
include-Prof Maninder Agarwal, IIT, Kanpur; nodal officer Dr. Banani Poddar and Dr. Kirti
Prof Shally Awasthi, HoD, Deptt. of Pediatrics, Naranje, the co nodal officer, with the help of all
KGMU, Lucknow; Prof Amita Jain, HoD, Deptt. the other pediatric fraternity have put together a
Overall, excellent patient care, team approach Agarwal, Deptt. of Endocrine Surgery & CMS,
and commitment of nurses, residents and faculty SGPGIMS, Lucknow; Prof Amita Aggarwal,
lead to good results in this dreaded disease. HoD, Deptt. of Immunology, SGPGIMS,
Lucknow; Prof Hardeep Singh Malhotra, Deptt.
Covid Advisory Board for Uttar Pradesh of Neurology, KGMU, Lucknow; Dr Himanshu
As per order issued by Medical Education an Reddy, Deptt. of Medicine, Lucknow; Dr
Advisory Board for COVID, under my Prabhakar Mishra, Deptt. of Biostatics,
chairmanship was constituted on the directions SGPGIMS, Lucknow.
of Chief Minister, Shri Yogi Aditya Nathji. The The following advisories have been issued by the
purpose of this advisory board was to give committee thus far: Home Isolation & Care
suggestions to the Uttar Pradesh Govt, regarding Protocol for COVID-19; Discharge Policy for
planning and management of COVID-19 for the COVID-19 during 2 Wave; Data management
state of Uttar Pradesh. for COVID-19; Evaluation & Management of
COVID Associated Mucormycosis; Preparing for
the 3 Wave of COVID-19 in Uttar Pradesh;
Delta-plus variant of COVID-19; Preparation of
pediatric facilities for 3 Wave of COVID-19;
Vaccination in COVID-19;Use of IVIG in MISC;
Predicting the 3 wave of COVID-19; Monoclonal
antibody in treatment of COVID-19; Role of 2 D-
oxy Glucose in treatment of COVID-19; Role of
Director addressing be COVID advisory board virtually Pegylated Interferon in treatment of COVID-19;
The following are the members of this advisory Use of Amphotericin B Lipid Emulsion in COVID
board: Prof Lt Gen Bipin Puri, Vice Chancellor, Associated Mucormycosis; Delta plus knocking
KGMU, Lucknow; Prof AK Singh, Vice the door in UP-Prevention & Management;
Chancellor, Atal Behari Bajpaee Medical COVID Vaccines in Children; 3 Wave COVID-
University, Lucknow; Prof Soniya Nityanand, 19: Role of Herd immunity; School reopening
Director, RMLIMS, Lucknow; Prof Rakesh during COVID-19.
Kapoor, Director, Medanta Hospital, Lucknow; Preparation and training for the
Prof R K Singh, Nodal-COVID-SGPGI, I/C-RCH anticipated third wave
& HoD Emergency Medicine, SGPGIMS,
Lucknow; Prof Alok Nath, Co-Nodal-COVID- The unexpected and untimely second wave of
SGPGI & HoD Pulmonary Medicine, SGPGIMS, COVID-19 has had a tremendous impact on
Lucknow; Prof Ved Prakash, HoD Pulmonary & healthcare care services across the country.
Critical Care Medicine, KGMU, Lucknow; Prof Various experts and prediction models have
Brig. Rakesh Gupta, Director, SSPH, Greater predicted a third wave of the deadly virus, with
Noida; Dr BP Singh, Midland Hospital, Lucknow; speculations that this wave would impact
Prof BR Mittal, Director, IMS, BHU, Varanasi; children more than what we saw previously.
Dr MK Bansal, State president, IMA, Lucknow, Gearing up to provide care for children affected
UP; Dr Vikasendu Aggarwal, State Surveillance with COVID-19 at SGPGI, the entire pediatric
Officer, IDSP, Medical Health, Lucknow, DGHS, faculty, residents and nurses of the Institute have
UP Govt, Lucknow. The Co-Opted Members come together to fight the deadly disease. The
include-Prof Maninder Agarwal, IIT, Kanpur; nodal officer Dr. Banani Poddar and Dr. Kirti
Prof Shally Awasthi, HoD, Deptt. of Pediatrics, Naranje, the co nodal officer, with the help of all
KGMU, Lucknow; Prof Amita Jain, HoD, Deptt. the other pediatric fraternity have put together a