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Metastasis (Department of Endocrine & Breast through use of Telemedicine worth 60Lacs (Dept of
Surgery); DST-SERB grant of Rs. 73.26 Lacs for Endocrinology). DBT has also funded a project
Alterations in immune, inflammatory and endocrine “Identifying therapeutic targets for blocking infection of
responses in Indian patients with diabetes infected with highly pathogenic SARS-CoV-2 at an early stage:
SARS-CoV-2 and its clinical consequences developing novel screening assay with minimal bio-
(Department of Endocrinology); DBT grant of Rs. 67.89 hazard risk” for Department of Molecular Medicine and
Lacs for monitoring placental health and function across Biotechnology. National Health Mission (NHM), Govt
pregnancy using placental derived nano-vesicles in of UP has provided Rs 306.6 Lacs for pre transfusion
maternal blood pool (Department of Molecular testing including NAT testing and Rs 403.33 Lacs for
Medicine and Biotechnology); DBT grant of Rs. providing free blood and components to all patients at
60.61Lacs for probing the dynamic balance of his tone SGPGI for the FY 2021-22 (Dept. of Transfusion
H2AUb1 regulatory axis in hypertrophic cardio Medicine)
myopathy and early heart development (Department of Visiting Professors
Medical Genetics); ICMR grant of Rs. 57.14 Lac for
Role of Levothyroxine on progression of chronic kidney In the year 2020-21, 2 visiting professors visited the
disease in subclinical Hypothyroid populations – a institute from within the country. Due to travel
multicentric randomized controlled trial (Department of restrictions, we could not invite guest faculty from
Nephrology); DBT grant of Rs. 56.87 Lac for outside the country this time.
deciphering the role of bone marrow mesenchymal stem 1st SGPGI Research Day
cell derived exosomes in the pathobiology of Aplastic In order to bring research activities to center stage, and
anemia (Department of Hematology).
to encourage and promote research amongst faculty and
Some of the other notable funding from ICMR during residents, the 1st SGPGI Research Day was observed on
this year include grant for Generation of Bioengineered
Human Pancreatic Organoid Model for Environmental
Diabetogens Screening: A step towards targeted therapy
for Diabetes worth 50 lacs, Investigating molecular and
cellular mechanisms of therapy-induced plasticity in
colon cancer worth 54 Lacs, Understanding
theepigenetic basis of lympho-myeloid switch: An
escape mechanism from CD19+CAR T-celltherapy
worth 50 Lacs (Department of Hematology), Use of
Next Generation Sequencing Techniques in
identification of causative etiology in fetuses with
abnormal ultrasound findings and identification of
Novel Genes in Lethal Disorders worth 93.4 Lacs,
Indian Undiagnosed Diseases program worth 75 Lacs Prof (Dr). S. K. Sarin, Director, ILBS addressing the
delegates on the First Research Day
(Department of Medical Genetics), and metabolomic
profile of ampullary cancer worth 40 Lacs (Department 13th December 2020, on the eve of the Institute's
of Pathology). SERB (DST) has also awarded grants for foundation day. We hope that this new tradition will
Understanding the molecular basis of MEF2D- continue to recognize the contribution of the faculty
rearranged oncogenic fusion proteins in members of SGPGI in the field of biomedical research.
Leukemogenesis worth 29 Lacs (Department of At the 1st SGPGI research day, 80 faculty members
Hematology), Alternations in immune, inflammatory presented their research works done in the last 3 years,
and endocrine responses in Indian patients with diabetes which were evaluated by a team of eminent biomedical
infected with SARS-CoV-2 and its clinical scientists. The best published research works were
consequences woth 73 Lacs, Role of Cystic fibrosis selected in various categories, and awarded on the
transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) in the foundation day on 14th December. Keynote lectures
pathogenesis of Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) were delivered by Professor SK Sarin, Director, ILBS,
worth 33 Lacs, Childhood Diabetes – District Outreach New Delhi, who deliberated on “India Needs Hybrid
as a Model for Decentralized Care and Education Clinicians”, followed by lecture by Dr. Arunaloke

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