Page 13 - Report
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Chakraborty, PGIMER, Chandigarh who in a very Short Term Training
interesting manner explained the need of the research by The Institute provides short-term training /observer ship
faculty members. Dr. Pradeep K Sinha, Vice Chancellor to doctors serving in the Armed forces, government
& Director, Dr. SP Mukherjee International Institute of medical colleges or from private organizations. The
Information Technology, Naya Raipur, Chhattisgarh institute also provides training to postgraduate students
expressed his views on “Why 21st Century Engineers from various universities as summer training course or
and Doctors need to Collaborate for Future Healthcare”. dissertation and project training. Despite the pandemic,
The distinguished speakers delivered their lectures 45 students and doctors have been trained during the
virtually. This lecture session was followed by an open year 2020 (21 Medical and 24Non Medical). We had
house discussion. trainees both from from developing and the developed

part of the world.

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