Page 4 - Report
P. 4
Director's Report on the 26th Convocation of
Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow
T he Institute's foundation was laid in 39 care facility for the state in a matter of days or
years ago. In the 34 years since the time
weeks. To create a new infrastructure for a new
that doors were thrown open for the
disease, a disease that we hardly understood, was
patients and 2 years later for the students, the
Institute has made its presence felt in spheres of a daunting task to say the least. Under the able
guidance of Rajyapal, Maha Mahim Smt
patient care, teaching, training and research- Anandiben Patelji, and Mananeeya Mukhya
both at national and international level. Last Mantra Sri Yogi Adityanath ji, and with the
eighteen months have been challenging for the unhindered support from the entire government
entire human race, more so for us in the medical machinery, we were able to create a world-class
profession. We as health care professionals had to Rajdhani Corona Hospital (RCH) within a very
tackle the mammoth pandemic, and at the same short span of time, equip it, train our healthcare
time, continue our other clinical, academic and workers (HCWs) to run it optimally, and put in
research activities. The entire Institute was place the best possible protocols to manage some
united to face the challenge, and it also continued of the most challenging patients with SARS Cov-
to scale new heights during this period. In the 2 viral infection. The entire workforce of
academic year 2020-21, we have added new SGPGIMS doctors from each specialty, nursing
dimensions to our activities and the services staff, patient helpers, attendants, housekeeping
provided, some of which I will like to highlight. staff, safai karamcharis, security staff, the civil,
I joined as the Director of this great Institution, electrical and air conditioning support teams
which also happens to be my alma mater, on 8th joined hands and rallied behind me, to fight this
February, 2020. Within a month of my joining dreaded disease, and have been doing so since
SGPGI, global pandemic was declared by the March 2020.
World Health Organization. The government of Let me begin by apprising you all of our fight
Uttar Pradesh entrusted SGPGI with the against COVID in the last 18 months.
responsibility of creating the apex level COVID
Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow
T he Institute's foundation was laid in 39 care facility for the state in a matter of days or
years ago. In the 34 years since the time
weeks. To create a new infrastructure for a new
that doors were thrown open for the
disease, a disease that we hardly understood, was
patients and 2 years later for the students, the
Institute has made its presence felt in spheres of a daunting task to say the least. Under the able
guidance of Rajyapal, Maha Mahim Smt
patient care, teaching, training and research- Anandiben Patelji, and Mananeeya Mukhya
both at national and international level. Last Mantra Sri Yogi Adityanath ji, and with the
eighteen months have been challenging for the unhindered support from the entire government
entire human race, more so for us in the medical machinery, we were able to create a world-class
profession. We as health care professionals had to Rajdhani Corona Hospital (RCH) within a very
tackle the mammoth pandemic, and at the same short span of time, equip it, train our healthcare
time, continue our other clinical, academic and workers (HCWs) to run it optimally, and put in
research activities. The entire Institute was place the best possible protocols to manage some
united to face the challenge, and it also continued of the most challenging patients with SARS Cov-
to scale new heights during this period. In the 2 viral infection. The entire workforce of
academic year 2020-21, we have added new SGPGIMS doctors from each specialty, nursing
dimensions to our activities and the services staff, patient helpers, attendants, housekeeping
provided, some of which I will like to highlight. staff, safai karamcharis, security staff, the civil,
I joined as the Director of this great Institution, electrical and air conditioning support teams
which also happens to be my alma mater, on 8th joined hands and rallied behind me, to fight this
February, 2020. Within a month of my joining dreaded disease, and have been doing so since
SGPGI, global pandemic was declared by the March 2020.
World Health Organization. The government of Let me begin by apprising you all of our fight
Uttar Pradesh entrusted SGPGI with the against COVID in the last 18 months.
responsibility of creating the apex level COVID