Page 5 - Report
P. 5
Report on COVID activities of the Institute

COVID management has been in accordance to
the standard operating protocols framed by
MoHFW, ICMR and as per State Government
guidelines. Every patient routinely went through
a 3-point triage system and further management
was ascertained accordingly. The state-of-art
ICU care for COVID-19 has been provided for
patients being referred from various districts of
Rajdhani Corona Hospital (RCH) 1 & 2 - the the state. Strict infection prevention and control
apex level COVID care facility for the state (IPC) measures have been adopted including
by SGPGI: centralized single Donning area and de-
centralized multiple Doffing areas have been
RCH is a fully functional, dedicated COVID created to ensure none of the HCWs in RCH test
hospital with a significant ICU/HDU facility, Tier positive.
3 triage, operation theatres, dialysis unit, labor
room and a set up for the neonates. All this was Second COVID wave (SGPGI RCH
created at the time of the first wave. RCH 2, on experience)
the other hand, was created literally overnight Second wave of Covid-19 witnessed a sharp rise in
during the second wave. This was done to meet cases from the first week of April 2021.
the huge admission demand for COVID patients, Anticipating the explosive nature of transmission
and also for large number of HCWs and/or their and increased severity of infection, capacity
dependents who were getting infected. This (beds, monitors, ventilators, and other life
facility was kept exclusively to take care of all the supportive equipments) of RCH at SGPGIMS was
HCWs and their dependent families. Similar level proportionately increased from the pre-existing
of facility at par with RCH 1 was provided for in 250 beds to 328 beds, within a matter of weeks.
RCH 2. Anticipating high demands of the oxygen, the
Statistics of RCH: Liquid Oxygen Plant commissioned only a few

A total of 3417 COVID patients have been months back was made operational. In order to
admitted and treated in the RCH (1 & 2) till date. maintain adequate availability of oxygen
required for the treatment of COVID patients, a
First COVID wave (Till 31 December, 2020) liquid oxygen plant of 20,000 liters capacity was
During the first wave, majority of patients were set up in RCH 1 including a backup stock of 1150
elderly and often with debiliting and multiple co- cylinders.
morbidities. Inspite of admitting the most Increased transmission of infection during the
difficult to treat and seriously ill patients, we second wave by the Delta variant, did not spare
could achieve an overall recovery rate of 85%, even the HCWs, and almost 40% of SGPGI staff
though the recovery rate in patients younger were infected with Corona virus, depleting the
than 60 years was>92%. The median age of available health care workforce. Nonetheless, the
recovered patients was 52 years and those who morale and commitment of SGPGI-HCWs
died were 61. As our learning curve of the disease towards the COVID and non-COVID patients was
improved and SOPs of management were exemplary. Almost all non-infected HCWs
streamlined, the recovery rate consistently including department chairs, senior and junior
improved each month from April (67%) through faculty, residents, nurses, sanitary workers
December (85%).
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