Page 10 - Report
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improvements in COVID Hospital management, COVID Vaccination
guide improvements in COVID-ICU-Care, and in By the time first wave was getting over, vaccine
formulating action plans to bring down COVID- against Corona virus was made available for use
Hospital/ICU mortalities.
by Govt of India. The vaccination drive across the
Leadership role in formulating COVID care country was started in January this year. We all
policy and protocols for the state know that vaccine has been, and will continue to
The institute has been nominated for formation be the game changer in our fight against Corona
of a high-level committee to provide inputs to virus. With the backing of such dynamic central
Department of Medical Education, State Govt and state leadership, UP leads the country with
regarding strategies to improve COVID-Care in more than 6 crore shots given till date. The
the state and also for capacity building. The Institute has played a major part in the State
following advisories have been provided to the Vaccination Drive both for HCWs and people of
State Government regarding COVID care: the state.
Revised Discharge Policy; Incorporation of A separate vaccination site as per state govt
Ivermectin in prophylaxis to HCWS and high- guidelines was earmarked initially but was later
risk contacts; Augmentation of L2 and L3 shifted to the present site Lecture Theater
facilities; Utilizing ECHO platforms for spread of Complex for ease of access and appropriate
education and related programs. physical distancining.

Post COVID clinic

It is now well known, especially after the second
wave, that after recovery from COVID, patients
may face health issues for the next few weeks or
months. To address such medical issues, that
could be distressing for any COVID survivor, a
post COVID clinic was envisaged at SGPGI, and
was inaugurated on 7 July, 2021. Online
consultation with a team of doctors is now being
carried out regularly, and all patients that have COVID - Vaccination in SGPGIMS
been discharged from RCH, have an access to this
clinic. They can benefit tremendously from this
new facility.

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