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Prof. K J Maria Das, Dept of Radiotherapy, in Dr. Dharmendra Bhadauria and Dr. Manas
collaboration with IIT Kanpur developed a 3D Ranjan Patel, from the Dept of Nephrology were
robotic motion phantom as a crosscheck measure selected as Council Member of Indian Society of
for patients of lung cancer who are to receive Organ Transplantation and International Society
radiotherapy. This is a DST funded research project. of Nephrology (ISN) – Interventional Nephrology
fellowship for the year 2021 in St. Mary's Hospital,
Dr. Amit Goel, Additional Professor, Department
of Gastroenterology won a prize in the INASL South Korea respectively.
Plenary session 2021 for the second-best paper. Dr. Moinak Sen Sharma, Dept of Ped
Dr. Latika Gupta, Dept of Immunology, received Gastroenterology received the SGPGIMS-Best
Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine Research Paper award (medical category:
International (Asia) Prize for the best Medical Assistant Professor) 2020.
Writing in Social Media 2020. Dr. Rohit A Sinha, Dept of Endomedicine,
Dr. Mohan Gurjar, Dept of CCM, was selected as received the SGPGIMS 1 Research Day Award for
a National representative of international studies best Paper (Basic Science-Assistant Professor
'EUROBACT II Study' and 'InPUT Study. category), 2020. Dr. Ankur Mandelia, Dept of
Paediatric Surgery, was awarded “Best Paper”
Dr. Sabaratnam, Dept of Endocrine surgery, was award at PESICON-2021; IAPSCON-2020 and
awarded FRCS(Glasgow), FACS (American “Travel Grants”by Asian Oncology Society (ASO)-
College of Surgeons) and FISS (International 2020 for Pasay City, Philippines.
Surgical society).Dr. Anant Mehrotra won the
SGPGIMS 1 Research Day Award for best Paper Dr. Akash Mathur, Senior Resident, Dept. of
2020 in additional professor category. Gastroenterology received the Best DM Resident
Award from SGPGI. The residents from the Dept.
Dr. Amit Keshri, Dept of Neurosurgery, won the of Surgical Gastroenterology won several awards
Economic Times Doctor day award of Emerging including the following-The Liver Week (Korea) :
ENT Surgeon. He appointed as a teachers of Foreign investigator award was given to Dr. Rohit
TEACHERS of ENT by NHSRC-New delhi. Dhawan (3 year Mch) and Dr. Nalinikant Ghosh
Dr. Ashutosh Kumar, Dept of Neurosurgery, (3 year Mch). HBP surgery week (Korea): Foreign
won the best paper (second prize – young investigator award was won by Dr. Mukteswar (2
neurosurgeon award) at the WFSBS, July 2021. year Mch), Dr. Krishna Rau (2 year Mch). Dr
Abhijeet Roy, DM (SR) from the Dept of
Dr. R Harsvardhan & Dr Ruchi Kushwaha,
Hospital Administration- Best Poster prize SASH Neonatology won Best Poser Award in State level
2020. conference of Neonatology UP Neocon 2020 on
topic “Challenges in case of management of hepatic
Dr. Khaliqur Rahman, Dept of Haematology, hemangioma”.
received the Best Research Paper Award (Basic
Sciences), SGPGI, Lucknow, 2020 and the Best Dr. Amrit Gopan (SR), Dr. Jayendra
Paper award Oral presentation (second prize), Seetharaman (SR) and Dr. Jayalakshmi K
Hematocon 2020. (SR) from the Dept of Pediatric Gastroenterology,
won Best abstract and poster awards in several
Dr. Alok Kumar, Dept of Mol medicine & national and international conferences.
Biotechnology, received the SGPGIMS 1
Research Day Award for best Paper (Basic Science- Dr. Arualalan M, Neurosurgery- British
Associate Professor category), 2020. Academy of Otolaryngology Fellowship 2020.
Dr. Ravi Banthia, Urology- Clinical Fellow in UK
Dr. Shagun Misra, Dept of Radiotherapy, won
the Best paper award (Associate Professor Medical 2021-22.
Category) on the first SGPGI Research Day held in
December, 2020.
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