Page 36 - Report
P. 36
The Department of Ophthalmology has seen (Institute Revoving Fund)
tremendous growth in patients and surgical cases COVID related highlights: Faculty members
of all subspecialty of Ophthalmology like Neuro- performed ECCS duties in telemedicine providing
Ophthalmology, Glaucoma, cornea, retina consultations. Residents performed clinical
oculoplasty, and strabismus. The faculty duties in COVID Hospital. Dr. Vinita Agarwal
members have been invited regularly as guest conducted series of Seminars on Ethical aspects
speakers in various National conferences and related to COVID. She was the chief coordinator
presented papers in international conferences. for Women Empowerment programme. Senior
The department is regularly conducting courses faculty involved in Post-covid OPD consultation.
in Neuro-ophthalmology in All India Ophthalmic
Society conference. The Department has recently Vision for the next five years: Augmentation of
organized 57th Annual conference of UP State existing facilities and development of newer
ophthalmological Society. The department diagnostic modalities including in-situ
celebrated world glaucoma week 2020 by hybridization, DNA diagnostics, electron
conducting public awareness lectures, free microscopy in neuro-muscular disorders,
screening camps and awareness talks on radio automation in cytology, and liquid-based
and television shows. The Department has also cytology; Introduction of additional certificate
published many research papers in reputed courses in subspecialty pathology areas such as
national and international journals. Received 2nd gastrointestinal pathology, hepatic pathology,
best paper award in DOS Annual international endocrine pathology and cytopathology;
Hybrid conference 2020 held virtually. Establish digital archiving of pathology teaching
material; To pursue collaborative research in
The Department of Pathology continues to contemporary and relevant areas; to identify
take care of Histopathology, Cytopathology, subspecialty pathology areas for faculty growth;
Electron microscopy, Immunofluorescence, Introduce new PDCC courses in subspecialty
Immunohistochemistry, Frozen section biopsy- pathology such as gastrointestinal and
to name a few. It extends its support to the core hepatobiliary pathology, Endocrine and breast
laboratory facility being run by the department of pathology and cytopathology
Molecular Medicine. The department is
committed to provide comprehensive training to T h e D e p a r t m e n t o f P e d i a t r i c
medical students enrolled in the 3 year MD Gastroenterology is currently offering a DM
program. Apart from them, several PhD students course in Pediatric Gastroenterology. Despite
are enrolled to pursue research in the field. On COVID pandemic, the department has been
research front, the department has recently been running their 30 bed indoor facility throughout
grant extramural funds from ICMR to work on and performed endoscopy twice a week and
“Metabolomic profile of ampullary carcinoma”. running both e-OPD and physical OPD with
An online workshop on 'Transmission Electron direct faculty involvement. Prof Anshu
Microscopy in Life Sciences: Procedure and Srivastava was awarded the Best paper award
Application' was recently organized under the (Professor Medical Category) on the first SGPGI
“Accelerate Vigyan-Karyashala scheme of SERB- Research Day held in December, 2020. Dr.
DST. Prof. Vinita Agarwal as a Incharge of Moinak Sen Sharma was awarded the Best paper
Bioethcs cell has been conducting fast track with award (Assistant Professor Medical Category) on
full board IEC Ethics meetings via video the first SGPGI Research Day held in December,
conferencing. 2020. The faculty and residents have won several
National and International awards in the year
Prof. Manoj Jain has been the faculty inchage for gone by.
Kamdhenu Ati Nirdhan Chiktsa Sahayta Society
and recently been given the responsibility of IRF The department has started two specialty clinics;
tremendous growth in patients and surgical cases COVID related highlights: Faculty members
of all subspecialty of Ophthalmology like Neuro- performed ECCS duties in telemedicine providing
Ophthalmology, Glaucoma, cornea, retina consultations. Residents performed clinical
oculoplasty, and strabismus. The faculty duties in COVID Hospital. Dr. Vinita Agarwal
members have been invited regularly as guest conducted series of Seminars on Ethical aspects
speakers in various National conferences and related to COVID. She was the chief coordinator
presented papers in international conferences. for Women Empowerment programme. Senior
The department is regularly conducting courses faculty involved in Post-covid OPD consultation.
in Neuro-ophthalmology in All India Ophthalmic
Society conference. The Department has recently Vision for the next five years: Augmentation of
organized 57th Annual conference of UP State existing facilities and development of newer
ophthalmological Society. The department diagnostic modalities including in-situ
celebrated world glaucoma week 2020 by hybridization, DNA diagnostics, electron
conducting public awareness lectures, free microscopy in neuro-muscular disorders,
screening camps and awareness talks on radio automation in cytology, and liquid-based
and television shows. The Department has also cytology; Introduction of additional certificate
published many research papers in reputed courses in subspecialty pathology areas such as
national and international journals. Received 2nd gastrointestinal pathology, hepatic pathology,
best paper award in DOS Annual international endocrine pathology and cytopathology;
Hybrid conference 2020 held virtually. Establish digital archiving of pathology teaching
material; To pursue collaborative research in
The Department of Pathology continues to contemporary and relevant areas; to identify
take care of Histopathology, Cytopathology, subspecialty pathology areas for faculty growth;
Electron microscopy, Immunofluorescence, Introduce new PDCC courses in subspecialty
Immunohistochemistry, Frozen section biopsy- pathology such as gastrointestinal and
to name a few. It extends its support to the core hepatobiliary pathology, Endocrine and breast
laboratory facility being run by the department of pathology and cytopathology
Molecular Medicine. The department is
committed to provide comprehensive training to T h e D e p a r t m e n t o f P e d i a t r i c
medical students enrolled in the 3 year MD Gastroenterology is currently offering a DM
program. Apart from them, several PhD students course in Pediatric Gastroenterology. Despite
are enrolled to pursue research in the field. On COVID pandemic, the department has been
research front, the department has recently been running their 30 bed indoor facility throughout
grant extramural funds from ICMR to work on and performed endoscopy twice a week and
“Metabolomic profile of ampullary carcinoma”. running both e-OPD and physical OPD with
An online workshop on 'Transmission Electron direct faculty involvement. Prof Anshu
Microscopy in Life Sciences: Procedure and Srivastava was awarded the Best paper award
Application' was recently organized under the (Professor Medical Category) on the first SGPGI
“Accelerate Vigyan-Karyashala scheme of SERB- Research Day held in December, 2020. Dr.
DST. Prof. Vinita Agarwal as a Incharge of Moinak Sen Sharma was awarded the Best paper
Bioethcs cell has been conducting fast track with award (Assistant Professor Medical Category) on
full board IEC Ethics meetings via video the first SGPGI Research Day held in December,
conferencing. 2020. The faculty and residents have won several
National and International awards in the year
Prof. Manoj Jain has been the faculty inchage for gone by.
Kamdhenu Ati Nirdhan Chiktsa Sahayta Society
and recently been given the responsibility of IRF The department has started two specialty clinics;