Page 19 - Report
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entire building complex for the cause of Corona department faculty members have been recognized
pandemic, all the ATC faculty members, residents as leaders in fields of endocrine surgery and breast
and staff have been totally dedicated towards covid surgery. Recently, the department reins were
patient care, administrative work, managing post handed over to Prof. Amit Agarwal, since Prof. S K
covid patients and COVID-vaccination. The ATC Mishra retired about a month ago. Recently, Prof.
now has provision of Liquid oxygen, and 3 Gaurav Agarwal was given an additional charge of
functional ICUs and HDUs each, and the entire Chief Medical Superintendent, sincethe term of
infrastructure including equipments have been
massively overhauled and shall be of immense help
for trauma as and when it re-starts.
Vision for the next 5 years: Once the pandemic is
over and the trauma related clinical work is
resumed then with the help of new emergency
building, organ transplant program and air
ambulance and helipad services the trauma services
would expand their horizons further.
The Department of Endocrine & Breast
Surgery is recognized as a front-runner in its field,
and carries out surgical procedures for various
thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal and endocrine Endoscopic thyroid surgery: Trans
Oro-vestibular Approach
pancreatic disorders, and provides comprehensive
breast cancer care, and diabetic foot care. The Prof. Amit Agarwal was completed successfully. On
department also carries out cutting edge surgical academic front, the department has a MCh program
procedures like robotic & endoscopic running for the past several years. The academic
thyroidectomy, ICG identification of parathyroid program is well acclaimed and trainees from abroad
glands and breast oncoplastic procedures and come for extended periods to get trained. A PDCC
minimally invasive procedures such as trans- course in Breast Surgery has been started from this
axillary & trans-oral thyroidectomy. The year and the First batch student joined in December
2020. The departmental faculty has been invited to
various International and National forums for
delivering lectures and orations and has been
conferred various awards and fellowships. The
department has been conducting various CMEs,
workshops and courses including the most popular
biennial Post Graduate course in Endocrine
Surgery, currently running its 14 edition. Prof.
Gaurav Agarwal was awarded the best paper award
(Professor, Surgical Category) on the first SGPGI
Research Day held in December, 2020

Using ICG dye to identify vascularized parathyroid
Robotic Thyroidectomy in progress gland during thyroidectomy
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