Page 22 - Report
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the residents also took part in COVID-19 related each Bone marrow transplant being performed at
scientific research. our centre. Till date, the department has
successfully performed 04 BMT in thalassemia
Vision for the next 5 years: The department
wishes to continue to offer the state-of-the-art major kids under this program. NHM has
services for the patients with gastrointestinal, approved the proposal for establishment of
pancreatobiliary and hepatic diseases as it has thalassemia registry of the state, establishment
been doing for more than three decades. It wishes of 10 bed thalassemia day care ward at
to start new short-term training programs over Department of Hematology; establishment of the
and above the DM and PhD programs nodal laboratory for screening and diagnosis of
particularly in relation to GI motility, GI hemoglobinopathies; establishment of T2 MRI
pathophysiology, and advanced GI endoscopy. It facility in the state for monitoring cardiac and
also wishes to start formal training program for iron overload in thalassemia; mass screening of
paramedical personnel on GI manometry in the carriers of the disease in 5 districts around
School of Medical Technology. The department Lucknow. The department established Microbial
also wishes to start online training activities for Hematology Lab with GM-EIA as a routine test
physicians in the country to develop awareness for the diagnosis of Invasive Aspergillosis. Other
for better care of patients with GI diseases in the tests including ADA and LFA are currently being
community and a collaborative research unit. The standardized to evaluate their diagnostic value
department. in collaboration with the supporting for Invasive Aspergillosis. This is the first lab in
departments wishes to develop a Bariatric and the state of U.P to provided cancer cytogenetics
Metabolic clinic. The department also wishes to services that involve cancer karyotyping, FISH
develop an artificial intelligence and non-linear for hematological malignancies.
modeling unit on research on GI diseases. In the past one year, despite the Pandemic new

The Department of Hematology, Dr Soniya registrations of patients with hematological
Nityanand who was the Professor and Head of disorders was 1171. Around 2900 received
the department recently took charge as the chemotherapy for hematological malignancies. Over
Director, RMLIMS, Lucknow. Prior to that, apart 1600 bone marrow biopsies were done, and over
from serving the Institute as Executive Registrar 1000 each of flow cytomentry tests and molecular
and the Chief Medical Superindentent, she was tests. FISH test was carried in 200 patients.
the State Nodal Officer for the Hemophilia On academic front, PDF in Bone marrow
Control Program under NHM and MoHFW, transplantation and PDCC in Pediatric
which is responsible for free factor replacement Hematology and Hematopathology have started.
therapy to all hemophilia patients across the On the research front, there are 13 ongoing
state. The department is currently the nodal extramural research projects funded by DBT,
department for this project and for strengthening DST-SERB, ICMR, NHM and Wellcome trust
hemophilia care services, installation of U.P. Covid Related highlights: The department
Hemophilia website, ensuring safe storage of anti continued to offer its haematological services
hemophilic factors etc. The department is during COVID-19 pandemic and country wide
presently running a comprehensive thalassemia lockdown with 1680 In-patient admissions and
care program and is one of the major referral 1843 day-care chemotherapies that were
centers for stem cell transplant in thalassemia administered during the last 6 months of COVID
children. The Bone marrow transplant program pandemic (April-October 2020). Further it also
for thalassemia children is being supported by contributed to COVID patient care by deputing
Coal India Limited (CIL) in collaboration with faculty and senior residents to RCH for COVID-
MoHFW for providing financial assistance for 19 patient management.

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