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lesions being managed per-cutaneously. On the housekeeping staff have been posted for COVID
academic front, the department has been hospital duties in the ICU/ HDU wards. ECMO
training DM students since the beginning and has risen like a phoenix in the management of
their placement record across the country and severe COVID-19 pneumonia. This miniature
abroad is clearly a reflection of the quality of heart lung machine is being tried in these
training. Prof Aditya Kapoor was given an patients with a degree of success. It needs
additional responsibility as Faculty Incharge training and efforts from a highly skilled team of
Engineering (FIE) for the Institute and SGPGI specialists and paramedical staff, the Institute is
campus. now gearing up in this direction, in its attempt to
COVID related highlights: The department save lives in future.
has participated in all the common activities such Vision for the next 5 years: The department
as e-OPD. Faculty, residents, nursing staff and plans to initiate cardiac and lung transplantation
housekeeping staff have been posted for COVID
hospital duties in the ICU. Additionally, all program in collaboration of other departments.
cardiology related problems, procedures such as The Department of Clinical Immunology and
ECHO etc and interventions required in a Rheumatology has evolved into a state-of-the-art
COVID positive patient admitted in RCH were facility with integration of clinical, laboratory and
taken care of by the department faculty/ basic sciences. It is recognized across India and
residents. abroad as a prime centre for immunological
disorders.The DM program in clinical immunology
Vision for next 5 years: Developing a was the first in the country with an aim to train
comprehensive acute MI program delivering clinicians with sound understanding of
prompt, state of the art care to patients of Uttar immunology and is rated as one of the best
Pradesh and neighbouring areas. In addition, the programs in the country. A new PDCC course in
department envisages development of a Pediatric Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology
has been approved and is likely to commence from
dedicated cardiac transplant program in this year. The department has a vibrant research
collaboration with the depratments of CVTS and program including training of PhDs. Nine
Anaesthesiology. extramural grants from ICMR, WHO, DH Rand
The Department of Cardiovascular Bird Bath foundation, Indian Rheumatology
Thoracic Surgery routinely performs surgery Association and intramural funding have been
granted for pursuing clinical and basic research in
for congenital heart diseases, arrhythmias and the field of immunology. The department houses a
valvular heart diseases. Apart from open heart state-of-the-art Clinical Immunology laboratory for
and major cardiothoracic surgeries, the diagnostic tests. The department is very keen to
department has been doing Minimal Access train manpower in lab techniques and therefore
Cardiac Surgery including Minimal Access conducts National autoantibody workshop
Beating Heart Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting regularly. After the acquisition of musculoskeletal
Surgery. The department is in all its earnestness,
working towards surgery for heart failure
patients. In addition to the Cardiovascular and
Thoracic Surgery M.Ch. program, the
department has successfully commenced 1-year
Post Doctoral Fellowship (PDF) courses. The
department has also started Neonatal Cardiac
Surgery and Robotic Cardiothoracic Surgery.
COVID related highlights: The department
has participated in all the common activities such
as e-OPD. Faculty, residents, nursing staff and Musculoskeletal Ultrasound in outpatient clinic
academic front, the department has been hospital duties in the ICU/ HDU wards. ECMO
training DM students since the beginning and has risen like a phoenix in the management of
their placement record across the country and severe COVID-19 pneumonia. This miniature
abroad is clearly a reflection of the quality of heart lung machine is being tried in these
training. Prof Aditya Kapoor was given an patients with a degree of success. It needs
additional responsibility as Faculty Incharge training and efforts from a highly skilled team of
Engineering (FIE) for the Institute and SGPGI specialists and paramedical staff, the Institute is
campus. now gearing up in this direction, in its attempt to
COVID related highlights: The department save lives in future.
has participated in all the common activities such Vision for the next 5 years: The department
as e-OPD. Faculty, residents, nursing staff and plans to initiate cardiac and lung transplantation
housekeeping staff have been posted for COVID
hospital duties in the ICU. Additionally, all program in collaboration of other departments.
cardiology related problems, procedures such as The Department of Clinical Immunology and
ECHO etc and interventions required in a Rheumatology has evolved into a state-of-the-art
COVID positive patient admitted in RCH were facility with integration of clinical, laboratory and
taken care of by the department faculty/ basic sciences. It is recognized across India and
residents. abroad as a prime centre for immunological
disorders.The DM program in clinical immunology
Vision for next 5 years: Developing a was the first in the country with an aim to train
comprehensive acute MI program delivering clinicians with sound understanding of
prompt, state of the art care to patients of Uttar immunology and is rated as one of the best
Pradesh and neighbouring areas. In addition, the programs in the country. A new PDCC course in
department envisages development of a Pediatric Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology
has been approved and is likely to commence from
dedicated cardiac transplant program in this year. The department has a vibrant research
collaboration with the depratments of CVTS and program including training of PhDs. Nine
Anaesthesiology. extramural grants from ICMR, WHO, DH Rand
The Department of Cardiovascular Bird Bath foundation, Indian Rheumatology
Thoracic Surgery routinely performs surgery Association and intramural funding have been
granted for pursuing clinical and basic research in
for congenital heart diseases, arrhythmias and the field of immunology. The department houses a
valvular heart diseases. Apart from open heart state-of-the-art Clinical Immunology laboratory for
and major cardiothoracic surgeries, the diagnostic tests. The department is very keen to
department has been doing Minimal Access train manpower in lab techniques and therefore
Cardiac Surgery including Minimal Access conducts National autoantibody workshop
Beating Heart Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting regularly. After the acquisition of musculoskeletal
Surgery. The department is in all its earnestness,
working towards surgery for heart failure
patients. In addition to the Cardiovascular and
Thoracic Surgery M.Ch. program, the
department has successfully commenced 1-year
Post Doctoral Fellowship (PDF) courses. The
department has also started Neonatal Cardiac
Surgery and Robotic Cardiothoracic Surgery.
COVID related highlights: The department
has participated in all the common activities such
as e-OPD. Faculty, residents, nursing staff and Musculoskeletal Ultrasound in outpatient clinic