Page 21 - Report
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the support of National Health Mission, 2 diabetes mellitus. A large number of other
Government of India, the patient care services endocrinology and diabetes resources were also
have been much augmented since free insulin is added onto our department web page.
provided to all childhood diabetics reporting at Vision for the next 5 years: To start DM in
SGPGI. The department conducts support group pediatric endocrinology; Creation of an Advanced
meetings, inviting interactive participation of Diabetes Centre, with expansion of diabetes
young diabetics from remote centers via services including tele-diabetes and outreach
telemedicine. On the research front, new diabetes services; Bone and mineral metabolism
extramural grants worth Rs 3.94 Cr were laboratory services: DEXA (high end) with TBS,
generated by our faculty members in 2019 – 2020. quantitative CT, bone histomorphometry;
In fact there are 4 ongoing and 5 new extramural Expansion and modernization of Endocrinology
research grants that the department has to its laboratory services, including patient care
credit presently.
molecular endocrinology laboratory and steroid
hormones analysis by LCMS-MS.
The Department of Gastroenterology
shoulders a huge component of clinical workload,
and this includes carrying out investigative
procedures such as endoscopies, manometry etc.
The GI related workload was kept to minimum
during the COVID times. Even while following
restriction, about 50-100 cases were seen in the
OPD, whenever the out patients were opened for
public. Although, procedures performed were
limited, but despite the pandemic, the
department performed 5649 endocscopies in the
past one year. To further the teaching and
training of residents/ nurses and technicians and
for post graduate medical students of the
state/region, the department organizes formal
and informal lectures, interactive clinical case
discussion sessions. Prof VA Saraswathas
shouldered the responsibility of Hospital
revolving fund (HRF) in the past 1 year and
DEXA Professor UC Ghoshal has been the Faculty In-
COVID related highlights: Diabetic patients charge research (FIR) facilitating and
admitted in RCH were given 24x7 cover and augmenting research within the Institute. Dr.
advice to the teams on shift duty in the various Amit Goel played a major role in smooth
wards and ICUs, for blood glucose management, functioning of the vaccination site at the
as a large proportion of patients admitted had Institute.
diabetes. The patient resource page in our COVID related highlights: Both the faculty
department website was augmented to include members and the residents of the department
COVID related advice in Hindi, for patients with have shared their duties for COVID-19 patients
type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
and vaccination during the pandemic. This is over
The patient resources page in our department and above of the GI services that were being run
website was augmented to include Covid related at the main Hospital. The faculty members and
advice in Hindi, for patients with type 1 and type
Government of India, the patient care services endocrinology and diabetes resources were also
have been much augmented since free insulin is added onto our department web page.
provided to all childhood diabetics reporting at Vision for the next 5 years: To start DM in
SGPGI. The department conducts support group pediatric endocrinology; Creation of an Advanced
meetings, inviting interactive participation of Diabetes Centre, with expansion of diabetes
young diabetics from remote centers via services including tele-diabetes and outreach
telemedicine. On the research front, new diabetes services; Bone and mineral metabolism
extramural grants worth Rs 3.94 Cr were laboratory services: DEXA (high end) with TBS,
generated by our faculty members in 2019 – 2020. quantitative CT, bone histomorphometry;
In fact there are 4 ongoing and 5 new extramural Expansion and modernization of Endocrinology
research grants that the department has to its laboratory services, including patient care
credit presently.
molecular endocrinology laboratory and steroid
hormones analysis by LCMS-MS.
The Department of Gastroenterology
shoulders a huge component of clinical workload,
and this includes carrying out investigative
procedures such as endoscopies, manometry etc.
The GI related workload was kept to minimum
during the COVID times. Even while following
restriction, about 50-100 cases were seen in the
OPD, whenever the out patients were opened for
public. Although, procedures performed were
limited, but despite the pandemic, the
department performed 5649 endocscopies in the
past one year. To further the teaching and
training of residents/ nurses and technicians and
for post graduate medical students of the
state/region, the department organizes formal
and informal lectures, interactive clinical case
discussion sessions. Prof VA Saraswathas
shouldered the responsibility of Hospital
revolving fund (HRF) in the past 1 year and
DEXA Professor UC Ghoshal has been the Faculty In-
COVID related highlights: Diabetic patients charge research (FIR) facilitating and
admitted in RCH were given 24x7 cover and augmenting research within the Institute. Dr.
advice to the teams on shift duty in the various Amit Goel played a major role in smooth
wards and ICUs, for blood glucose management, functioning of the vaccination site at the
as a large proportion of patients admitted had Institute.
diabetes. The patient resource page in our COVID related highlights: Both the faculty
department website was augmented to include members and the residents of the department
COVID related advice in Hindi, for patients with have shared their duties for COVID-19 patients
type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
and vaccination during the pandemic. This is over
The patient resources page in our department and above of the GI services that were being run
website was augmented to include Covid related at the main Hospital. The faculty members and
advice in Hindi, for patients with type 1 and type