Page 18 - Report
P. 18
The Department of Emergency Medicine came
into existence in May, 2014. The emergency facility
operates 24 / 7/ 365. Its functioning is based on zone
basis - red, yellow and green, to prioritize the
patients needing immediate, emergent & urgent
medical attention. Antimicrobial stewardship
program and safe transport for transferring sick
patients is being practiced in the emergency. On the
academic front, a PDCC course has been started in
Resuscitative Emergency Medicine. The
department currently has 04 faculty.
COVID-19 related highlights: The department
has been part of the core team involved in all the Air Ambulance Service
aspects of the SGPGI-COVID-Response. As Nodal- Apex Trauma Center: Trauma is a major public
Officer-COVID-SGPGI and I/C RCH/ATC & HoD health problem across the world with significant
Emergency Medicine, Prof RK Singh, has made morbidity and mortality. There is no
significant contribution in the planning and comprehensive trauma care system covering all
implementation of the UP State Response against
COVID and initiating, designing, planning, geography in India at present. To curb this epidemic
creating and successfully running the COVID-Unit of trauma, Government of India envisioned
at SGPGI with his team. He has also been awarded National Trauma Care Program during the 11th
the Corona Warrior Award, by the Health Minister and 12th Five-Year Plans to strengthen the
of Uttar Pradesh for his exemplary contribution in emergency facilities in government hospitals.
COVID. Through ECHO (Extension for To establish state-of-the-art integrated and
Community Healthcare Outcomes) platform we dedicated trauma care facility in the State of UP, at
initiated and sustained a bi-weekly interactive par with country's only Level I trauma center, the
COVID teaching and training virtual session of 2-3
hours during first wave and second wave. Daily Medical Education Department, Government of
evening clinical-virtual-rounds of RCH are also UP, handed over the Apex Trauma Center (ATC) to
being continuously conducted by this core team. SGPGI for upkeep & further development. ATC is a
The department faculty has shouldered 210 bed infrastructure, that is currently being used
responsibility of several sectors of RCH, including, as RCH 1 during COVID. This includes 10 ICU beds
ICUs/HDUs/Emergency/Capacity Building/ as per the original (pre pandemic ATC) plan. The
Logistics/Administration and is also actively clinical specialities functional in the ATC are
involved in numerous COVID research projects. trauma surgery, neurosurgery, critical care
medicine, orthopaedics, gynecology, physical
Vision for the next 5 years: Expansion on the medicine and rehabilitation, and oral and
manpower front; initiation of teaching courses-
starting the MD in Emergency Medicine program; maxillofacial surgery. Besides, diagnostic services
PDCC in various aspects like Geriatric EM, are being provided by laboratory medicine and
Toxicological EM etc; creation of Tele-Emergency radio-diagnosis departments with clinical support
&ICU in SGPGI; to use HUB-SPOKE Model for of existing subspecialities of the institute. 18 faculty
upgrading the Emergency & Intensive Care members were recruited in the above mentioned
services in other Medical Colleges in the State of specialties, along with 18 senior and 20 junior
UP; lastly, to initiate Air Ambulance services so as residents. Similarly, support staff of 82 trained
to facilitate the immediate airlifting of critically ill nurses with 300 support staffs including
patients (trauma and non trauma) to and from administrative officers, medical social workers,
SGPGI. The Helipad is being created within SGPGI public relation officers, physiotherapists,
for this purpose. The upcoming Emergency pharmacists, technicians, dieticians, data entry
Medicine building will be one of the largest operators, nursing attendants, and hospital
Emergency Medicine Center in the country, and attendants were recruited earlier.
shall provide much needed acute health care service
to the myriad of patients coming to SGPGI. COVID related highlights: Apart from giving the
into existence in May, 2014. The emergency facility
operates 24 / 7/ 365. Its functioning is based on zone
basis - red, yellow and green, to prioritize the
patients needing immediate, emergent & urgent
medical attention. Antimicrobial stewardship
program and safe transport for transferring sick
patients is being practiced in the emergency. On the
academic front, a PDCC course has been started in
Resuscitative Emergency Medicine. The
department currently has 04 faculty.
COVID-19 related highlights: The department
has been part of the core team involved in all the Air Ambulance Service
aspects of the SGPGI-COVID-Response. As Nodal- Apex Trauma Center: Trauma is a major public
Officer-COVID-SGPGI and I/C RCH/ATC & HoD health problem across the world with significant
Emergency Medicine, Prof RK Singh, has made morbidity and mortality. There is no
significant contribution in the planning and comprehensive trauma care system covering all
implementation of the UP State Response against
COVID and initiating, designing, planning, geography in India at present. To curb this epidemic
creating and successfully running the COVID-Unit of trauma, Government of India envisioned
at SGPGI with his team. He has also been awarded National Trauma Care Program during the 11th
the Corona Warrior Award, by the Health Minister and 12th Five-Year Plans to strengthen the
of Uttar Pradesh for his exemplary contribution in emergency facilities in government hospitals.
COVID. Through ECHO (Extension for To establish state-of-the-art integrated and
Community Healthcare Outcomes) platform we dedicated trauma care facility in the State of UP, at
initiated and sustained a bi-weekly interactive par with country's only Level I trauma center, the
COVID teaching and training virtual session of 2-3
hours during first wave and second wave. Daily Medical Education Department, Government of
evening clinical-virtual-rounds of RCH are also UP, handed over the Apex Trauma Center (ATC) to
being continuously conducted by this core team. SGPGI for upkeep & further development. ATC is a
The department faculty has shouldered 210 bed infrastructure, that is currently being used
responsibility of several sectors of RCH, including, as RCH 1 during COVID. This includes 10 ICU beds
ICUs/HDUs/Emergency/Capacity Building/ as per the original (pre pandemic ATC) plan. The
Logistics/Administration and is also actively clinical specialities functional in the ATC are
involved in numerous COVID research projects. trauma surgery, neurosurgery, critical care
medicine, orthopaedics, gynecology, physical
Vision for the next 5 years: Expansion on the medicine and rehabilitation, and oral and
manpower front; initiation of teaching courses-
starting the MD in Emergency Medicine program; maxillofacial surgery. Besides, diagnostic services
PDCC in various aspects like Geriatric EM, are being provided by laboratory medicine and
Toxicological EM etc; creation of Tele-Emergency radio-diagnosis departments with clinical support
&ICU in SGPGI; to use HUB-SPOKE Model for of existing subspecialities of the institute. 18 faculty
upgrading the Emergency & Intensive Care members were recruited in the above mentioned
services in other Medical Colleges in the State of specialties, along with 18 senior and 20 junior
UP; lastly, to initiate Air Ambulance services so as residents. Similarly, support staff of 82 trained
to facilitate the immediate airlifting of critically ill nurses with 300 support staffs including
patients (trauma and non trauma) to and from administrative officers, medical social workers,
SGPGI. The Helipad is being created within SGPGI public relation officers, physiotherapists,
for this purpose. The upcoming Emergency pharmacists, technicians, dieticians, data entry
Medicine building will be one of the largest operators, nursing attendants, and hospital
Emergency Medicine Center in the country, and attendants were recruited earlier.
shall provide much needed acute health care service
to the myriad of patients coming to SGPGI. COVID related highlights: Apart from giving the