Page 24 - Report
P. 24
Department of Hepatology was formally
inaugurated and established at SGPGI on
16 February, 2021 and started functioning with
outpatient services since 19 February,2021.
With its inception, it became the first department
specifically catering to the needs of patients with
liver disease in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
Similarly, in-patient services have also begun, for
complete patient care.

Liver disease is one of the fastest growing health
care burdens gloabally as well as in India. The
prime drivers of the everincreasing burden stem Webinar on “Role of SOTTO w.r.t. it’s Statutory
from a combination of the classic lifestyle Obligations vis-à-vis Retrieval & Transplant Centres
disorder of metabolic dysfunction (MAFLD) and
perpetualsocial challenge of alcoholism. Recent
evidence suggests that there is a marked increase
in liver disease incidence rate, death rate and
DALY rate especially in the Indian subcontinent.
The department's commencement marks the
initial baby steps towards providing a Donor Felicitation Program & Public Forum on
comprehensive liver care facility the department Fundamentals of Organ Donation
envisions galvanizing liver transplant
programme for patients of Uttar Pradesh and The department has been actively involved in the
adjoining states and stating dedicated Liver Hospital Infection Control Cell, Patient Safety
Intensive care unit along with endoscopic Cell, Quality Cell, Centralized Condemnation &
services for liver disease patients. Disposal Cell, Central RTI Cell duly ratified by
Institute Body of SGPGIMS in the year 2019,
On the academic front, the department strives to activities. An Infection control nurse, patient
start the first DM in Hepatology program in safety nurse & Quality nurse have been trained to
Uttar Pradesh and promot clinical and run the HIC & Patient Safety Surveillance
translational research in Hepatology. Protocol. Patient Safety Nurse has been taking
Department of Hospital Administration has care of interventions aimed at making healthcare
been aiming to augment the quality of the safer. The department along with the Chief
teaching and training in the department and Medical Superintendent and Medical
health/patient care services within the hospital. Superintendent has been instrumental in
T h e M a s t e r ' s P r o g r a m i n H o s p i t a l establishing Quality Cell one Quality Nurse has
Administration is now running in full swing. The been trained for the same. NABH Accreditation
department has taken lead to establish Adverse process for SGPGIMS has commenced and data
Drug Reaction Monitoring Cell for reporting of collection is ongoing. The department took the
Adverse Drug Reactions & aiming to making initiative and “State Organ & Tissue
healthcare safer. NABH Accreditation process for Transplant Organization”(SOTTO) was
SGPGIMS has commenced and at present the established at SGPGIMS for the State of UP. This
online application process is going on. The data is is a MoHFW funded project.
uploaded for National Institute Ranking COVID related highlights: To ensure
Framework (NIRF) Ranking for 2021, for the operational management and address
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