Page 15 - Report
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faculty members of the department visited and receive sanction order electronically.
COVID centers across the state as and when As a committement towards creating a paperless
needed to provide training and guidance in environment, the department is creating an e-
COVID care as and when deputed by the state office, based on a software product of NIC. As a
administration. pilot project it is being used at department of

Vision for the next 5 years: The department biostatistics and health informatics and few other
plans to initiate DM courses in Pain Medicine, offices in this institute. With this application,
Organ Transplantation Anesthesia, Neuro document will move electronically from one office
Anaesthesiology, and Cardiac Anesthesia in the to another within SGPGI. Software will be able to
near future. monitor as well as track the location of the
document. This is our first step towards becoming
The Department of Biostatistics and Health paperless in this large organization and that shall
Informatics is an important specialty used for ensure transparency, quickness as well as helpful
decision making in the area of health and medical to reduce spread of infections through documents
research. The major goals of the department as during the pandemic. PACS (Picture Archive and
laid down by the Institute are dissemination of Communication System) has already been
the knowledge of biostatistics through academic started during this pandemic period. The
programs; to initiate research in the field of department integrated varios laboratories and
biostatistics and other areas of collaborative imaging equipment with HIS through PACS.
interest; to provide consultancy and data analysis During the COVID pandemic, this facility has
service to the institute and to other organizations been very useful in patients care and
in the medical and health sectors; and to manage management, as all reports and images could
patient care information and development of new easily be seen from anywhere outside as well.
technology in the area of health informatics. To
serve these goals, the department organizes COVID related highlights: Apart from the
basic/ advanced courses for the resident trainees above mentioned contributions and involvement
of the Institute, several times in a year. The of the department in COVID related activities,
department also runs a PhD program in the department faculty are actively involved in
Biostatistics. For the more initated group of the COVID care data management at institute as
residents/students, the faculty regularly holds well as state level and by their inputs data
these advanced courses in specialized areas of management made easy and quick that
biostatistics and research methodology. In ultimately useful to change of planning and
addition, the departments manage and maintain strategy at appropriate level.
the Hospital Information System (HIS) and The Department of Cardiology is the largest
patient care data, on various servers in the volume interventional cardiology centre of the
institute and also campus wide internet and state of Uttar Pradesh, with 1200-1500
email facilities. It was the first medical institute angioplasties being done every year. It is
in the country to implement fully functional HIS. recognized for its expertise in the field of
All the patient care activities are catered under coronary and non-coronary interevntions,
this system. The institute has about 30 blade chronic total occlusion interventions and
servers, high end storages, 10 GB network arrhythmia care. The department performed the
consisting of about 1500 nodes connected first Trans-catheter Tricuspid valve implant of
through LAN. Residential areas, hostels, MRA, the country in a government setup in July 2020,
guest house are connected through Wi- in spite of the corona pandemic in a patient with
Fi.Recently the department recently has failed surgical bio-prosthetic valve who was at
implemented the payment Gateway in HIS at high risk for repeat surgery. During the last year
Patient portal for online transaction. Simialrly, department also started the intravascular
HR module for leave management has been shockwave lithotripsy procedure for calcified
started in HIS. By using this employee can apply
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