Page 14 - Report
P. 14
Contributions of Various Departments

The Department of Anesthesiology has
maintained its rich tradition of providing safe and
high-quality clinical services to all specialties
within SGPGI. As the world continued to grapple
with the COVID crisis in the preceding year, the
department of Anaesthesiology continued to
provide its uninterrupted services in the different
zones of the hospital diligently and with full
dedication and professionalism. With full
commitment, the department ensured smooth
delivery of the routine as well as emergency
services which covered the various operation the Capacity building for COVID 19 care
atres (for routine and emergency procedures),
peripheral services (such as CT/ MRI scan,
Cardiac Cath Labs, ERCP, brachy therapy etc),
ICU services (Post op ward and PMSSY), Pain
and Palliative care clinics and Pre anaesthetic
checkup clinics despite the limitations posed by
the raging pandemic.
On Academic front, the department initiated an
oration in the name of their founder chair Dr
Soma Kaushik, who delivered the first oration on
19th December 2020 via virtual platform. Hands on training of medical personnel
Teaching and training of students had always
been a core activity of the department. Despite different sectors of COVID management, be it the
the restrictions posed by the pandemic the management of Isolation Wards, Intensive Care
teaching and training activities of the MD Units, Holding areas, ECCS services etc. COVID
Residents were attempted to continue through protocols for surgical and intervention cases
online platforms. The department of requiring anaesthesia which were developed last
Anaesthesiology strives to provide high quality year were implemented and their compliance was
teaching and training which continued even ensured throughout the hospital, to prevent
during the COVID times, so that teaching of the unnecessary exposure to health care
residents does not gets affected. professionals. In addition to the COVID duties,
they helped in ensuring the delivery of services in
The department has been vigorously pursuing the non-COVID areas of the hospital. The
academic publications and a number of articles Department continued to provide specialized
have been published authored by the different training to residents and consultants belonging to
faculty members in various reputed national and other specialties to equip them with the necessary
international journals in the preceding year. knowledge and skills to appropriately manage

COVID related highlights: The department of COVID patients under its regularly conducted
Anaesthesiology has been the backbone of the “Capacity Building Programs”. These regularly
Institute's COVID management initiatives. Over conducted programs expanded their scope by
the past one year, faculty members of the incorporating different medical colleges of the
department have assumed leadership roles in state using online technologies. Additionally, the

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