Page 34 - Report
P. 34
Evaluation of BRAF gene status in glioma, disease and liver transplants in addition to 11C-
expression of ATRX and P53 mutations in Methionine, 11C-Choline, 13N-NH3, 18F-FES,
gliomas, Cochlear Implant project (Funded by Ga-68 based peptides were introduced to
NRHM), Evaluation of 1p and 19q chromosome diagnose various diseases. With the production of
status in oligo-dendroglial tumors and Role of Cu-64 radio-isotope, the first in country, which is
serum biomarker in high grade glioma. The used for diagnostic and its therapeutic potential
department faculty has designed C1/2 distractor to be explored. Economical therapy for liver
and reducer for spinal dyraphism and cervical cancer patients was achieved with in-house radio-
spondylotic myelopathy. pharmaceutical production in the form of I-131
COVID related highlights: The department Lipidol therapeutic therapy to replace costly
faculty played a major role in collaboration with imported therapy from 6.0 Lakhs to 40.0
the School of Telemedicine in setting up and thousand per treatment. New ten bedded
running of eCCS based consultations. The radionuclide therapy has been dedicated to
residents and faculty have taken care of COVID- patient on radionuclide therapy has been
19 patients admitted in the ICU, HDU and Triage activated.1-131 and Lu-177-DOTA therapy are
facilities of the RCH as per their posting. specialized therapies and are presently being
offered by SGPGIMS to the entire Uttar-Pradesh
Vision for the next 5 years: To expand the and eastern India. Low cost indigenized pain
complexities of epilepsy surgery and to start palliation radionuclide therapy is being offered to
functional Neurosurgery as surgery for terminally ill cancer patient, who are in pain.
movement disorders; setup a Stereotactic Radio Radio-ligands like [18F]-tau protein tracers, 11C-
Surgery unit; plan for a dedicated Neurosurgery Arylbenzothiazole for amyloid imaging, for brain
CT scan and DSA lab; expand on animal studies imaging with PET-CT. These ligands are
experiments; planning for an Advanced available at very few centers around the globe and
Neurosurgical Centre. Neuro-otology:- Plan to the department can provide these in next six
start Brain stem implant program for acoustic months to a year. M. Sc. Radio pharmacy and
schwannoma patients; To start middle ear Molecular Imaging started at College of Medical
implants along with BAHA ( Bone anchored Technology & Allied Health Sciences, SGPGI. On
hearing aid); To establish a functioning state of the research front, an extramural grant funded
art “audio- vestibular” lab in the department by International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna,
which would be equipped with latest gadgets and has been received by the department this year.
manpower; To establish an auditory and speech
rehabilitation centre for patients of cochlear and COVID related highlights: The Faculty,
brainstem implants; To collaborate with the residents and staff have contributed by working
radiotherapy department and set up a Head and in areas such as screening OPD, T3 etc.
Neck oncology program. Vision for next five year: Patient Care
The Department of Nuclear Medicine has activities to be expanded forI-131 and Lu-177-
kept pace with developments in this field having DOTA therapy; develop Pain clinic using low cost
added PET-CT imaging for general oncology and indigenized pain palliation radionuclide therapy
neuro-endocrine tumors. The establishment of for terminally ill cancer patient; Making available
Cyclotron facility enhances the spectrum of radio-ligands like [18F]-tau protein tracers, 11C-
clinical utility even further with new radio Arylbenzothiazole for amyloid imaging, for brain
labelled tracers such as 11C-PiB for Alzheimer imaging with PET-CT; Installation of 2nd PET-
disease, 99mTc-Pyrophosphonate (99mTc-PYP) CT scanner to increase throughput and reduce
for amyloidsis, 99mTc-GSA asialoglycoprotein waiting period; Procurement of state of the art
for liver parenchymal dysfunction in chronic liver gamma cameras for organ specific investigations
expression of ATRX and P53 mutations in Methionine, 11C-Choline, 13N-NH3, 18F-FES,
gliomas, Cochlear Implant project (Funded by Ga-68 based peptides were introduced to
NRHM), Evaluation of 1p and 19q chromosome diagnose various diseases. With the production of
status in oligo-dendroglial tumors and Role of Cu-64 radio-isotope, the first in country, which is
serum biomarker in high grade glioma. The used for diagnostic and its therapeutic potential
department faculty has designed C1/2 distractor to be explored. Economical therapy for liver
and reducer for spinal dyraphism and cervical cancer patients was achieved with in-house radio-
spondylotic myelopathy. pharmaceutical production in the form of I-131
COVID related highlights: The department Lipidol therapeutic therapy to replace costly
faculty played a major role in collaboration with imported therapy from 6.0 Lakhs to 40.0
the School of Telemedicine in setting up and thousand per treatment. New ten bedded
running of eCCS based consultations. The radionuclide therapy has been dedicated to
residents and faculty have taken care of COVID- patient on radionuclide therapy has been
19 patients admitted in the ICU, HDU and Triage activated.1-131 and Lu-177-DOTA therapy are
facilities of the RCH as per their posting. specialized therapies and are presently being
offered by SGPGIMS to the entire Uttar-Pradesh
Vision for the next 5 years: To expand the and eastern India. Low cost indigenized pain
complexities of epilepsy surgery and to start palliation radionuclide therapy is being offered to
functional Neurosurgery as surgery for terminally ill cancer patient, who are in pain.
movement disorders; setup a Stereotactic Radio Radio-ligands like [18F]-tau protein tracers, 11C-
Surgery unit; plan for a dedicated Neurosurgery Arylbenzothiazole for amyloid imaging, for brain
CT scan and DSA lab; expand on animal studies imaging with PET-CT. These ligands are
experiments; planning for an Advanced available at very few centers around the globe and
Neurosurgical Centre. Neuro-otology:- Plan to the department can provide these in next six
start Brain stem implant program for acoustic months to a year. M. Sc. Radio pharmacy and
schwannoma patients; To start middle ear Molecular Imaging started at College of Medical
implants along with BAHA ( Bone anchored Technology & Allied Health Sciences, SGPGI. On
hearing aid); To establish a functioning state of the research front, an extramural grant funded
art “audio- vestibular” lab in the department by International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna,
which would be equipped with latest gadgets and has been received by the department this year.
manpower; To establish an auditory and speech
rehabilitation centre for patients of cochlear and COVID related highlights: The Faculty,
brainstem implants; To collaborate with the residents and staff have contributed by working
radiotherapy department and set up a Head and in areas such as screening OPD, T3 etc.
Neck oncology program. Vision for next five year: Patient Care
The Department of Nuclear Medicine has activities to be expanded forI-131 and Lu-177-
kept pace with developments in this field having DOTA therapy; develop Pain clinic using low cost
added PET-CT imaging for general oncology and indigenized pain palliation radionuclide therapy
neuro-endocrine tumors. The establishment of for terminally ill cancer patient; Making available
Cyclotron facility enhances the spectrum of radio-ligands like [18F]-tau protein tracers, 11C-
clinical utility even further with new radio Arylbenzothiazole for amyloid imaging, for brain
labelled tracers such as 11C-PiB for Alzheimer imaging with PET-CT; Installation of 2nd PET-
disease, 99mTc-Pyrophosphonate (99mTc-PYP) CT scanner to increase throughput and reduce
for amyloidsis, 99mTc-GSA asialoglycoprotein waiting period; Procurement of state of the art
for liver parenchymal dysfunction in chronic liver gamma cameras for organ specific investigations