Page 33 - Report
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transplantations have been performed during Sanjeev Jha educated the public of interior of
this covid period. Lucknow about Covid-related precautions. Dr. V
Vision for the next 5 years: The department of K. Paliwaland team were involved in manpower
Nephrology is going to be started 208 bedded management of RCH.
Advance Renal Transplant Centre in the Vision for the next 5 years: The faculty would
upcoming building of Emergency Medicine and like to evolve Multidisciplinary team for niche
Renal Transplant Centre. The department will areas such as complex epilepsy surgery,
run the 111 bedded hemodialysis stations, 97 corticoencephalograhy and deep brain
general beds and 33 bedded KTU; Initiate stimulation etc.
advance Certificate Course In Renal Nutrition;
Develop Pediatric Nephrology sub specialty. The Department of Neurosurgery performs
the entire range of endoscopic neurosurgery
The Department of Neurology faculty is including skull base surgery. Image guided
committed towards patient care, teaching Neurosurgery is now possible, with the upgraded
training and research. Their usually busy neuro-navigation and intraoperative ultrasound,
outpatient clinic, round the clock emergency fluoroscopy integration and minimally invasive
services hospitalized and critically ill requiring spine procedures like pain management
intensive care were considerably less due to the injections, vertebroplasty, endoscopic
pandemic. However, routine work continued as discectomies, temporal lobe resections/amygdalo-
and when was possible. The department has a hippocampectomies for epilepsy, distraction
neurophysiology lab where electrophysiological technique in cranio vertebral junction surgery for
tests are performed and a neurochemistry lab instability are being done. The Department has
where various research projects are conducted. started the surgery for the spine deformity
The department has initiated and consolidated correction, revascularization of brain and
the epilepsy surgery program along with the dept. intraoperative electrophysiology. The Neuro-
of Neurosurgery. Similarly, acute stroke and otology subdivision of Neurosurgery department
vascular intervention program is run in has also been active and is regularly performing
collaboration with along with Neuroradiology. cochlear implant surgeries for deaf patients. An
On research front, the department faculty has Animal experimental laboratory in conjunction
bagged an extramural grant to proceed with with the Faculty in the newly developed Animal
research on tubercular meningitis, funded by House.On the academic side, the department has
Indian epilepsy association. National Stroke care started three new 1year post-doctoral
Registry Programme development of Hospital fellowships. The new fellowship programs are in
Based Stroke Registries (HBSR) funded by ICMR Neuro critical care, Neuro-endocrinology and
was started in 2021. Neuro-traumatology. The department has also
COVID related highlights: Our faculty has started a PDCC course in neuro-otology. On
taken care of COVID-19 patients admitted in the teaching training front: The department of
ICU, HDU and Triage facilities of RCH, besides Neurosurgery has published the book “the
being in the forefront of roster making for the operative atlas of Neurosurgery – the
faculty and resident postings to RCH and for compendium of 120 Neurooncological case based
triaging of patients at RCH. Dr. Sunil Pradhan surgical approach”. On research front, various
participated in National Webinar on “Corona aspects of brain tumors, cranio-vertebral
challenges & opportunities” organized by junction anomalies, complex aneurysm Post-
“YuvaChetna” National platform, New Delhi and traumatic nerve regeneration pattern with
participated in Covid-Awareness programs of autologous nerve graft and ultrathin silicon
Doordarshanand Aakashwani, Lucknow. Dr. conduit in Rat model are being studied such as
this covid period. Lucknow about Covid-related precautions. Dr. V
Vision for the next 5 years: The department of K. Paliwaland team were involved in manpower
Nephrology is going to be started 208 bedded management of RCH.
Advance Renal Transplant Centre in the Vision for the next 5 years: The faculty would
upcoming building of Emergency Medicine and like to evolve Multidisciplinary team for niche
Renal Transplant Centre. The department will areas such as complex epilepsy surgery,
run the 111 bedded hemodialysis stations, 97 corticoencephalograhy and deep brain
general beds and 33 bedded KTU; Initiate stimulation etc.
advance Certificate Course In Renal Nutrition;
Develop Pediatric Nephrology sub specialty. The Department of Neurosurgery performs
the entire range of endoscopic neurosurgery
The Department of Neurology faculty is including skull base surgery. Image guided
committed towards patient care, teaching Neurosurgery is now possible, with the upgraded
training and research. Their usually busy neuro-navigation and intraoperative ultrasound,
outpatient clinic, round the clock emergency fluoroscopy integration and minimally invasive
services hospitalized and critically ill requiring spine procedures like pain management
intensive care were considerably less due to the injections, vertebroplasty, endoscopic
pandemic. However, routine work continued as discectomies, temporal lobe resections/amygdalo-
and when was possible. The department has a hippocampectomies for epilepsy, distraction
neurophysiology lab where electrophysiological technique in cranio vertebral junction surgery for
tests are performed and a neurochemistry lab instability are being done. The Department has
where various research projects are conducted. started the surgery for the spine deformity
The department has initiated and consolidated correction, revascularization of brain and
the epilepsy surgery program along with the dept. intraoperative electrophysiology. The Neuro-
of Neurosurgery. Similarly, acute stroke and otology subdivision of Neurosurgery department
vascular intervention program is run in has also been active and is regularly performing
collaboration with along with Neuroradiology. cochlear implant surgeries for deaf patients. An
On research front, the department faculty has Animal experimental laboratory in conjunction
bagged an extramural grant to proceed with with the Faculty in the newly developed Animal
research on tubercular meningitis, funded by House.On the academic side, the department has
Indian epilepsy association. National Stroke care started three new 1year post-doctoral
Registry Programme development of Hospital fellowships. The new fellowship programs are in
Based Stroke Registries (HBSR) funded by ICMR Neuro critical care, Neuro-endocrinology and
was started in 2021. Neuro-traumatology. The department has also
COVID related highlights: Our faculty has started a PDCC course in neuro-otology. On
taken care of COVID-19 patients admitted in the teaching training front: The department of
ICU, HDU and Triage facilities of RCH, besides Neurosurgery has published the book “the
being in the forefront of roster making for the operative atlas of Neurosurgery – the
faculty and resident postings to RCH and for compendium of 120 Neurooncological case based
triaging of patients at RCH. Dr. Sunil Pradhan surgical approach”. On research front, various
participated in National Webinar on “Corona aspects of brain tumors, cranio-vertebral
challenges & opportunities” organized by junction anomalies, complex aneurysm Post-
“YuvaChetna” National platform, New Delhi and traumatic nerve regeneration pattern with
participated in Covid-Awareness programs of autologous nerve graft and ultrathin silicon
Doordarshanand Aakashwani, Lucknow. Dr. conduit in Rat model are being studied such as