Page 31 - Report
P. 31
The Department of Neonatology is unique multiple online teaching sessions on salient
subspecialty of pediatrics dealing with newborn aspects of pediatric care and hands on session for
(less than 28 days old) babies. The department of providing demonstrations on various equipment
Neonatology provides comprehensive, state-of- and monitors that would be used in these wards.
the-art intensive care to critically ill newborns in A booklet has been designed which has the
this region and adjoining states as well. The SGPGI pediatric COVID 19 protocols, and has
department is running successfully with level III been uplinked on the Institute website. The
intensive care services for critically sick neonates faculty and residents, during the first and second
and is fully equipped with facilities for invasive wave, have actively participated in COVID 19
and non-invasive ventilation, high frequency care. Sisters Agnes and Ranjana Tiwari of
ventilation, exchange transfusion, parenteral Neonatology ward are trainers for training of
nutrition, bedside echocardiography and nursing staff for Pediatric COVID 19 capacity
ultrasound. The department is also running building for nurses.
neurodevelopment follow up clinics for high risk Vision for the next 5 years: The department plans
neonates discharged from NICU. As a part of to expand further, acquire a name for itself as
CINCERE (Canada-India Neonatal Centre of centre of excellence for neonatal care and
Excellence in Research &Education) program, research in India, and indulge in activities such as
Indo-Canadian telehealth academic sessions are development of Human milk bank and facilitate
going on regularly. EPIQ (Evidence-based MSc Neonatal nursing program.
Practice for Improving Quality) Quality
Improvement training program was conducted as The Department of Nephrology and Renal
part of CINCERE program in month of Oct-Nov Transplantation was started in 1987. This is
2020 via e-platform for doctors and nurses. one of the most active and busy department at
this institute. It is one of the largest public sector
The department has recently started the DM institutes of the country, which takes care of all
Neonatology program to generate high quality kidney related ailments. Department is an
trained manpower. In spite of COVID pandemic, established regional referral center in nephrology
the faculty conducted the following workshops: for teaching, training, patient care & clinical
UPIAP online neonatal ventilation workshop; activities and research. The kidney
Neonatal nutrition workshop; Scan workshop as transplantation facility at SGPGIMS was started
part of UP NEOCON 2020. with a cadaver transplantation in 1987. The team
COVID related highlights: The department as has been doing an average of over 130-150 kidney
a team has been instrumental in making transplants per year. The upgraded kidney
Institute guidelines for “Management of COVID transplant unit has cut down the waiting period
19 infection in newborns”. This is apart from and also improved the intensive care in the
taking care of COVID positive newborns immediate post transplant period. The
admitted in RCH or in the holding area. department has 60 inpatient beds, 14 beds in
The department is playing a key role in kidney transplants units, 55 hemodialysis
preparation for the third wave. Pediatric covid19 stations, 8 CRRT machines and 8 bedded Critical
Capacity building program are being designed Care Nephrology. At present on an average 2 to 3
and the department faculty are actively involved kidney transplants are being done every week.
in its implementation. This is a special training From the initiation till date the total 3169 renal
program being run with an aim to train all the transplantation including 134 ABO incompatible
doctors and nursing staff of the institute with transplants have been performed at the institute.
basic and essential aspects of pediatric COVID 19 The academic program includes DM training
care. The training is being imparted through program which was started in 1990. At present 6
subspecialty of pediatrics dealing with newborn aspects of pediatric care and hands on session for
(less than 28 days old) babies. The department of providing demonstrations on various equipment
Neonatology provides comprehensive, state-of- and monitors that would be used in these wards.
the-art intensive care to critically ill newborns in A booklet has been designed which has the
this region and adjoining states as well. The SGPGI pediatric COVID 19 protocols, and has
department is running successfully with level III been uplinked on the Institute website. The
intensive care services for critically sick neonates faculty and residents, during the first and second
and is fully equipped with facilities for invasive wave, have actively participated in COVID 19
and non-invasive ventilation, high frequency care. Sisters Agnes and Ranjana Tiwari of
ventilation, exchange transfusion, parenteral Neonatology ward are trainers for training of
nutrition, bedside echocardiography and nursing staff for Pediatric COVID 19 capacity
ultrasound. The department is also running building for nurses.
neurodevelopment follow up clinics for high risk Vision for the next 5 years: The department plans
neonates discharged from NICU. As a part of to expand further, acquire a name for itself as
CINCERE (Canada-India Neonatal Centre of centre of excellence for neonatal care and
Excellence in Research &Education) program, research in India, and indulge in activities such as
Indo-Canadian telehealth academic sessions are development of Human milk bank and facilitate
going on regularly. EPIQ (Evidence-based MSc Neonatal nursing program.
Practice for Improving Quality) Quality
Improvement training program was conducted as The Department of Nephrology and Renal
part of CINCERE program in month of Oct-Nov Transplantation was started in 1987. This is
2020 via e-platform for doctors and nurses. one of the most active and busy department at
this institute. It is one of the largest public sector
The department has recently started the DM institutes of the country, which takes care of all
Neonatology program to generate high quality kidney related ailments. Department is an
trained manpower. In spite of COVID pandemic, established regional referral center in nephrology
the faculty conducted the following workshops: for teaching, training, patient care & clinical
UPIAP online neonatal ventilation workshop; activities and research. The kidney
Neonatal nutrition workshop; Scan workshop as transplantation facility at SGPGIMS was started
part of UP NEOCON 2020. with a cadaver transplantation in 1987. The team
COVID related highlights: The department as has been doing an average of over 130-150 kidney
a team has been instrumental in making transplants per year. The upgraded kidney
Institute guidelines for “Management of COVID transplant unit has cut down the waiting period
19 infection in newborns”. This is apart from and also improved the intensive care in the
taking care of COVID positive newborns immediate post transplant period. The
admitted in RCH or in the holding area. department has 60 inpatient beds, 14 beds in
The department is playing a key role in kidney transplants units, 55 hemodialysis
preparation for the third wave. Pediatric covid19 stations, 8 CRRT machines and 8 bedded Critical
Capacity building program are being designed Care Nephrology. At present on an average 2 to 3
and the department faculty are actively involved kidney transplants are being done every week.
in its implementation. This is a special training From the initiation till date the total 3169 renal
program being run with an aim to train all the transplantation including 134 ABO incompatible
doctors and nursing staff of the institute with transplants have been performed at the institute.
basic and essential aspects of pediatric COVID 19 The academic program includes DM training
care. The training is being imparted through program which was started in 1990. At present 6