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DM students are being registered annually. It COVID related highlights: The department
also offers a Post Doctoral Certificate Course for has to provide care to kidney disease related
Renal Transplantation and Interventional ailments, all patient coming to the department
Nephrology for post DM students, observer ship from Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Uttarakhand, and
and fellowship in Peritoneal Transplantation in Madhya Pradesh. The department is presently
collaboration with International Society of the secretariat of Indian Society of Nephrology
Nephrology & International Society of Peritoneal (Narayan Prasad, Hon Secretary), and played a
Dialysis. All ICU beds are equipped with key role in formulating guidelines for the
ventilators, multipara monitors and pneumatic maintenance dialysis patients during COVID
system for prevention of DVT. The department period. It was an emergency requirement for
provides all intervention related services like these patients as the patients on dialysis could
permacath insertion, Tenckhoff catheter not survive without dialysis beyond few days. The
insertion, USG guided kidney biopsy, AV shunt guideline was adopted by ministry of health and
and AV fistula. Intervention Nephrology suit is family welfare, Govt of India and wee enforced
equipped with C-ARM, Image guided and across all states in India. Dr Prasad also played a
ultrasound guided vascular access management vital role in formulating guidelines for
system. The department had 4 Doppler and transplantation as member of governing body
ultrasound machine with facility of US guided Indian Society of Organ Transplantation as well.
native and graft kidney biopsy. The Renal Lab The guideline was adopted by National Organ
performs complete hematology parameters, renal and Tissue Transplant Organization (NOTTO).
acidification tests, peritoneal equilibration test, The department developed dialysis unit custom
drug assays (Cyclosporine, Tacrolimus, MMF and specific protocol for Covid-19 including regular
Sirolimus). The department runs a state of art universal screening by RTPCR test. This has
Transplant Immunology laboratory which been recognized and published in international
performs molecular HLA typing, donor specific journal of Repute. The academic activities (case
antibody testing and cross matching both by flow discussion, seminar and journal clubs) of the
cytometry and luminexmethods. The renal lab department were never suspended during the
infrastructure includes Flow cytometer, AU 480 pandemic. The department is running academic
for biochemistry, Hematology cell counter and activities through online platform from the
coagulation testing system, Architect 1000 for COVID pandemic. Dr. Prasad collected data from
immunosuppressive drug monitoring, Vit.-D, different parts of the country, which was
PTH and other hormone assay facilities, NAT published in a reputed Journal of Nephrology,
testing (COBAS) facility for HCV, HBV and CMV Kidney International reports. One entire issue of
quantitative tests. The department is destination Indian Journal of Nephrology dedicated to the
for many postgraduate and faculty from different care of COVID during the pandemic was
institutions across India and the world, for short published under his editorial review. The
term training and observership. The department department was instrumental in providing eOPD
of Nephrology has been awarded for Regional and physical OPD during the COVID period.
Training Centre of International Society of Patients were consulted through eOPD during
Nephrology from 2021 to 2026. The department these days. The indoor and intensive care unit by
of Nephrology is leading hub for South Asia department of Nephrology continued to be
Region for the ISN Renal Sister training program occupied throughout the COVID period. The
in Nephrology, hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, renal transplantation however was temporarily
interventional nephrology, pediatric nephrology, suspended for a few months initially; however,
renal transplantation and transplant the department resumed renal transplantation
immunology. gradually and approximately 47 renal

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