Page 30 - Report
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COVID related highlights: The department is BSL-2-plus facility for COVID-testing and
actively working in collaboration with research purpose.
Universities of repute abroad such as university Vision for the next 5 years: To rise to the level
of Maryland (USA) in research areas such as has of the premier translational research platforms
identified a unique sugar binding site for SARS- and to focus on the following key areas: COVID-
CoV2 virus by Insilco approach (work published); 19, Kidney and Mitochondrial diseases, Cancers,
The department has developed a rapid Brain viral infection, Maternal and Neonatal
technology for SARS-CoV2 RNA detection and a health - with the aim of developing innovative
patent has been filled for the same (work diagnostic and therapeutic approaches; To add
published); An extramural grant sanctioned more advanced molecular tests for non-
grant has been under DBT-BIRAC COVID-19 communicable such as cervical cancers as well as
Research Consortium for COVID therapeutics infectious diseases (HPV screening etc); expand
research. The Department has established a in terms of human resources.

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