Page 29 - Report
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Covid-19 Warriors
and has not close down for a single day laboratory department; Establishment of transplant
has tested sample for SARS-CoV-2 not only for associated infections disease laboratory; set up
the institute but for more than 30 districts of Hospital Infection control and AMR surveillance
Uttar Pradesh. So farthe department has tested network.
around 20 lakhs samples, has done upto 12,775 The Department of Molecular Medicine and
RT-PCRs in a day, one of the highest not only in Biotechnology is well equipped with cell
state but in the whole country from a single culture, molecular analysis and an animal
center. Department is also involved in sample facility. It has been earmarked as the nodal hub
collection and PPE training since the start of for establishing of Center of Excellence in
pandemic. New Tests/Facility started: Biomedical Sciences and Modern Biology at
Department started new antibiotic sensitivity SGPGIMS. The by the Department; HPV
testing like ceftaroline, levonadifloxacin, genotyping, and Pre-eclampsia risk assessment,
ceftazidime-avibactam-aztreonam. Also new SGPGI will be the first government hospital in
viral testing like quantitative BK virus, EBV the state of UPto offer these investigations.
Virus and Parvo B -19 real time PCR has been
started. From research view point: The On teaching, training and research front, the
department faculty is actively involved in the department has a full fledged PhD program for
research related to SARS-COV2 virus, with extra the students and plan to start MSc in Molecular
and intra-mural funding. medicine and Biotechnology. On the research
front, the department faculty has 7 extramural
Vision for the next 5 years: Establishment of research projects sanctioned from ICMR, DBT
culture and molecular diagnostic Infectious and SERB DST. Dr. Swasti Tiwari and team was
disease laboratory with BSL-3 facility; given the additional responsibility of looking
Establishment of advanced met genomics after the website of the Institute.
laboratory; NABL accreditation of microbiology
and has not close down for a single day laboratory department; Establishment of transplant
has tested sample for SARS-CoV-2 not only for associated infections disease laboratory; set up
the institute but for more than 30 districts of Hospital Infection control and AMR surveillance
Uttar Pradesh. So farthe department has tested network.
around 20 lakhs samples, has done upto 12,775 The Department of Molecular Medicine and
RT-PCRs in a day, one of the highest not only in Biotechnology is well equipped with cell
state but in the whole country from a single culture, molecular analysis and an animal
center. Department is also involved in sample facility. It has been earmarked as the nodal hub
collection and PPE training since the start of for establishing of Center of Excellence in
pandemic. New Tests/Facility started: Biomedical Sciences and Modern Biology at
Department started new antibiotic sensitivity SGPGIMS. The by the Department; HPV
testing like ceftaroline, levonadifloxacin, genotyping, and Pre-eclampsia risk assessment,
ceftazidime-avibactam-aztreonam. Also new SGPGI will be the first government hospital in
viral testing like quantitative BK virus, EBV the state of UPto offer these investigations.
Virus and Parvo B -19 real time PCR has been
started. From research view point: The On teaching, training and research front, the
department faculty is actively involved in the department has a full fledged PhD program for
research related to SARS-COV2 virus, with extra the students and plan to start MSc in Molecular
and intra-mural funding. medicine and Biotechnology. On the research
front, the department faculty has 7 extramural
Vision for the next 5 years: Establishment of research projects sanctioned from ICMR, DBT
culture and molecular diagnostic Infectious and SERB DST. Dr. Swasti Tiwari and team was
disease laboratory with BSL-3 facility; given the additional responsibility of looking
Establishment of advanced met genomics after the website of the Institute.
laboratory; NABL accreditation of microbiology