Page 25 - Report
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administrative concerns related with execution
or delivery of healthcare services of the Institute
during COVID-19 pandemic, following
contributions were made by the department:
Commissioning of Central Control Room at RCH
1/2, Holding Area and Non COVID Areas. SOP for
dead body management; procurement of
mortuary cabinets (for 6 bodies) for the mortuary
at RCH. Organized a Workshop cum Training
Program for HCW on Standard Precautions to be Food preparation at patient kitchen
adopted during COVID19 pandemic and on
Biomedical waste management; Graded installed with equipments and appliances which
Sanitization of SGPGIMS Hospital and campus; have made bulk cooking and dispension simple,
Setting up the Rapid Response Team for clean and hygenic. Various academic and
sanitation requirement at RCH – I & II; Contact research work is also carried out by the the
tracing of COVID-19 Positive cases amongst the dieticians in various departments and research
staff residing within SGPGIMS Campus; papers are presented in National and
Procurement of 01 x Autoclave (450 Ltrs) for International conferences and are published in
BMWM; Procurement of 10 x Compactor reputed journals.
Compatible Metallic Bins (1100 Ltrs). Covid related highlights: During the first and
Vision for the next 5 years: Commencing MD second wave all admitted covid patients in RCH 1
course in Hospital Administration; Promoting and 2 and Mucormycosis ward, and HCW during
active quarantine period were provided
organ donation in Uttar Pradesh and individualized/ general diet as per the dietician's
establishing SOTTO as Training Hub for consulation.
Transplant Coordinators & Grief Counselors.
Vision for the next 5 years: Aim to procure
Dietetics services at SGPGI are an essential commercial autoclave system for foods for
component of patient care in a prestigious providing neutropenic diet; insulated food trollies
institute like SGPGI. Dietary services include for maintaining food temperature and improving
quality of diet; to bring the dietary services should
(nutritional assessment, ward rounds for be of a standard at par with any national or
individual in patients, diet counselling, preparing international standards; enhance medical nutrition
individualized diet chart, supervising meals, therapy in various disease; to start academic
indenting diet through HIS dietary module, courses like post graduate and doctorate courses in
regulate and monitor OPDs and dietary kitchen clinical nutrition and dietetics.
services, supervise 6 month dietetic internship The Department of Maternal and
a n d p e r f o r m a c a d e m i c a n d r o u t i n e Reproductive Health is one of its kinds to have
administrative services. Clean, nutritious and patient care, teaching and training in the area of
quality food is being provided as therapeutic diet high risk pregnancy. In addition to generating
for the indoor patients as per their individual trained manpower in this fast developing field of
requirement. Similarly, for the out patients a medical science, it aims to prevent pregnancy
Central diet clinic, Endo-medicine, related complications, during the 3 trimesters
Radiotherapy, Pediatric Gastro, General and at the time of childbirth. With advancements
Hospital, MRH OPDs all have diecian posted in the medical field, maternal health has become
there to provide ndividualized diet chart and of paramount importance. From diagnosing and
counselling services to OPD patients. The treating of pregnancy related complications, the
Institute's patient kitchen has ample space and is Medical world today is able to identify the women
or delivery of healthcare services of the Institute
during COVID-19 pandemic, following
contributions were made by the department:
Commissioning of Central Control Room at RCH
1/2, Holding Area and Non COVID Areas. SOP for
dead body management; procurement of
mortuary cabinets (for 6 bodies) for the mortuary
at RCH. Organized a Workshop cum Training
Program for HCW on Standard Precautions to be Food preparation at patient kitchen
adopted during COVID19 pandemic and on
Biomedical waste management; Graded installed with equipments and appliances which
Sanitization of SGPGIMS Hospital and campus; have made bulk cooking and dispension simple,
Setting up the Rapid Response Team for clean and hygenic. Various academic and
sanitation requirement at RCH – I & II; Contact research work is also carried out by the the
tracing of COVID-19 Positive cases amongst the dieticians in various departments and research
staff residing within SGPGIMS Campus; papers are presented in National and
Procurement of 01 x Autoclave (450 Ltrs) for International conferences and are published in
BMWM; Procurement of 10 x Compactor reputed journals.
Compatible Metallic Bins (1100 Ltrs). Covid related highlights: During the first and
Vision for the next 5 years: Commencing MD second wave all admitted covid patients in RCH 1
course in Hospital Administration; Promoting and 2 and Mucormycosis ward, and HCW during
active quarantine period were provided
organ donation in Uttar Pradesh and individualized/ general diet as per the dietician's
establishing SOTTO as Training Hub for consulation.
Transplant Coordinators & Grief Counselors.
Vision for the next 5 years: Aim to procure
Dietetics services at SGPGI are an essential commercial autoclave system for foods for
component of patient care in a prestigious providing neutropenic diet; insulated food trollies
institute like SGPGI. Dietary services include for maintaining food temperature and improving
quality of diet; to bring the dietary services should
(nutritional assessment, ward rounds for be of a standard at par with any national or
individual in patients, diet counselling, preparing international standards; enhance medical nutrition
individualized diet chart, supervising meals, therapy in various disease; to start academic
indenting diet through HIS dietary module, courses like post graduate and doctorate courses in
regulate and monitor OPDs and dietary kitchen clinical nutrition and dietetics.
services, supervise 6 month dietetic internship The Department of Maternal and
a n d p e r f o r m a c a d e m i c a n d r o u t i n e Reproductive Health is one of its kinds to have
administrative services. Clean, nutritious and patient care, teaching and training in the area of
quality food is being provided as therapeutic diet high risk pregnancy. In addition to generating
for the indoor patients as per their individual trained manpower in this fast developing field of
requirement. Similarly, for the out patients a medical science, it aims to prevent pregnancy
Central diet clinic, Endo-medicine, related complications, during the 3 trimesters
Radiotherapy, Pediatric Gastro, General and at the time of childbirth. With advancements
Hospital, MRH OPDs all have diecian posted in the medical field, maternal health has become
there to provide ndividualized diet chart and of paramount importance. From diagnosing and
counselling services to OPD patients. The treating of pregnancy related complications, the
Institute's patient kitchen has ample space and is Medical world today is able to identify the women