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SGPGIMS | Lucknow


S.No Programme Programme Name Remark

PDAF (2 Years)

Department of Anaesthesiology

1. Cardio-vascular and Thoracic Anaesthesia,

2. Intensive Care Medicine

3. NeuroAnaesthesia and Neuro Critical Care.

4. Organ transplant Anaesthesia

5. Pain and Pallative Care Medicine

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PDCC (1 Year)

1. Apheresis Technology & Blood Component Therapy

2. Advance Technique in Radiation Oncology*

3. Breast Surgery

4. Clinical Genetics & Genomics

5. Critical Care Medicine

6. Correlative Imaging

7. Emergency Medicine

8. Gastro-radiology

9. Hemato-Pathology

10. Hepato-Pathology

11. Hemato-Oncology

12. Infectious Disease

13. Maternal and Fetal Medicine

14. Neonatology

15. Neuro-Otology

16. Neuro Ophthalmology

17. Neuro-radiology

18. Pediatric Endocrinology

19. Pediatric Gastroenterology

20. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine*

21. Palliative Oncology*

22. Pelvis, Hip & Knee Injuries*

23. Pediatric Hematology

24. Pediatric Clinical Immunology & Rheumatology

25. Renal Pathology

26. Radionuclide Therapy

27. Sleep Medicine

28. Trauma Anaesthesia & Intensive Care*

29. Vascular Radiology

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* These programmes started in 2023-24 Academic Year