Page 65 - Report
P. 65
Towards Zero waste
SGPGI plans to
become a Zero
waste campus in
the future. All
campus houses are
encouraged to
separate their dry
and wet waste and
try to compost and
wet waste at home. Alumni Day
For disposal of dry
w a s t e ( n o n walk – a video presentation and an interactive
biodegradable but session.
recyclable such as The 37th Foundation Day of the institute was
glass, cardboard, celebrated on 14th December 2020. This year it
plastics, packets was partly attended physically and partly online.
etc), as a pilot Our Honorable Chief Minister maanneeyShri
projects, 2 dry SGPGI Clean Campus Yogi Adityanath ji along with Minister for
waste kiosks have been installed in the Campus. Medical education, honorable Shri Suresh
In future, we wish to increase both the numbers Khanna ji, Minister of state for Medical
of such kiosks and awareness amongst campus
dwellers so that we generate less volumes of
garbage destines for landfills.
Traditions – some old some new
Institute observed the 1st Research Day on
13th December 2020, with the aim of show casing
and promoting research. Following Faculty were
awarded the Best Research work award in their
category – Prof. Soniya Nityanand, Prof. Gaurav
Agarwal, Prof. Anshu Shrivastava, Dr. Moinak Director Felicitating Hon'ble CM on 37th Foundation Day
Sen Sharma, Dr. Shagun Misra, and Dr. Khaliqur
Rehman. Education Shri Sandeep Singh ji, Shri Rajendra
The Alumni Day was celebrated on the eve of the Kumar Tiwariji very kindly graced the occasion.
Foundation Day i.e. on 13th December, 2020. Director General of ICMR, and Secretary Health
More than 220 Alumni (DM/MCh/MD/PhD/ Research, Govt. of India Prof Balram Bhargava
PDCC/ Senior Resident of the past) joined in via delivered the Foundation day oration online. We
zoom link and another 176 via live you tube are indebted to our beloved mukhya mantra Shri
account. The event was marked by invited talks Yogi Adityanath ji for appreciating the institute's
by some of our noted Alumni of SGPGI i.e. Dr. efforts in tackling the COVID 19 pandemic, and
Amarender Puri, Gastero enterology, Dr. for inspiring the faculty, students and staff of the
Ashutosh Tiwari, Urology, Dr. M Naveed, institute to continue working for the betterment
Medical Genetics and Dr. K Nagaraju, of society and serving the patients coming to the
Immunology. This was followed by a Heritage institute.
SGPGI plans to
become a Zero
waste campus in
the future. All
campus houses are
encouraged to
separate their dry
and wet waste and
try to compost and
wet waste at home. Alumni Day
For disposal of dry
w a s t e ( n o n walk – a video presentation and an interactive
biodegradable but session.
recyclable such as The 37th Foundation Day of the institute was
glass, cardboard, celebrated on 14th December 2020. This year it
plastics, packets was partly attended physically and partly online.
etc), as a pilot Our Honorable Chief Minister maanneeyShri
projects, 2 dry SGPGI Clean Campus Yogi Adityanath ji along with Minister for
waste kiosks have been installed in the Campus. Medical education, honorable Shri Suresh
In future, we wish to increase both the numbers Khanna ji, Minister of state for Medical
of such kiosks and awareness amongst campus
dwellers so that we generate less volumes of
garbage destines for landfills.
Traditions – some old some new
Institute observed the 1st Research Day on
13th December 2020, with the aim of show casing
and promoting research. Following Faculty were
awarded the Best Research work award in their
category – Prof. Soniya Nityanand, Prof. Gaurav
Agarwal, Prof. Anshu Shrivastava, Dr. Moinak Director Felicitating Hon'ble CM on 37th Foundation Day
Sen Sharma, Dr. Shagun Misra, and Dr. Khaliqur
Rehman. Education Shri Sandeep Singh ji, Shri Rajendra
The Alumni Day was celebrated on the eve of the Kumar Tiwariji very kindly graced the occasion.
Foundation Day i.e. on 13th December, 2020. Director General of ICMR, and Secretary Health
More than 220 Alumni (DM/MCh/MD/PhD/ Research, Govt. of India Prof Balram Bhargava
PDCC/ Senior Resident of the past) joined in via delivered the Foundation day oration online. We
zoom link and another 176 via live you tube are indebted to our beloved mukhya mantra Shri
account. The event was marked by invited talks Yogi Adityanath ji for appreciating the institute's
by some of our noted Alumni of SGPGI i.e. Dr. efforts in tackling the COVID 19 pandemic, and
Amarender Puri, Gastero enterology, Dr. for inspiring the faculty, students and staff of the
Ashutosh Tiwari, Urology, Dr. M Naveed, institute to continue working for the betterment
Medical Genetics and Dr. K Nagaraju, of society and serving the patients coming to the
Immunology. This was followed by a Heritage institute.