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of creating a CoE. Work has already started and is Centre of Excellence for Rare Diseases. This will
likely to be completed by October. This CoE will go along way in improving the lives of these
stimulate the establishment and growth of patients with rare and neglected disorders.
technology-based start-ups in medical electronics Centre of Excellence for Advanced Pediatric
and health informatics by providing state-of-art centre – SGPGI has multiple subspecialties in
infrastructure. In addition, this Centre will offer
mentoring, marketing and funding, thus creating Pediatrics. However, to manage a child
an ecosystem essential for the success of the start- comprehensively and under one roof is the most
ups. optimal way to treat a sick child. Very soon, we
plan to start working in this direction.
Upcoming centres – in the pipeline
Robotic Surgery program
Advanced Diabetes Centre: A comprehensive In the recent times over 50 cutting edge robotic
well-equipped centre with will be set up for the surgeries have been performed during the past
care of patients with diabetes. The centre will one year. Recently, another feather to its cap has
have an “Open door” policy for all the patients been added by performing the first-ever robotic
needing diabetes related care. The proposed renal transplantation in Uttar Pradesh. The
centre will run related sub-specialty clinics such Surgical specialists at SGPGI are trained in using
as gestational diabetes, diabetes renal clinic, the Robotic and minimally invasive techniques in
ophthalmological clinic, foot clinic etc. Formal numerous conditions. It is time that we take the
training and academic courses will be initated to lead and generate manpower trained in these
generate paramedical manpower so that contemporary surgical practices for the benefit of
eventually diabetic care may be provided in the the state of Uttar Pradesh.
remote areas of the state as well.
Community Outreach program
Centre of Excellence for Infectious diseases
and Vaccine development Recently, a committee has been formed of
medical/surgical specialists, with the aim of
Corona Pandemic and other endemic tropical reaching out to general population by
infections have taught us the true importance of approaching rural women and primary health
prevention and timely management of these care providers and create awareness about two
diseases. It is therefore the need of the hour in a most common cancers afflicting women namely
country like ours to focus on care of treatable cervix and breast. This will be done by providing
illnesses like infections, and promote vaccine education and introducing them with cost
development. A Centre of Excellence would be effective screening/ early detection strategies.
like a blessing for the people of Uttar Pradesh. This group shall explore methods to reach at
Centre of Excellence for Rare Genetic grass root level, principally by engaging primary
Diseases and community health workers, and
subsequently attempt to establish a system of
SGPGI is nominated as one of the Centre of
Excellence for providing treatment to patients referral pathway for timely access of health
with rare diseases under the Rare Disease Policy system to establish diagnosis as early as possible,
by Government of India. Also, funds of Rs 5 Cr and start treatment promptly. Patient
navigators, electronic communication will be
will be provided for development of
infrastructure for management of these patients exploited for efficient and seamless transition of
in the institute. This is a step towards providing patients between rural and tertiary healthcare
diagnosis, care and cure to improve the quality of systems. This venture shall serve as a model of
care to address many other healthcare needs. It
life of the patients. SGPGI has been selected as a
will not only allow early detection of cancer but

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