Page 63 - Report
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Tree Plantation on Environment Day SGPGI Staff doing Yoga
Day. Director of the Institute, Professor R K yoga. About 100 participants were physically
Dhiman and Chief Medical Superintendent present and seated according to social distancing
Professor Gaurav Agrawal participated in this norms. Yogacharya Shri Krishna Pal Singh, his
activity organized by Horticulture Department. associates Shri JP Singh and Ms. Amrita Singh
101 saplings of Ashoka, Longifolia, Oleander and ably guided and demonstrated yoga practices. A
TMC species were planted at different places in large number of participants connected virtally
the Rajdhani Covid Hospital and Institute through Zoom platform and simultaneously did
premises. Trees are planted every year by the yoga at home.
institute administration in the direction of
environmental protection, which not only gives Medical Poets Society
relief to the eyes, but also provides a clean and Medical Poetic Society, SGPGI is a meeting point
healthy environment to the patients and their for all those doctors who indulge in poetry
relatives visiting here. writing. The amalgamation of personalities
International Yoga Day (June 21, 2021) present from different branches of medicine gives
these session a feel unlike any other. The sum of
On the occasion of International Yoga Day, a yoga
program in hybrid mode was organized at Sanjay
Gandhi PGI. Acting Director , Prof. S K Mishra,
Chief Medical Superintendent Prof. Gaurav
Agarwal, Medical Superintendent Prof. Paliwal
and faculty members and staff members
enthusiastically participated and performed
Celebrating Medical Poetic Society Meeting
experiences present in one session amount to
lifetime of stories, facts, philosophies, knowledge
and enlightenment that is unfounded in our fast
paced scheduled lives. This place is a safe haven
for those who want to indulge in presenting or
International Yoga Day listening poetry, social commentary and
Day. Director of the Institute, Professor R K yoga. About 100 participants were physically
Dhiman and Chief Medical Superintendent present and seated according to social distancing
Professor Gaurav Agrawal participated in this norms. Yogacharya Shri Krishna Pal Singh, his
activity organized by Horticulture Department. associates Shri JP Singh and Ms. Amrita Singh
101 saplings of Ashoka, Longifolia, Oleander and ably guided and demonstrated yoga practices. A
TMC species were planted at different places in large number of participants connected virtally
the Rajdhani Covid Hospital and Institute through Zoom platform and simultaneously did
premises. Trees are planted every year by the yoga at home.
institute administration in the direction of
environmental protection, which not only gives Medical Poets Society
relief to the eyes, but also provides a clean and Medical Poetic Society, SGPGI is a meeting point
healthy environment to the patients and their for all those doctors who indulge in poetry
relatives visiting here. writing. The amalgamation of personalities
International Yoga Day (June 21, 2021) present from different branches of medicine gives
these session a feel unlike any other. The sum of
On the occasion of International Yoga Day, a yoga
program in hybrid mode was organized at Sanjay
Gandhi PGI. Acting Director , Prof. S K Mishra,
Chief Medical Superintendent Prof. Gaurav
Agarwal, Medical Superintendent Prof. Paliwal
and faculty members and staff members
enthusiastically participated and performed
Celebrating Medical Poetic Society Meeting
experiences present in one session amount to
lifetime of stories, facts, philosophies, knowledge
and enlightenment that is unfounded in our fast
paced scheduled lives. This place is a safe haven
for those who want to indulge in presenting or
International Yoga Day listening poetry, social commentary and