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will be exploited for other diseases which are an apart from being instrumental in keeping the
important public health problems in the state of momentum going for all COVID and non-COVID
Uttar Pradesh. activities, I can take little credit alone, for
Golden Hour project discharging any of my duties. It is with pleasure
and pride that I acknowledge the contribution of
The term "golden hour" is commonly used to all my colleagues, staff and employees of this
characterize the urgent need for the immediate Institute, who with their untiring dedication and
medical attention in patients of Acute Myocardial hard work, have helped me with the onerous task
Infarction, Brain Stroke and trauma patients. of steering this ship. I would also like to
This term implies that morbidity and mortality acknowledge the contribution of former staff
are affected if care is not instituted within the including senior faculty members such as the
first hour after injury. This concept justifies former Director Prof. Rakesh Kapoor, who
much of our current trauma system. With the passed the baton to me, Prof. Rakesh Pandey,
upcoming Emergency Medicine Building, this Prof. Amit Gupta, Prof. Girish Gupta, Prof. SK
Golden Hour Project, an initiative of the Govt of Mishra, Prof. V K Kapoor, Prof. AK Baronia, Prof
India, will receive the much needed Manjula Murari and Prof. KC Pant. They all
infrastructural boost that it deserves. contributed significantly to the growth of this
Thalassemia Project Institute and superannuated in the past 1 year.
Under UMMID (Unique Methods of Management My special thanks to the residents of this
of Inherited Disorders) the department of Institute. They deserve a special mention and
Medical genetics has started an outreach commendations for being the largest workforce
screening program for genetic disorders providing medical management for COVID
including thalassemia and newborn screening for patients continuously and tirelessly, sacrificing
5 disorders in district hospitals in Bahraich and their personal comfort and safety. Similarly, I feel
Shravasti. This is funded by Department of proud and grateful at the same time towards the
Biotechnology and is an effort to provide patient nursing staff and other health care workers and
care services for women and children especially support staff, who deligently performed their
belonging to the lower socio-economic strata. duties in the COVID zones.
The Institute's Support System I am extremely grateful to the members of the
Institute body, Governing body, Finance
It has been one of the most challenging years that committee, Academic board, Hospital Board,
mankind has faced in the past century. As health
care workers, we realize that the journey may Research Committee and Ethics Committee for
their active contribution.
remain challenging for some time to come. The
proactive and scientific handling of the pandemic To the degree awardees, I would like to say to you
by the Government of India, and Government of that I am truly overwhelmed that some of you
Uttar Pradesh, has been instrumental in could be here with us to receive your degree in
successfully bringing the COVID-19 pandemic these exceedingly trying times. We certainly miss
under control. Moreover, today there appears to the presence of those who could not attend this
be light at the end of the tunnel, with large momentous occasion today. For those who are
population having been vaccinated against present and for those who are not,it is an exciting
Corona virus. and once in a lifetime moment for all since post-
graduation is a major academic milestone in an
As a Director, in the 18 months that I have served individual's life. It is a formal recognition that
here, I could not have run this great institution you are ready to move a step forward towards
alone - especially in these trying times. In fact,
acquiring yet more knowledge in the area of your
important public health problems in the state of momentum going for all COVID and non-COVID
Uttar Pradesh. activities, I can take little credit alone, for
Golden Hour project discharging any of my duties. It is with pleasure
and pride that I acknowledge the contribution of
The term "golden hour" is commonly used to all my colleagues, staff and employees of this
characterize the urgent need for the immediate Institute, who with their untiring dedication and
medical attention in patients of Acute Myocardial hard work, have helped me with the onerous task
Infarction, Brain Stroke and trauma patients. of steering this ship. I would also like to
This term implies that morbidity and mortality acknowledge the contribution of former staff
are affected if care is not instituted within the including senior faculty members such as the
first hour after injury. This concept justifies former Director Prof. Rakesh Kapoor, who
much of our current trauma system. With the passed the baton to me, Prof. Rakesh Pandey,
upcoming Emergency Medicine Building, this Prof. Amit Gupta, Prof. Girish Gupta, Prof. SK
Golden Hour Project, an initiative of the Govt of Mishra, Prof. V K Kapoor, Prof. AK Baronia, Prof
India, will receive the much needed Manjula Murari and Prof. KC Pant. They all
infrastructural boost that it deserves. contributed significantly to the growth of this
Thalassemia Project Institute and superannuated in the past 1 year.
Under UMMID (Unique Methods of Management My special thanks to the residents of this
of Inherited Disorders) the department of Institute. They deserve a special mention and
Medical genetics has started an outreach commendations for being the largest workforce
screening program for genetic disorders providing medical management for COVID
including thalassemia and newborn screening for patients continuously and tirelessly, sacrificing
5 disorders in district hospitals in Bahraich and their personal comfort and safety. Similarly, I feel
Shravasti. This is funded by Department of proud and grateful at the same time towards the
Biotechnology and is an effort to provide patient nursing staff and other health care workers and
care services for women and children especially support staff, who deligently performed their
belonging to the lower socio-economic strata. duties in the COVID zones.
The Institute's Support System I am extremely grateful to the members of the
Institute body, Governing body, Finance
It has been one of the most challenging years that committee, Academic board, Hospital Board,
mankind has faced in the past century. As health
care workers, we realize that the journey may Research Committee and Ethics Committee for
their active contribution.
remain challenging for some time to come. The
proactive and scientific handling of the pandemic To the degree awardees, I would like to say to you
by the Government of India, and Government of that I am truly overwhelmed that some of you
Uttar Pradesh, has been instrumental in could be here with us to receive your degree in
successfully bringing the COVID-19 pandemic these exceedingly trying times. We certainly miss
under control. Moreover, today there appears to the presence of those who could not attend this
be light at the end of the tunnel, with large momentous occasion today. For those who are
population having been vaccinated against present and for those who are not,it is an exciting
Corona virus. and once in a lifetime moment for all since post-
graduation is a major academic milestone in an
As a Director, in the 18 months that I have served individual's life. It is a formal recognition that
here, I could not have run this great institution you are ready to move a step forward towards
alone - especially in these trying times. In fact,
acquiring yet more knowledge in the area of your