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choice. Never in the past have there been so duties toward the patients, society and the nation
much hope and expectation about the future of with utmost honesty and sincerity. Lastly, I want
India than at present. For the young everyone to join this day of celebration for all the
postgraduates, the road ahead is long, but the young recipients of degrees and diplomas and
journey promises to be exciting and rewarding. bless them on most important day of their life.
So dear outgoing students, once again my best I would like to wind up with a quote by Dr. Abdul
wishes for your professional growth, and advise Kalam our former President of India “We are all
that “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a born with a divine fire within us. Our efforts
single step”. Do remember that each sincere should be to give wings to this fire and fill the
effort in the direction of better patient care, world with the glow of its goodness”. Once again,
training of the next generation and relevant my heartfelt thanks to the unflinching support of
research, will be a step forward in Medical the government and I am sure our Rashtrapati ji
Science. Adopt a constructive attitude and think His Excellency Hon'ble Shri Ram Nath Kovindji,
in terms of solutions, not in terms of problems. Hon'ble Governer of UP and Vistor SGPGIMS,
Take each challenge not with “why you can't” but Smt. Anandiben Patel ji, Hon'ble Chief Minister
“how you can” and do remember that great of the state, Shri Yogi Adityanath ji, Mantri
opportunities come to those who make the most of Chikitsa Shiksha Shri Suresh Khanna Ji, State
small ones.
Minister for Medical Education, Shri Sandeep
Today is a proud day for this Institute when about Singh ji, our Chief Secretary of the State and
108 students are being conferred their broad President SGPGIMS, and Principal Secretary
specialty or super-specialty degrees in Medical education will continue to give their
MD/DM/MCh/PDAF training programs and 8 in support so that we can serve the people of the
the BSc Nursing category. To the 4medal state of Uttar Pradesh, towards better health.
winners- Dr. SR Naik Award for Outstanding Lastly, I would like to reiterate that in whichever
Research Investigator bagged by Prof Gaurav phase of our careers we are in, we all must remain
Agarwal, Department of Surgical Endocrinology; committed to provide quality health care,
Dr. S. S Agarwal Award for Excellence in generate trained manpower, and carry out
Research won by Dr Sangam, Department of relevant research in health sector. Only then
Endocrinology; Dr. RK Sharma Award for Best shall we be able to create a healthy and a disease
DM. My heartiest congratulations to all of you! I free country.
wish all the degree awardees a very bright future
and urge that they carry forward the glorious I thank you all for gracing this occasion.
tradition of this Institute and carry out their Namashkar and Jai Hind.

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