Page 66 - Report
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Vision for the all-round growth of the
SGPGI in the next 5 years:

Since I joined, it has been my Motto that we
improve our health care system to an extent that
no patient should feel the need to take treatment
outside the state. The Institute should be so well
equipped and geared with quality infrastructure
and manpower.

The upcoming Emergency department building
(along with renal transplantation complex) is
being designed to operate in a HUB-SPOKE
Model with the aim of upgrading the Emergency
Care in other Medical Colleges in the State of UP.
We plan to initiate Air ambulances for quick
transfer of trauma and critically ill patients, from
the patient's location to the ED at SGPGI. This
will prove to be life saving in these touch and go

Organ donation and Transplantation Towards Paperless Office
program SGPGI is now committed towards the

National and State Organ Transplant Program. shall ensure electronic movement of documents,
To sensitize all the stakeholders involved in the transparency, zero transport time and prevent
process of Organ Transplant, Retrieval & fomite infections.
Banking within the state of UP, an online New project - Memorandum of Understanding
conference meeting was organized recently. With signed
the expansion of Emergency and trauma care
services, we hope to increase cadaveric donations Tele-ICU: A memorandum of understanding
and therefore uplift the transplant program. (MoU) was signed and exchanged in presence of
Currently, we have an active renal transplant Honorable Chief Minister, UP, Shri Yogi
program wherein nearly 3200 transplants till Adityanath ji, on 14th December, 2020, on the
date, have been performed at SGPGI. Bone occasion of the 37th Foundation Day, between
marrow transplantation and Liver transplant Power Grid Corporation India Ltd & SGPGIMS
programs are underway. We are also looking at regarding creation of Tele-ICU services for the
Lung and heart transplants and hope that Air- state of UP based on HUB & SPOKE model.
Ambulance and Helipad Services, when started, IIT K: Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur,
will give it a necessary boost. (IIT-K) has and SGPGIMS, Lucknow, have

Towards Paperless office project- In this signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
environment concious era, organizations must to set up a Centre of Excellence (CoE) in
conserve resources to the extent possible. In this Telemedicine and healthcare robotics to nurture
endeavor, we at SGPGI are targeting to create an smart healthcare with an overarching objective of
paperless environment in the near future. As a strengthening healthcare system
part of pilot project, some section of the STPI (Software Technology Park of India),
administration is being converted into e-office Deptt of IT and Info Tech and SGPGI - Medical
based on a software product of NIC. This software Electronics and Health Informatics are in process

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