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these children-Dr. Amita Agarwal department of 4. Care in Covid-19: Patient's perspective –
Immunology; Dr. Aruna Parashar, Medical talks by Mr. Abhishek Kumar, Mr. Vijay
Genetics; Dr. Afzal Azim, Critical Care medicine; Dhull, Mr. Anurag Srivastava, Dr Santosh
Dr Bhavna Chauhan Arya, wife of Dr. Amitabh Verma and Dr Kanchan Kumari.
Arya, Nuclear medicine; Dr Richa Mishra, 5. COVID-19: Ethical Conduct during the
department of Microbiology; and Mr Sanjay Jain, Festive Season – talks by Dr Rajneesh
Director office. We hope that others will follow Dubey, ACS, Dept. of Medical Education, Prof
such examples in future.
Amita Aggarwal Dr Alok Rai, Mr. Dikhil, and
Medical Ethics program: Dr Ajay Shukla, said that it was the
Hon'ble Minister of Medical Education, responsibility of HCWs to take adequate care,
Government of Uttar Pradesh, Shri Suresh be compassionate, support and do their duties
Khanna ji has emphasized on creating awareness sincerely for the fight against COVID19.
about Ethical conduct in the practice of Medicine. 6. Understanding ethical concerns and
Under his guidance, SGPGIMS initiated a Series challenges in managing children during
of Programs on Medical Ethics. These programs covid-19
are conducted through Video Conferencing under This session was dedicated to children as they
the leadership of the Director, Prof. R K Dhiman. are also affected by covid-19 directly or
Prof. Vinita Agrawal, In-charge Bioethics Cell indirectly. Prof Prabhat Sitholey, Retd. Head
has been organizing and moderating these Dept of Psychiatry, KGMU expressed his
sessions. The then Executive registrars, Prof views on the changes in lifestyle for children
Soniya Nityanand and now Prof Afzal Amin have in the COVID era. The session was unique as
taken keen interest and promoted the the views of children in senior school and in
organization of such seminars. Participants join professional courses were expressed by Ms
these programs from within the Institute and Keya Singh and Mr Mihir Dabadgao
from 52 Medical Colleges of the State of Uttar respectively. Prof Anshu Srivastava, Prof. VL
Pradesh. COVID-19 raised a host of Bhatia, Dr Anshul Gupta and Prof. Preeti
unprecedented ethical challenges, not only for Dabadgao discussed the challenges in
the HCWs, but also for the population at large. management of children with medical
And therefore, sensitizing the audience during diseases and cancer.
this pandemic was the need of the hour.
7. Communication in Healthcare: Skills
1. Balancing Duty for the care of the and Challenges
patient with a contagious morbid
disease with responsibility towards own Prof VK Kapoor, Prof Aditya Kapoor, Dr
health and health of loved ones. – Talks Sabarinath, Sister Ms Vimesh, Prof Punita
by Prof V K Saraswat, Dr Amit Gupta, Dr Lal, Dr Mohan Gurjar
Sakeen Jahan and Ms Neema Pantand Dr 8. COVID Vaccination: Challenges and
Aakash Mathur and Ms. Rachna Mishra. Education for Vaccine Hesitancy
2. ETHICS and COVID-19 Testing– talks by Lt. Gen. Dr. BNBM Prasad, Prof. Vikas
Prof. Ujjala Ghoshal, Prof. Rungmei S.K. Agarwal, Ms. Neelam Khokhar, DNS. Dr.
Marak and Dr Atul Garg,. Dr Shruti Vasanth Roopali Khanna Ms. Indukumari, Dr. Sonali
and Dr. Dharamveer Singh. Verma
3. Ethics and COVID-19 Management- talks 9. Ethical issues in Telehealth Practice
by Prof. Rajneesh K Singh, Dr Prerna Kapoor, talks by Prof. S K Mishra, Dr Sunil Shroff, Dr.
Dr Mudit Khurana, Dr OP Sanjeev and K Ganapathy, Dr. BN Mohanty
Brother Ram Naresh .
Immunology; Dr. Aruna Parashar, Medical talks by Mr. Abhishek Kumar, Mr. Vijay
Genetics; Dr. Afzal Azim, Critical Care medicine; Dhull, Mr. Anurag Srivastava, Dr Santosh
Dr Bhavna Chauhan Arya, wife of Dr. Amitabh Verma and Dr Kanchan Kumari.
Arya, Nuclear medicine; Dr Richa Mishra, 5. COVID-19: Ethical Conduct during the
department of Microbiology; and Mr Sanjay Jain, Festive Season – talks by Dr Rajneesh
Director office. We hope that others will follow Dubey, ACS, Dept. of Medical Education, Prof
such examples in future.
Amita Aggarwal Dr Alok Rai, Mr. Dikhil, and
Medical Ethics program: Dr Ajay Shukla, said that it was the
Hon'ble Minister of Medical Education, responsibility of HCWs to take adequate care,
Government of Uttar Pradesh, Shri Suresh be compassionate, support and do their duties
Khanna ji has emphasized on creating awareness sincerely for the fight against COVID19.
about Ethical conduct in the practice of Medicine. 6. Understanding ethical concerns and
Under his guidance, SGPGIMS initiated a Series challenges in managing children during
of Programs on Medical Ethics. These programs covid-19
are conducted through Video Conferencing under This session was dedicated to children as they
the leadership of the Director, Prof. R K Dhiman. are also affected by covid-19 directly or
Prof. Vinita Agrawal, In-charge Bioethics Cell indirectly. Prof Prabhat Sitholey, Retd. Head
has been organizing and moderating these Dept of Psychiatry, KGMU expressed his
sessions. The then Executive registrars, Prof views on the changes in lifestyle for children
Soniya Nityanand and now Prof Afzal Amin have in the COVID era. The session was unique as
taken keen interest and promoted the the views of children in senior school and in
organization of such seminars. Participants join professional courses were expressed by Ms
these programs from within the Institute and Keya Singh and Mr Mihir Dabadgao
from 52 Medical Colleges of the State of Uttar respectively. Prof Anshu Srivastava, Prof. VL
Pradesh. COVID-19 raised a host of Bhatia, Dr Anshul Gupta and Prof. Preeti
unprecedented ethical challenges, not only for Dabadgao discussed the challenges in
the HCWs, but also for the population at large. management of children with medical
And therefore, sensitizing the audience during diseases and cancer.
this pandemic was the need of the hour.
7. Communication in Healthcare: Skills
1. Balancing Duty for the care of the and Challenges
patient with a contagious morbid
disease with responsibility towards own Prof VK Kapoor, Prof Aditya Kapoor, Dr
health and health of loved ones. – Talks Sabarinath, Sister Ms Vimesh, Prof Punita
by Prof V K Saraswat, Dr Amit Gupta, Dr Lal, Dr Mohan Gurjar
Sakeen Jahan and Ms Neema Pantand Dr 8. COVID Vaccination: Challenges and
Aakash Mathur and Ms. Rachna Mishra. Education for Vaccine Hesitancy
2. ETHICS and COVID-19 Testing– talks by Lt. Gen. Dr. BNBM Prasad, Prof. Vikas
Prof. Ujjala Ghoshal, Prof. Rungmei S.K. Agarwal, Ms. Neelam Khokhar, DNS. Dr.
Marak and Dr Atul Garg,. Dr Shruti Vasanth Roopali Khanna Ms. Indukumari, Dr. Sonali
and Dr. Dharamveer Singh. Verma
3. Ethics and COVID-19 Management- talks 9. Ethical issues in Telehealth Practice
by Prof. Rajneesh K Singh, Dr Prerna Kapoor, talks by Prof. S K Mishra, Dr Sunil Shroff, Dr.
Dr Mudit Khurana, Dr OP Sanjeev and K Ganapathy, Dr. BN Mohanty
Brother Ram Naresh .